Curtis Mayberry Texas Instruments HPA Linear Applications 8/19/11 PLC Front-end Curtis Mayberry Texas Instruments HPA Linear Applications 8/19/11
Background Student at Iowa State University Originally from Ames, IA Interest in Analog applications and design Graduating December 2011
Coop Term Goals Complete PLC Front-end reference design including: Schematic Layout Testing Documentation Continue developing analog circuit analysis skills Create a board-level analog circuit design Learn about applications engineering and its role in TI’s business Learn about TI as an employer
Programmable Logic Controller Programmable automation controller Used in a variety of industries including the automotive, chemical, and food industries Microcontroller offers reprogrammable real-time control solution 4 major Components: Power supply Controller Communications Input/Output Universal voltage Input: 0-5v, ±5v, 0-10v, ±10v Current loop sensor communication: 0-20mA, 4-20mA Temperature sensors: thermistor, RTD, thermocouple Pressure, flow, level, vibration and motion sensors Digital I/O (GPIO) Analog Output (DAC8760)
Motivation #1 collateral request from FAEs Existing ADI reference design Customer Requests and New Customer Opportunities
Project Definition PLC Analog Front-End Focus on analog Inputs: Universal voltage Input: 0-5v, ±5v, 0-10v, ±10v Current loop sensor communication: 0-20mA, 4-20mA Temperature sensors: thermistor, RTD, thermocouple SM-USB-Dig controller Labview Interface to SM-USB-Dig Documentation Create design review and final presentation Ensure a smooth transition to next stage of project
Block Diagram Stage 1 Stage 2 RTD TC Thermistor +/-10v, +/-5v 4-20mA Signal Conditioning ADC Microcontroller High-Accuracy Stage 1 Only DAC Super-Mini Dig Labview
Schematic Schematic design review Minor schematic design revisions made following review
Layout Optimized Analog inputs Recessed power and control circuitry Short, symmetric traces Recessed power and control circuitry
Board Assembly and Troubleshooting No Errors in Analog Front-end Assembled V and I Front-end for early software development Minor Errors contained in power and Control circuitry Five known errors: Pull up resistors on LDO EN pins Move pull up on digital switch (trace needed to be cut) Ground connection needed to SM-USB-DIG Need to move SM-USB-DIG connector closer to edge of board Need pull-up resistors on CS lines
Software Started with SM-Dig shell Added CS control to select front-end Added DMM Control Added Data logging Added Data Displays for 6 front-ends Added configuration capabilities for all 6 front-end modules Labview Interface Front Panel Labview Interface DMM Control
Testing: Temperature Sensing
Testing: Temperature Sensing All Temperature Sensors were submerged and read between 0 oC and 125oC Thermal bath wasn’t settling at negative temperatures Post-processed 3 point calibration
Thermistor Input (Direct) Uncalibrated Worst Case Error: 0.4 oc 3 point Calibration (35oc, 65oc, 105oc) Calibrated Worst Case Error: 0.3 oc 0.24% accuracy
Thermistor B Input (Bridge) Uncalibrated Worst Case Error: 0.9 oc 3 point Calibration (35oc, 65oc, 105oc) Calibrated Worst Case Error: 0.38 oc 0.304% Accuracy
RTD Input Outlier Removed at 15oC Uncalibrated Worst Case Error: 0.9 oc 3 point Calibration (35oc, 65oc, 105oc) Calibrated Worst Case Error: 0.015 oc 0.012%
Thermocouple Uncalibrated Worst Case Error: 1.2 oc 3 point Calibration (35oc, 65oc, 105oc) Calibrated Worst Case Error: 0.4 oc 0.32% error Thermistor may have saturated at low temp
