Authenticating with Google Glass Brandon Grey
Google Glass Input Inputting information into google glass has been limited to either gestures or speech. This limits how users can securely put in passwords or PINs Google glasses unique display of information provides new ways of entering confidential information.
PIN Numbers One way they came up with to input information was to use a random string of integers. User would add each digit of his secret PIN to the random string mod 10. The User would then just speak the pseudo-password. Example: Secret PIN: 1234 Random Ints: 5920 Correct Entry: 6154
Graphical Passwords Have users pick from set of images Identify the correct image Works with AR glasses because no threat of Shoulder Surfing
Source Bailey, Daniel, Markus Dürmuth, and Christof Paar. "“Typing” Passwords with Voice Recognition: How to Authenticate to Google Glass." Web. 13 Nov < pdf>.