Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior ~80% of Students ~15% ~5% Multi-Tiered Systems of Support in Schools
Evidence-Based Practices Peer reviewed empirical evidence of effect – Replicated with specified populations – No conflict of interest (double blind) Comparatively most effective – Effect Size
Group OTR predictive of school academic achievement Negative Feedback predictive of school suspension Engagement and Poverty Hirn, Hollo, Scott, & Akers, in review
Bully Prevention as an Instructional Process tied to PBIS Establish rules for instruction based on 3-5 school-wide positively stated rules – “Be Respectful” Do NOT use the label, “bullying,” with students. Teach how to respond if someone is NOT respectful. What does it look like when people are not respectful? What should you do? – If you experience someone doing these behaviors to you? – If you see someone else in these situations? – If someone tells YOU that your behavior is disrespectful?
Survey Results 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after BP Percentage of Students Responding “yes”
The Kentucky Department of Education’s vision is that every child is proficient and prepared for success.
What are we doing at KDE to reach our vision? KBE Goals Delivery Novice Reduction / Gap Closure RtI / KSI HB 69 PGES Restraint / Seclusion
K KBE Goals
K Delivery Plan
K Learning Systems Strategy
K Novice Reduction / Gap Closure Presented initially at the February KBE meeting Schools and districts would earn points based on the percentage of the annual goal met in reading and mathematics Give credit to schools for moving students up one or more performance categories
K House Bill KAR 3:095 (2012) 704 KAR 3:095 Section 2 (1): Multi-tiered systems of support, including differentiated core academic and behavioral instruction and targeted, intensive academic and behavioral intervention, delivered by individuals most qualified to provide the intervention services, that maximize student achievement and reduce behavioral problems…..
K PGES (Danielson Framework)
K Restraint and Seclusion 704 KAR 7:160 (2013) 704 KAR 7:160 Section 1 (11) "Positive behavioral supports" means a school-wide systematic approach to embed evidence-based practices and data-driven Training Documentation