MP#1 Vocabulary Words Words #1-10
1. Immense – Adj.
Immense – Adj. Extremely large or great The closer we drew to the bridge, the more immense it seemed.
2. Ponder – V.
Ponder – V. Carefully consider The sheik pondered what Nadia had said. After a long time, he finally spoke.
3. Simultaneously – adv.
Simultaneously – adv. At the same time Grinning with relief, we simultaneously clasped hands.
4. Envious – adj.
Envious – adj. Jealous I pulled out one of my sandwiches. Horse, envious, complained he was getting hungry.
5. Lethargy – n.
Lethargy – n. Lack of energy and enthusiasm Spring had arrived. I was puzzled by my lethargy.
6. Provoke – v.
Provoke – v. Make someone angry When Phyllis finally said the sweater was hers, it provoked me.
7. Menace – n.
Menace – n. Possible source of danger; threat Looking back, I knew it was a terrible menace. He stared at me for what felt like hours.
8. Pummel – v.
Pummel – v. Strike repeatedly As we made our way back over the bridge, gusts of wind blown rain pummeled us.
9. Antagonistic – adj.
Antagonistic – adj. Showing hostility or opposition My friends were unexpectedly antagonistic to my idea and refused to go along with it.
10. Tractable – adj.
Tractable – adj. Easy to manage or control Tractable students do not disregard instruction or class work.