2014 Academic A and Accelerated Levels Islamic Fundamentalism Lesson Plan Focus on ISIS Date and Number All Your Papers: Thursday, November 6, 2014 Friday, November 7, 2014 Monday, November 10, 2014 Reminder: Block Day either Wednesday, November 12 or Thursday, November 13, 2014: Middle East Religions Summative Assessment Comparing and Contrasting is DUE!
Day One: Thursday, November 6, 2014 Quiet Question---Type Two Prompt: The teacher is going to read aloud the primary source written by Al-Mawardi “The Duties of the Caliph”, and you should be using Active Reading Strategies. Then working with your partner, you will complete the two column chart below listing the caliph’s religious duties and the caliph’s non-religious duties. You will also be using your notes on Islam from the last lesson to help you complete this activity. Caliph’s Religious DutiesCaliph’s Non-Religious Duties
Day One: Thursday, November 6, 2014 Group-Share---Type One Prompt: Based upon your knowledge of Islam and current events, which duties of the caliph have become controversial and why? Be prepared to share with the class. Class: The teacher is now going to do the Islamic Fundamentalism PowerPoint Lecture, and as this is done, you should be taking notes in the provided Islamic Fundamentalism Graphic Organizer. Homework: You are to continue working on your Summative Assessment Compare and Contrast of the Middle East Religions that is due on Block Day: Wednesday, November 12 or Thursday, November 13. You are also to begin reading and note-taking in H-O-H Discussion Sheet on the provided photocopied supplemental reading from PBS, BBC, and CNN articles. It is titled 2014 Supplemental Reading on Islamic Fundamentalism and Militancy with Focus on ISIS. This will be checked for Class Participation Points.
Day One: Thursday, November 6, 2014 Chunking of Reading Assignment Night One: Thursday, November 6, 2014 Read and take notes on pages 1-5. Night Two: Friday, November 7, 2014 Read and take notes from pages 6 to the end. This will be checked for Class Participation Points on Monday, November 10.
Day Two: Friday, November 7, 2014 Class: We are going to watch the Vice News Documentary that was published on August 14, 2014 entitled “The Islamic State Full Length Documentary.” It runs for 42:31 minutes. As we watch the documentary, you should take notes in the provided Five Ws and How Graphic Organizer. IF YOU ARE ABSENT, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR GOING TO YOUTUBE AND WATCHING THIS AND GETTING THE NOTES! Homework: Finish the chunked reading assignment. It will be checked the next class period. Continue to work on your Summative Assessment Comparing and Contrasting the Middle Eastern Religions due on Block Day!.
Day Three: Monday, November 10, 2014 Groups: You will be using your notes from the PowerPoint Lecture, the You Tube Film, and the Supplemental Reading to help you analyze the ISIL/ISIS Political Cartoon assigned to your group. You will be assigned one of the political cartoons from the photocopied CLASS SET. Numbers 1 through 11---corresponds with the page number. You will then complete the Analyzing Political Cartoon Handout. While you are working in groups on the political cartoon activity, Ms. Barben will be calling you up to check your reading notes. Homework: Finish your work on the Summative Assessment Comparing and Contrasting the Middle East Religions. It is due the next class period. Block Day: Wednesday November 12 or Thursday, November 13