3.02 Explain basic motion graphic programming. Animation Introduction and Uses of Animation
Animation The rapid display of a sequence of images of 2-D or 3-D artwork or model positions in order to create an illusion of movement. Relies on persistence of vision to create the illusion of movement.
Persistence of Vision In the early 1800’s, the phenomenon known as persistence of vision gave mankind the first glimpse into the modern world of animation. Persistence of vision refers to the way our eyes retain images for a split second longer than they actually appear, making a series of quick flashes appear as one continuous picture. Teacher Note: Supplemental Activity Just for Fun! The boy is looking at a zoetrope which is an example of early types of animation. Visit this link to read more information about zoetropes if interested: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoetrope
Persistence of Vision Using a flipbook, you can see the persistence of vision effect in action. If you have a different sequential drawing on each page of the flipbook and you flip through the pages rapidly, the drawings appear to move. Examples of Early Animation Flipbook How To Teacher Note: Click on flipbook to see an example. (The flipbook link opens this URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Daumenkino_kol.jpg) Flipbook How to website: http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Flipbook The examples link opens this URL: http://www.dickbalzer.com/Flash_Gallery.360.0.html Supplemental Activity Just for Fun! Click on the link for examples of early animation techniques. This site has interesting information that can be supplemental if desired. The link takes you here: http://www.dickbalzer.com/Optical_Toys.203.0.html To view examples of early animation, click on the Optical Toys link at the top or on the left side. This provides good examples of early animation techniques AND also of Flash animations since the examples are actually Flash movies.
Uses of Animations
Uses of Computer Animation Advertising - Used to catch attention. Entertainment - Films, computer games and virtual reality. Selling - showcasing products or services. Teaching - illustrating concepts or processes. Training - simulating events or demonstrating techniques.
Use Animation Appropriately Before using an animation, be sure to answer the following questions: Is it appropriate for the target audience? Does it help deliver the message? Is it overused? Does it load quickly?
Uses of Computer Animation Examples of Animations: http://www.looking-glass-animations.co.uk/example_animations.htm