3cm Area= 6cm 2cm Area= 6cm
3cm 5cm Area= 2cm 8cm
a) 18cm 2 (centimeters squared) b) 11 cm 2 (centimeters squared) c) 25cm 2 (centimeters squared)
/client_ftp/ks2/maths/perimeter_and_area/in dex.html
The formula for perimeter is: Side +Side +Side + Side = perimeter *The number of sides you have to add up depends on the shape of the figure. The formula for the area of a rectangle is: ths/measures/area/revise3.shtml ths/measures/area/revise3.shtml
The formula for the area of a compound shape is (*see method 1 and 2): ths/measures/area/revise5.shtml ths/measures/area/revise5.shtml
Math Power 7 Pg. 139 questions 1-19 And pg. 141 questions 1-7