Implementing a framework for employability Penny Renwick, Pro Vice Chancellor, Manchester Metropolitan University
Overview Principles & Definition University Vision Strategy: Aims Developing the Strategy Implementation Key challenges Questions
Principles a wide range of academic and personal skills, together with personal characteristics, life and work experiences combine to generate employability. MMU has a central role in the provision of programmes that develop core academic skills that enhance employability. MMU is committed to assist in the enhancement of employability through a range of life and work experiences programmes seek accreditation by professional and statutory bodies where appropriate
Principles students are supported in the development of their employability skills through the process of personal development planning MMU encourages in students the adoption of attitudes and behaviours that will enhance their employability MMU strongly endorses the concept of enterprise capability within its overall understanding of employability. best practice in the development of employability skills is achieved through close partnership working
Definition “Employability is the development of skills, abilities and personal attributes that enhance students’ capability to secure rewarding and satisfying outcomes in their economic, social and community lives”
University 2020 Vision Our vision is to be: the UK’s leading University for world class professionals. a University which places quality and employability as our top priorities a University that promotes and supports employability. an enterprising organisation with enterprising staff and students.
Student Employability Strategy: Aims Key aims in the strategic approach to student employability are to: Embed and strengthen the development and enhancement of employability, enterprise and self-employment skills within the student experience Foster and enhance employer and alumni engagement Enhance student employment opportunities Provide every student with work-related learning opportunities
Student Employability Strategy: Aims Ensure the marketing & communication of student employability are effectively promoted and disseminated to prospective and current students, parents, employers and staff Develop staff capacity and capability to develop, deliver and enhance employability Provide the necessary infrastructure and performance indicators in relation to employability including both employment and self-employment To improve performance in employability against comparator universities for employment and graduate-track jobs
Developing the Strategy Drive and monitor through the Steering Group Embed in the strategic planning and programme approval and annual monitoring infrastructure Establish a faculty-level employability staffing resource Develop an employability network
Implementation Establish a multi-disciplinary and representative Steering Group Use a workshop approach to develop the definition, principles and key aims Draft the Strategy and consult at key committees at Faculty and University level Gain Academic Board Approval
Key Challenges Employability is everyone’s business Recognising what we are already good at – students AND staff Leadership at faculty level New ways of working for careers staff The recession