The Maternity Stream of the City of Sanctuary Womenzone 18 th March 2015
Personal Stories "A Woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult." - Melinda Gates
Stats 6071 women claimed asylum in the UK in % of these women had been raped or tortured. -Home office / The Independent In the UK approx. 10% babies are born to non-English speaking women. (NICE 2010) A lack of trained interpreters affected the outcome of 26 women who died between (CAMCE 2011) Asylum seeking and refugee women account for 14% of the maternal death rate in the UK, EVEN THOUGH they only make up 0.4% of the population. (NICE 2005)
What, Who and How of the Maternity Stream?
Maternity Service of Sanctuary Award Learn – Education of staff and service users Embed – Positive action Share – Share good practice
What’s happening in Bradford? “Striving for Excellence in Maternity Care: A focus on asylum seeking and refugee Women” conference November 2014 Bradford Maternity Stream group: bi-monthly meetings (April 29 th ) Loss of NCT “birth and beyond” project
How to get involved? Maternity Service of Sanctuary Film / Talk Volunteer Bradford Group (29 th April pm) Regional Group (AGM tomorrow!) – Input in how the project runs Help fundraise ££££
” “Never underestimate the power of a woman, the love of a mother for her children or the capacity of a woman who has suffered to help others. Mums are amazing!" -Rose McCarthy
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