Do Now Get out your Springboard book. Tear out pages 21-24 Get your notebook and turn to your next blank page and label it Hero’s Journey: The Departure
Hero’s Journey: Exposition and The Departure Unit 1 Lesson 1.6
Objectives- Hero’s Journey: the Departure IWBAT analyze a story for archetypal structure and narrative techniques. IWBAT draft the opening of an original Hero’s Journey narrative. IWBAT demonstrate understanding of visual techniques used for effect by illustrating an event.
The departure- The Refusal of the call PAIR SHARE: Why would a hero refuse his or her call? Why might this be a common event in hero stories? Formative assessment
Think about these questions as we read as a class: Drummer Boy of Shiloh Think about these questions as we read as a class: What is Joby’s adventure? How does he feel about it? When does he accept his adventure?
Pair reading Read through the text again with your partner and mark the three stages of The Departure. Call to Adventure Refusal of the call The Beginning of the Adventure
The departure- The Refusal of the call Summary of the departure: Summarize the departure stage of the Hero’s Journey as it relates to Joby in The Drummer Boy. Embed at least ONE DIRECT QUOTATION in your summary to strengthen your response. Beginning of the second day – group, pair or individual.
Formative Assessment Re-read the text and answer the questions on the front of the Assessment using the rubric for guidance.
Analysis of Structure and Techniques in The Drummer boy of Shiloh Analyze the structure and techniques used by Ray Bradbury by filling out the graphic organizer on page 26 of your Springboard book. Day 2
Pacing (add to glossary and notes) Pacing: a narrative technique that refers to the amount of time a writer gives to describing each event. It also is how long the author takes to develop each stage of the plot.
Create your own Original Hero Create a conflict: What challenges might your character come across? How might the hero transform into someone stronger than they started out as? In your notebook, sketch an image of your hero. Label their physical and personality traits. Give them a meaningful name. Character background: Who are the character’s family and friends? What does the hero do every day? What does the hero want in life? What do others want from the hero? Create a setting (place, time) Model a think aloud as you go through the steps of character brainstorming.
Draft your Exposition Think about the hero you just envisioned. What might the hero experience in the DEPARTURE stage? Draft your exposition with the three steps of this stage. Establish a context and point of view (first or third) Use details and imagery to create mood. Use narrative techniques Dialogue Pacing Vivid language