Thanks to our Sponsors! Platinum: Gold: Silver: Raffle:
More Fun Stuff Raffle: Please join us in the Atrium at 5:15 PM for the raffle. We are raffling some exciting prizes including Fitbits, HP tablets, and who knows, maybe a Surface 3 (need to be present to win)!!! SharePint will be held at Mad Mex (370 Atwood St, Pittsburgh, PA 15213). While it starts at 5:30 PM, there’s no end time!!!! Pittsburgh Area SharePoint User Group Meets at the Microsoft office on the North Shore More Info: User-Group /abouthttps:// User-Group /about
We do Request that… You fill out the Session Evals. These will also be your Raffle tickets. Print your name clearly if you intend to participate in the Raffle and drop the forms at the registration desk after the last session. You visit the sponsors. The event is possible due to their generous support and we request that you visit them and inquire about their products & services. Cell phones be kept on silent as a courtesy to other attendees and speakers
Option #1Embed in Script Editor Web Part (SP2013) Please don’t Option #2Document Library – Reference via Content Editor Web Part! Enable Versioning (just in case) Option #3Drop it in the hive (on premise only)? Only if you want to dance with danger Option #4Bundle with a SharePoint App (2013 only)
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40 Please work…
1 Add empty to page with unique ID HTML will be dynamically be written to later using JavaScript Add empty to page with unique ID HTML will be dynamically be written to later using JavaScript
Add custom CSS references Add jQuery reference (local or CDN) Add custom CSS references Add jQuery reference (local or CDN) 2
3 Use jQuery’s $( document ).ready() to wait until the Document Object Model (DOM) for the page is ready for JavaScript code to execute The ‘use script’ directive (introduced in ECMAScript 5) enforces rules / safeguards such as requiring variables to be declared before use Use jQuery’s $( document ).ready() to wait until the Document Object Model (DOM) for the page is ready for JavaScript code to execute The ‘use script’ directive (introduced in ECMAScript 5) enforces rules / safeguards such as requiring variables to be declared before use
4 jQuery $.ajax call asynchronously executes REST call to get List data Requested data format is JSON Success or Error function is executed on completion jQuery $.ajax call asynchronously executes REST call to get List data Requested data format is JSON Success or Error function is executed on completion
5 Success function initialized empty array to hold HTML that will be written to page For loop iterates through all items and builds HTML HTML is written to empty on page Success function initialized empty array to hold HTML that will be written to page For loop iterates through all items and builds HTML HTML is written to empty on page
6 Error function will execute if an error is returned by the AJAX call Displaying a JavaScript alert that says “error” is not a best practice Error function will execute if an error is returned by the AJAX call Displaying a JavaScript alert that says “error” is not a best practice