Number of school weeks until exams start 29 (Week beginning: 11th May) Number of holiday weeks 6 (October, Christmas, February, Easter)
Number of weeks until mock exams Seven weeks this half term plus five weeks after October half term -plus October half term!
On average the number of exams your child will sit over the exam period English (3), Maths (2), Science (3/6/9), plus four options 2 weeks before May half term and then 3 weeks after that
Teenage Myths I’ve got no homework… It doesn’t matter how I do in the mocks… I can re-do my coursework…. The best way to revise is….. My target grades are B’s, so I will be OK…
Year 11 is not a ‘Full Year’ Exams start on 11th May
Changes to Exams from last year. All exams are linear with terminal exams at end of Year 11. No re-sits/multiple chances *. Controlled assessments are units, moderated & awarded at end of Year 11. English Language is now: 60% written exam 40% controlled assessment Speaking & Listening is graded separately. *Last years Core Science (Science A) will be able to re-sit in Yr 11 but 1st entry grade counts for the school. The mock exams will be run to a ‘normal” exam timetable (9.00am and 1.00pm start times).
Overview & Focus Reports Mock Exams Parents Evening External Exams
Dates Reports; 29th Oct. Mock Exams; 8th Dec. Results Day; 14th Jan. Parents Evening; 26th Feb. Easter;28th Mar – 13th April Exams Start; 11th May
Other important dates re: Progression post 16. Opportunities at post 16 Evening. 11th Nov. Post 16 Open Evening. 15th Jan. 1:1 Interviews begin re: Post 16 option choices. 2nd March
Tracking 1st Half-term (October) Data Drops January February Other Information Tracking 1st Half-term (October) Data Drops January February Parents Evening March April
Need to hit the ground running. 1st Indication of progress will be from the reports issued in October. Preparation for Mocks Must have a structured, planned approach. Not ‘How much do I know without revising’.
For success Revision needs to be:- Organised Focused Structured Regular
Reports Mocks Parents Evening Data Drops As parents you will get information/help from:- Reports Mocks Parents Evening Data Drops
English Mr N A Hamilton
GCSE English Literature (9715) Exam Board AQA Two Levels of entry – Foundation Higher Your son/daughter will know which they are entered for by October half term
GCSE English Literature Students completed the coursework element in Y10 worth 25% of their total mark All students will have their results in the next two weeks, subject to moderation We are now working towards the two written exams in May Unit 1 (1hr 30) – ‘Of Mice and Men’ and ‘DNA’ Unit 2 (1hr 15) – ‘The Moon on the Tide’ Anthology - the ‘Relationships’ cluster and an unseen poetry question.
English Language Two routes – AQA GCSE English Language (4705) – two levels – Foundation Higher Cambridge iGCSE English Language (0522) You will have been informed by letter if your son/daughter is being entered for the iGCSE, if not it will be AQA GCSE
English Language Both routes have an element of coursework - GSCE students have started this and have received their marks to date – they still have 2 pieces to do ‘Of Mice and Men’ – before October half term Spoken Language study – Jan/Feb iGCSE students have 4 short assignments to complete before Christmas – 3 written and one Speaking and Listening. The coursework component is 40% for GCSE and 60% for iGCSE of the total mark.
English Language Both routes have a final written examination in May/June – GCSE Unit 1 (2hr 15) – Section A tests reading, Section B tests writing. iGCSE Paper 1 (Core) (1hr 45) – two questions testing both reading and writing
Three Top Tips for English Become familiar with the texts your son/daughter is studying and discuss them. Past papers and mark schemes are available for both routes on their respective websites. Encourage your son/daughter to read and discuss non-fiction texts e.g. newspapers, leaflets, magazines
Revision Guides English Literature – specific text guides are commercially available to buy English Language guides are available in the library or to buy commercially (Pearson ‘Always Learning’ Revise AQA GCSE – by Tier) English Language workbooks also available commercially (Pearson ‘Always Learning’ Revise AQA GCSE – by Tier) Cambridge iGCSE 0522 study guides are available commercially
Maths Mr M Smith
GCSE Maths Two Tiers Higher Tier – Edexcel 1MA0H Foundation Tier – OCR J567F
NO Coursework! Both a blessing and a curse.
End of year 10 exam Every student has received an individual list of the topics based on this test that they need to work on during this term This work is supported with online and paper resources and of course by their teachers
QWC Questions (4 Marks)
QWC Questions (5 Marks)
QWC Questions (5 Marks)
Top Tip for Maths Be positive about maths – it is a key qualification for all students Encourage them to begin working independently – 30 mins twice a week at this stage would be ideal Don’t revise things that they already know how to do – challenge themselves to improve/ perfect 1 new skill each time they revise. Don’t be discouraged – we all make mistakes but over time these will reduce and the marks will improve. Practise, Practise, Practise!!!
Maths Revision Guides One revision guide, one workbook sold as a pair. They cost £5 (50%RRP) for the pair.
Science Miss S Neale
GCSE Sciences Exam Board AQA Two Routes Science A and Additional Science Biology, Chemistry and Physics Both routes prepare students for Level 3 study of Science subjects
Science A and Additional Science Students took the Science A qualification in year 10. They have their result. Students can retake this qualification this year. They must resit all three exams (B1, C1 and P1) in June. Retake ISA date: Tuesday 11th November
Science A and Additional Science This qualification is completely separate from Science A. Students will take one exam in Biology (B2), Chemistry (C2) and Physics (P2) in May. ISA date: Thursday 5th February
Biology, Chemistry and Physics Students will take three exams in each subject in May and June. These marks are combined with the ISA mark to give an overall grade. All modules have equivalent weighting (25%)
Biology, Chemistry and Physics Biology ISA date: Wednesday 1st October Chemistry ISA : Completed in Year 10 Physics ISA : To be completed in lessons during the last week of September Resit ISA : Thursday 5th February
Investigative Skills Assignment What is an ISA? Investigative Skills Assignment Research Exam 1: Hypothesis, Plan, Results Table Practical Work Graph Exam 2: Own results analysis, Case Studies
What is an ISA? Specimen ISAs and examiners commentaries are available on the AQA website
QWC Questions (6 Marks) In this question you will be assessed on using good English, organising information clearly and using specialist terms where appropriate. Students are presented with an A4 side of information to read, often including charts or graphs.
QWC Questions (6 Marks) They are then asked to describe a process give advantages/disadvantages evaluate a new development explain the data In this question you will be assessed on using good English, organising information clearly and using specialist terms where appropriate.
Three Top Tips for Science Download past exam papers and mark schemes from AQA website Watch and make notes from the website myGCSEScience Encourage your child to use the BBC website: use the bitesize revision materials watch science programmes from iPlayer browse the scientific news articles
Science Revision Guides Nelson Thornes revision guides are available from the science technicians. They cost £3.25 (50%RRP) each.