Maths Curriculum 2014 What you need to know…
What has changed? – an overview Curriculum organised in ‘stages’: EYFS, KS1, Lower KS2 (Y3/4) and Upper KS2 (Y5/6) Except for Years 2 and 6 for this year only, levels have been abolished. Instead there are end of stage expectations which all children must attain Expectations are greater in most stages (especially with Fractions, Decimals and Percentages FDP) Literacy links made e.g. expectation of accurate spelling of vocabulary Maths to be ‘practised richly’ through the whole curriculum Big focus on ‘empty box’ questions e.g. 10 = + 2 Maths curriculum separated into three areas: Number - Number and Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Fractions (including decimals Y4 onwards, including decimals and percentages Y5 onwards) Measurement Geometry – Properties of Shape, Position and Direction; Statistics (Y3 onwards) Five areas for Y6 (Ratio and Proportion; Algebra introduced) Curriculum heavily weighted on ‘Number’ area Re-introduction of the use of formal written methods (see appendix 1)
What has changed? – KS1 Rounding to nearest 10 removed from KS1 Y1: No data handling required Y1: Counting & writing numbers to 100 Y1: Write numbers and words to 20 Y1: Number bonds to 20 Y2: Finding fractions of quantities Y2: Adding two-digit numbers Y2: Telling the time to nearest 5 minutes Y2: Make comparisons using = symbols Y2: Solve simple money problems using £/p Testing from 2016 (end of Year 2). All test externally set but internally marked. Guidance given for timing but tests not officially timed: Paper 1 – Arithmetic Paper. 15 questions without context e.g. 2 x 3 = Paper 2 - Mathematical Fluency, Solving Problems and Reasoning (paper included 5 oral questions) 35 marks awarded (20 marks for Number, 15 marks for Measure, Geometry and Statistics)
What has changed? – KS2 No ratio required in LKS2 Written division moved to UKS2 No calculator skills included Carroll / Venn diagrams no longer required Y3: Formal written methods for + & — Y3: Compare, order & + & — easy fractions Y3: Vocabulary of angles & lines Y3: Time including 24h clock & Roman numerals Y4: Recognise equivalent fractions/decimals Y4: Solve fractions & decimals problems Y4: Perimeter/area of compound shapes Y4: Know multiplication tables to 12 x 12 Testing from 2016 (end of Year 6). All test externally set and marked: Paper 1 – Arithmetic Test (not using a CD) 30 marks available for questions that are without context in 30 minutes e.g. 23 x 7 N.B. It is still unsure whether marks will be awarded for the correct answer or for the correct answer and use of the formal method Paper 2 and 3 - Mathematical Fluency, Solving Problems and Reasoning (no significant difference between papers) 40 marks awarded each (28 marks for Number, 12 marks for Measure, Geometry and Statistics)
So what for Greentrees? Numicon SoW and supplementing resources (manipulatives) used in all year groups Focus on helping children to move from the concrete to the visual to the abstract through a greater use of manipulatives (Numicon, Dienes, Place Value Counters, Cuisiniere Rods etc.) Maths Passports to be introduced to raise the profile of Mental Maths (Mental Arithmetic) to encourage children to be able to know, use and manipulate number facts
What you can do: Encourage mathematical fluency by: Telling the time Reading timetables Using money (finding totals and working out change) Practising and manipulating number facts Practising times table and associated division facts Measuring and estimating quantities Please DO NOT begin to teach your child formal written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division because in each stage there is a progression towards this and you may be teaching them bad habits and you also may be using incorrect mathematical vocabulary!
Useful information: /PRIMARY_national_curriculum_-_Mathematics_ pdf /PRIMARY_national_curriculum_-_Mathematics_ pdf Mathematics Programmes of Study: Key Stages 1 and /PRIMARY_national_curriculum_-_Mathematics_ pdf /PRIMARY_national_curriculum_-_Mathematics_ pdf Mathematics Appendix 1 rnational rnational Numicon website National Centre for the Excellent Teaching of Mathematics