Results: Temperature Sensing Maximum calibrated Error 0oC – 125oC Thermistor: 0.3oC Thermistor B: 0.38oC RTD: 0.015 oC Thermocouple: 0.4oC Error Summary Calibrated Uncalibrated Mag (oC) Percent Thermistor 0.3 0.24% 0.4 0.32% Thermistor B 0.38 0.30% 0.9 0.72% RTD 0.015 0.01% Thermocouple 1.2 0.96%
Testing: Universal Inputs
Testing: Universal Inputs Post-processed 3 point calibration Tested using a Fluke precision voltage and current source in 0.5 V or 0.5 mA step size Input measured using HP 8.5 digit digital multimeter
Universal Voltage: ±10v Outlier Removed at 5.5 V Uncalibrated Worst Case Error: 10 mV 0.05% Accuracy 3 point Calibration (-6v, 0v, 6v) Calibrated Worst Case Error: 0.153 mV 0.000765% Accuracy
Universal Voltage: 0 - 10v Outlier Removed at 5.5 V Uncalibrated Worst Case Error: 10 mV 0.1% Accuracy 3 point Calibration (2v, 5v, 8v) Calibrated Worst Case Error: 0.35 mv 0.00175% Accuracy Worse than +/-10v
Universal Voltage: ±5v Outlier Removed at -0.5 V Uncalibrated Worst Case Error: 3 mV 0.03% Accuracy 3 point Calibration (-3v, 0v, 3v) Calibrated Worst Case Error: 0.25 mV 0.0025%
Universal Voltage: 0 - 5v Uncalibrated Worst Case Error: 2.5 mV 0.05% Accuracy 3 point Calibration (0.5v, 2.5v, 4.5v) Calibrated Worst Case Error: 0.15 mV 0.003% Accuracy
Current Loop: 4-20 mA Uncalibrated Worst Case Error: 1.8 uA 0.0115% 3 point Calibration (6.5mA, 12mA, 17.5mA) Outlier removed at 14mA Calibrated Worst Case Error: 2.5 uA 0.0156% Calibration ineffective due to no consistent gain or offset error, main error component is current source Change in Error when the source changed output range
Current Loop: 0-20 mA Uncalibrated Worst Case Error: 22uA 0.11% Accuracy 3 point Calibration (3.5mA, 10mA, 16.5mA) Calibrated Worst Case Error: 21 uA 0.105% Accuracy 0 point due to offset limitations of circuiy
Results: Universal Front-Ends Calibrated maximum error: Universal V ±10 v: 0.153 mV 0-10 v: 0.35 mV ±5 v: 0.25 mV 0-5 v: 0.15 mV Current Loop 4-20 mA: 2.5 uA 0-20 mA: 21 uA Error Summary Calibrated Uncalibrated Mag Percent ±10v 0.153mV 765u% 10mV 0.05% 0-10v 0.35mV 1.75m% 0.10% ±5v 0.25mV 2.5m% 3mV 0.03% 0-5v 0.15mV 3m% 2.5mV Table & %
Accomplishments Completed PLC Front-End Design Completed Forum Post PLC Research Sensor Research Component Selection Schematic Design and Review Layout Design and Review Fabrication Software Debugging Testing Completed Forum Post Learned a lot about board-level development, Op-amps, and about TI’s business
Other Accomplishments Volunteered: Day of Hope Disability Connection Carnival Networked with teammates and other coops Learned about analog applications Learned about the relationship between field and factory applications engineering Developed a better understanding of all the engineering roles
Project Continuation and Career Plans Final Goal: Complete PLC Reference Design utilizing TI parts Progress will continue during second stage Potential Microcontroller TI 32-bit Stellaris LM3S1Z16 Potential output DAC: DAC8760 Career Plans: Attend graduate school for analog design Return to TI for another Coop Experience as a graduate student
Feedback Great Project Excellent Mentoring by Pete and Collin Interesting and rewarding Well-defined and complete Excellent Mentoring by Pete and Collin Given Freedom to work independently while still having support available Great job with on-boarding and providing the resources I needed Great teachers for both Technical and non-technical material AFA conference and Tucson Testing Trip were Great Opportunities CORT relocation service hard to work with before coming to TI Evaluate Experience
