Cameco Corporation April 15, 2015 CAHRMA Jodi Ledding Cameco’s Northern Workforce Strategy Sr. Specialist, Workforce Planning & Talent Acquisition.


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Presentation transcript:

Cameco Corporation April 15, 2015 CAHRMA Jodi Ledding Cameco’s Northern Workforce Strategy Sr. Specialist, Workforce Planning & Talent Acquisition

Overview 2 CAHRMA ●Company background ●Northern challenges ●Northern Workforce Strategy

Cameco… ●One of the world’s largest producers of uranium ●3,300 employees across four countries – CA, US, AUS and KZ ●Number 1 industrial employer of Aboriginal Canadians ●One of Canada’s Top Employers ( ) CAHRMA 3

Northern challenge 4 CAHRMA

Key recruitment area 5CAHRMA

Northern Saskatchewan – A closer look -40,000 population -50% under 20 yrs 60% w/o Grade communities -First Nation reserves / Municipalities / Metis Locals -Remote / Fly in -Food Basket Costs High -Minimal Road Access -Other Employers -Mining/ Education & Health Systems / Forestry / Trapping & Fishing / Public Services -Strong Language Area -Cree / Dene 6CAHRMA

Northerners as a Proxy for Aboriginal Northern SK Saskatchewan Source: Saskatchewan Trends Monitor from Statistics Canada census data 7CAHRMA

Gaps in Educational Attainment 8CAHRMA

Cameco’s strategy 9 CAHRMA

Cameco’s Five-Pillar Strategy CAHRMA Workforce Development Business Development Community Engagement Environmental Stewardship Community Investment 10

Workforce Development 11 CAHRMA Target: SLA target - 67% RSN Result: 50% RSN Action: ●W EEK I N / W EEK OUT S CHEDULE ●Northern Career Quest (NCQ) ●N ORTHERN S KILLS A SSESSMENT ●N ORTHERN S UMMER S TUDENT P ROGRAM ●Underground Mining Program ●A PPRENTICESHIPS ●Mine Engineer Technician Program ●C AREER C OMPASS

Business Development 12 CAHRMA Target: SLA target – 35% northern procurement Result: 74% Action: Northern Preferred Supplier Program Northern Business Directory Mentoring

Community Engagement 13 CAHRMA Target: Inform communities reoperations and project activities Result: Raised the bar Action: Engagement Protocol N ORTHERN T OUR C OMMUNITY L IAISONS Northern Leaders Roundtable M INE S ITE E LDERS

Community Investment 14 CAHRMA Target: “We want more for our youth” Result: Youth focused CI policy Action: I NDSPIRE SCHOLARSHIPS Northern Football League KidSport North D REAM AND BELIEVE C AMPS S CIENCE A MBASSADOR PROGRAM A THABASCA S TUDENT A CHIEVEMENT AWARDS Radio-a-thon

Environmental Stewardship 15 CAHRMA Policy: Minimize damage by garnering a greater understanding Result: Environmental Quality Committee (EQC) Initiative/Action: Three subcommittees formed representing 30 communities Members nominated by their communities Bridge between government, industry and the North Mine tours Independent Monitoring

Rotate the Message Slide 16 Lower Level CAHRMA

Multiple Targets, Multiple StrategiesYouthCREDENDA Career Fairs Post- Secondary Northern Career Quest Summer student program Scholarships Mine Tours NASA Scholarships Attraction and Retention Workplace – Education and Training Elder program Skills Database Training Career Development Career Transition Apprenticeship Workplace education CAHRMA

Highlights 750 RSNs employed in northern Saskatchewan 130 more since RSN contractors employed in northern Saskatchewan 400 more since 2004 $300 M / year procurement to northern business CAHRMA
