Important Dates WKCE Timing WKCE Resources Practice/Sample Items Proctor - Basic Requirement DAC, SAC, & Proctor Responsibilities Prior to Administration Organizing Your Classroom Accommodations Materials During Administration Proctor Role during administration Make-ups After Administration Test Security Questions
2014DateActivity 2014Oct. 6Test materials received by DACs Oct. 17First shipment of labels Oct Nov. 7WKCE & WAA-SwD Testing window
The testing window is two weeks. It is OSAs recommendation that schools complete testing in the first week and do make-ups in the 2 nd. Content Area Time Grade 4Grade 8Grade 10 Science40 50 Social Studies 40 50
WKCE Frequently Asked Questions: WKCE web page: WKCE Assessment Accommodations web page : WKCE Publications (DAC Guide/Policy Manual, Test Administration Manual (TAM), Student/Parent Pre-Test Information Brochure, etc.):
Sample items for Science and Social Studies provide educators, students, and the public examples of how students are assessed on the WKCE Note: these items will not be used on future operational forms Sample items are available at
A qualified proctor for the WKCE is an employed district staff member (including administrators, teachers, and paraprofessionals, etc.) who has been trained in test administration, test security, and appropriate use of test accommodations.
All staff involved in any aspect of testing must sign the WKCE/WAA- SwD Confidentiality Agreement form available at SAC Confidentiality Agreement form: All SACs sign this form and send to DACs These forms will be saved at the district office Proctor Confidentiality Agreement form: All proctors sign this form and send to the SAC The signed forms will be saved at the school buildings School/District Staff Confidentiality Agreement form: School/District staff handling the test materials sign this form send to SACs/DAC The signed forms will be retained in the schools or districts as appropriate
Read and become familiar with all WKCE test administration manuals and procedures Read and become familiar with appropriate testing accommodations Review the Proctor Guidelines and/or training
Plan seating arrangements to allow for enough space between students to prevent sharing answers. Eliminate distractions and post “Do not Disturb” Sign on Door. Information displayed on walls, bulletin boards, chalkboards, or charts (e.g. wall charts that contain literary devices, maps etc.) and that might be used by students to help answer questions must be removed or covered.
Inform students electronic devices will not be allowed in the testing environment (this includes: cell phones, cameras, laptops, wireless communication devices, etc.)
Only used if there is no label for a student Directions for completion are in the Test Administration Manual
All assessment accommodations for students with disabilities with IEPs or 504 plans and English language learners (ELLs) should be documented and consistent with day-to-day instruction. When accommodations are used, mark on the back cover of the WKCE test book for each content area tested.
A list of allowable testing accommodations is available at commodations commodations DPI approval is required for accommodations not listed on the matrix. The request form is available at:
Teacher Test Administration Manual Test Book “Do Not Disturb Sign” Student Test Book #2 Pencil Eraser Scratch Paper
Short on WKCE test books or have a newly-opened school? Contact your District Assessment Coordinator (DAC) DAC will call CTB’s Wisconsin Help Desk ( ) to order additional test materials
Help students approach testing in a relaxed, positive way Reassure students they will have ample time to do their best. Emphasize that scores will not affect their grades, it is only to find out which skills they have mastered and which need further development. Encourage students to attempt all items.
Follow instructions exactly Test directions must be read as written. Test sessions must be administered within the allotted time. Provide clear directions to students about staying in the session of the test being administered Provide a couple of time reminders (eg. Halfway, 5 minutes to the end of the test)
Remain in the room throughout the entire test administration and periodically walk around the room to: Ensure that students are not using any prohibited electronic devices Monitor student progress (i.e. check if the students are in the correct content area and session) Ensure that students are filling in the bubbles correctly using a # 2 pencil Make sure that the students are on task Remind students to check their test session for any missed items or pages prior to completing/turning book in. (Proctors should not page through any student’s book to check for completeness of answers, missed items or pages. To do so would be considered a security violation.)
Keep track of students tested and give make- up sessions to any student who missed one or more sessions of the WKCE. (A single missed session will affect a student’s score greatly.) All testing must be completed by the close of the testing window.
Ensure each student is working in their own WKCE test book Proctors should be diligently checking test book labels Ask students to be sure they have the correct book in front of them by checking the label on the front before they begin testing.
Test-taking strategies that hinder not help The Cross-off Method Use of Post-it Notes
Everyone who works with the assessments, communicates test results, and/or receives testing information. This includes: DPI staff District Administrators DACs SACs Students, parents, and the community Certified and non-certified public school staff CESA staff
Security must be maintained throughout the testing process. This means before, during, and after testing Ensuring appropriate administration of the test monitoring students during testing, using accommodations appropriately, inventory of test books at all times, securing test in a locked room when not in use, etc. All test books must be returned to the testing vendor after testing, Test books must not be retained in schools/ districts
Wis. Stat (3)(a) allows a person to view the WKCE or WAA-SwD if they submit a request within the 90 days after the administration of the exams Procedure for requesting a copy of the test Individuals viewing the exams will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement form A copy of the test book at each grade level will be kept at each CESA to meet the Public Access statutory requirement only
Test Security Manual is available on the test security webpage General principles and operational standards for administration of assessments Pre and post-test activities and procedures to follow during testing
The Office of Student Assessment (OSA) has developed a proctor test security training which is available at
Invalidation of test results for individual students or groups of students This invalidation will result in: Parents receiving no scores on their child’s report Public reporting will reflect all invalidated tests as “not tested.” This may reduce the percentage of students meeting proficiency
Report concerns regarding test security or test administration to the Office of Student Assessment (OSA) at (608) OSA will investigate and follow up on all reported incidents. Ensuring adequate test security training will reduce the number of inadvertent errors which occur.
All students enrolled in grades 4, 8 and 10 in Wisconsin public schools must be accounted for. If a student who was expected to take the WKCE does not take the WKCE, a blank test book—with either the student pre-ID label or the Student Information Page completed—must be returned for that student. The WKCE is for students whose instruction is based on the Wisconsin Model Academic Standards in Science and Social Studies.
Ensure all tests are collected from students Return test materials to the centralized secure location