Thank You Collin Wells Pete Semig Art Kay Matt Hann Special Thank You to my mentors: Collin Wells Pete Semig Also to my managers: Art Kay Matt Hann Data Converter Applications Team Tom Hendrick, Greg Hupp, Kevin Duke, Tony Calabria
Appendices Appendix A: Elaborated Testing Results Appendix B: Design review
Appendix A: Elaborated Testing Results Calibration Curves, raw data plots, resistance plots
Thermistor B
RTD Input with Outlier Removed
RTD Input with Outlier at 15oc
Universal Voltage: ±10v – no outlier
Universal Voltage: ±10v – with Outlier
Universal Voltage: 0 - 10v – no Outlier
Universal Voltage: 0 - 10v –with Outlier
Universal Voltage: ±5v – no Outlier
Universal Voltage: ±5v - with Outlier
Universal Voltage: 0 - 5v
Current Loop: 4-20 mA - no Outlier
Current Loop: 4-20 mA with Outlier
Current Loop: 0-20 mA - no Outlier
Appendix B: Design Review Original Design Review 7-5-11
Revised Project Description
Block Diagram Stage 1 Stage 2 RTD TC Thermistor +/-10v, +/-5v 4-20mA Cost-Effective Signal Conditioning ADC Microcontroller High-Accuracy Super-Mini Dig Labview
The Plan May 16: First Day May 21: Project Definition & training (1 week) June 5 - June 10: FAE conference in Tucson (1 week) July 5: Block Diagrams, calculations (accuracy), simulations, Part selection & ordering, initial schematic (4 weeks) July 14: PCB layout (2 weeks) July 21: Basic LabView Coding & Testing preparation (1 week) July 29: Initial lab results -Oven(~1 weeks) August 3: Accuracy tests (Tucson?) August 5: Final Report (2 days) August 10: Preliminary Presentation (2 days) August 12: Final Presentation (2 days) August 18: Last Day (1 week)
0-10v and +/- 10v, 0-5v and +/- 5v, 4-20mA Universal Inputs 0-10v and +/- 10v, 0-5v and +/- 5v, 4-20mA
Universal Voltage Input 0-5v, 0-10v, +/- 5v and +/- 10v universal voltage input Change resistance values to change input voltage levels Second order RC filter with poles at 39 Hz and 3900Hz Opamp to scale down input 2.5v reference generated to scale input Opa2333: Low offset voltage and drift, rail-to-rail input, dual opamp part
Noise Calculations: Voltage Reference 2.5v Reference REF5025: 625nVRMS OPA333: 869 nVRMS Filter KTC noise: 202.8nVRMS Reference Output 10kΩ: 202.8 nVRMS Total Noise: 1.108µVRMS Current Noise: 26.34nVRMS (negligible)
Noise Calculations Total Noise: 1.2µVRMS Input Filter 82nF filter KTC noise: 224 nVRMS 820pF filter noise: 211.47 nVRMS Total Noise: 308.5 nVRMS Amplifier Noise: Feedback Network (16.67kΩ): 828nVRMS OPA333 noise: 869.5nVRMS Total Noise: 1.2µVRMS
Noise Calculations: Total ADC V+ input noise total: 1.503µVRMS ADC V- input noise total:1.089uVRMS
Noise Calculations: Bringing it all together ADC noise: 1.35 µVRMS Noise at Apga =1 and 5 SPS
Resistor Mismatch Errors (Worse Case) Resistor Options (worse case) Set 1: 668.7 µV (0.1% resistors) Set 2: 3.337 mV (0.1% resistors) Set 2: 1.668 mV (0.05% resistors) Set 2:666.8 µV (0.02% resistors) Total: 1.797mV Set 1 Set 2
Resistor Tolerance Monte Carlo Simulation Ran Monte Carlo Simulation using 0.1% resistors 2.5 mV max error on output Used an ideal op-amp to isolate the error source Small variation between resistor tolerances
Error Estimation ADC Level shifting OPA2333 2.5v Reference OPA2333 15µV offset INL: 6 ppm Gain Error: 0.02% External Reference: 0.05%*2.024V = 1.024 mV Total: 1.230 mV Level shifting OPA2333 Offset: 10 µV Offset drift: 0.05 µV/oc CMRR >106 dB PSRR: 5 µV/V (max) 2.5v Reference OPA2333 Offset drift: 0.05 µV/oc (3µV over 25oC ± 60oC temperature range)
Error Estimation Resistor Mismatch: 1.797 mV REF5025 2.5v reference: 1.25 mV offset is cancelled out Total: with no “interference”: 2.178 mV
