DO NOW: 1.Grammar: Infinitive Phrases 2.Group Discussion: Tweets and SOAPStone 11 March 2015 REMINDER S: Make sure you finish the project AT HOME for presentatio ns AGENDA: 1.Grammar: Infinitive Phrases 2. Trans Chart 3. Group Research: Poster Activity HOMEWORK: Finish your research project at home LAST CLASS: Walden NEXT CLASS: Gallery Walk and Poetry OUR LEARNING FOCUS FOR TODAY : 1.Develop a working definition of Transcendentalism and its key tenets 2.Analyze foundational works of American literature to identify philosophical tenets 3.Explain how Transcendentalists envisioned the pursuit of happiness
Bringing it All Together ” Use a 3-column table like the one below to note and compare inferences from the three texts you have examined relative to the meaning of Transcendentalism and the pursuit of happiness. Then, in your groups, come up with a working definition of “Transcendentalism.” McCandlessEmersonThoreau Rejects society and material comforts Wants to escape to the wild and no longer be “poisoned” by civilization Seeks a “spiritual revolution,” which shows he is concerned with matters of the spirit; his soul
GROUP RESEARCH ” To deepen your understanding of Transcendentalism, you will work with your group members to create a poster depicting Transcendentalism’s key beliefs. Consider the framing questions below, but you may revise, cut, or add to the list of questions based on your initial work with Emerson and Thoreau. 1.What is their view of God? 2.What are their values? 3.How do they define Truth? 4.Do they have an optimistic or pessimistic view of life? 5.What are their views of work and worldly success? 6.What is their view of society? 7.Who is their authority? 8.What is their view of education? 9.Do they view man as inherently good, evil, or somewhere in between?
GROUP RESEARCH ” Be sure to compile a list of your resources and sources, both for specific quotes and for general ideas. Use a graphic organizer like the one below to collect your information. Each member should use a different source, and all sources should be credible. Source Info/Citation InterpretationConnections Record pertinent information and include page numbers. Be sure to use quotation marks if using a direct quote. Question and comment on the facts presented. Imagine the people, the situation, and the events surrounding the research facts. Consider possible contemporary texts that express or link to the ideas presented in the source.
GROUP RESEARCH ” As a group, construct a poster synthesizing your research. Incorporate common information into your poster. Find specific quotes from sources that best articulate this information. Add visuals to help express the basic beliefs of Transcendentalism. Compare your information. Revise your definition of Transcendentalism to reflect your research and information sharing with peers. We will be doing a gallery walk of your posters in class on Friday!!!