Simulation: +/- 10v
Simulation: +/- 5v
Universal Current input 4-20mA Second order RC filter Internal 2.048v reference 221Ω shunt converts 4-20mA to 884mV-4.420V OPA2333: Rail-to-Rail common mode input, low offset voltage and drift
2.5v reference
Differential output
Noise Analysis Total noise: 11.729 µVPP OPA333 buffer noise: 869.5 nVRMS Resistor Noise 10kΩ: 202.8 nV 16kΩ: 123 nV 1.6kΩ: 31.1 nV V+ Total Noise: 901.8 nVRMS V- Total Noise: 1.089 µVRMS (Same as Vinput V-) ADC noise: 1.35 µVRMS Noise at Apga =1 and 5 SPS Total noise: 11.729 µVPP
Error Estimation ADC Shunt resistor tolerance: 20mA*221*.1% =4.42 mV 15µV offset INL: 6 ppm gain error: 0.02% Noise error: 7.78 µVpp External Reference: 1.024 mV Shunt resistor tolerance: 20mA*221*.1% =4.42 mV Level shifting OPA333 Offset: 10 µV Offset drift: 0.05 µV/oc CMRR >106 dB PSRR: 5 µV/V (min) 2.5v Reference OPA333 Offset drift: 0.05 µV/oc (3µV over 25oC ± 60oC temperature range) CMRR >130 dB PSRR: 2 µV/V REF5025: 1.25mV Total
Targeted industrial temperature range: -40oc to 85oc Temperature Sensors Thermistor RTD Thermocouple Targeted industrial temperature range: -40oc to 85oc
Thermistor Temperature proportional to resistance Calibrated: 25oC and 85oC NTC thermistor 30kΩ ±1% @ 25oC 2 Designs: Single-ended Bridged
Error Estimation Resistor Mismatch: 374.81µV Current Accuracy:0v Ratio metric measurement Thermistor Errors: 5.027 mV Thermistor 25oC R-tolerance: 3.731mV (R±1%) Beta Error: 3.37 mV (Beta±1%) ADC Errors: 15µV offset INL: 6 ppm gain error: 0.02% External reference R: 2mV Minimum 4.4 mV/oC Total Error: 5.425mV (~1.23oC)
Error Estimation Resistor Mismatch: 1.677mV (0.1% resistors) Current Accuracy: 0v Ratio metric reading (external ref) Mismatch between current sources: ±0.15% of FS (50 µV) = 75nV (negligible) Thermistor Errors: 5.027 mV Thermistor 25oC R-tolerance: 3.731mV (R±1%) Beta Error: 3.37 mV (Beta±1%) ADC Errors: 400.5µV 15µV offset INL: 6 ppm gain error: 0.02% Minimum 4.4 mV/oC Total Error: 5.311mV
RTD PT100, PT 1000 Resistance proportional to temperature Callendar-Van Dusen equation
Error Estimation Class A RTD probe: ±0.15oC @ 0oC ADC Errors: 400.5µV 15µV offset INL: 6 ppm gain error: 0.02% External reference tolerance: Total Error: 2.040 mV
Thermocouple Seebeck effect Need to measure voltage across the element Cold junction compensation: RTD close to the cold junction PCB layout designed to keep the cold junction isothermal with the RTD Types: K, J, T, E, N, R, S, B Different materials, temperature ranges, TC Example: K type: ~55µV/oC
Error Estimation RTD Error: 2.040 mV Thermocouple element error: Varies by type Max element error (using K type): 1.1oC or 0.4%
Digital Interface SM-USB-DIG
Stage 2 Interface Add MCU Excluded from stage 1 (Rev. A) MCU controls data converters MCU communicates through SM-USB- DIG to computer Adds extra capabilities
Power Powered by a lab supply for prototyping Banana plug input jack
Floor plan Front-Ends Control and Power
The Plan May 16: First Day May 21: Project Definition & training (1 week) June 5 - June 10: FAE conference in Tucson (1 week) July 5: Block Diagrams, calculations (accuracy), simulations, Part selection & ordering, initial schematic (4 weeks) July 14: PCB layout (2 weeks) July 21: Basic LabView Coding & Testing preparation (1 week) July 29: Initial lab results -Oven(~1 weeks) August 3: Accuracy tests (Tucson?) August 5: Final Report (2 days) August 10: Preliminary Presentation (2 days) August 12: Final Presentation (2 days) August 18: Last Day (1 week)