PROC FREQ 1SHRUG November 28, 2014
What good is Proc FREQ It Counts! Answers question how many Display data (error checks), descriptive Analyze categorical data, statistical It is fast and easy 2SHRUG November 28, 2014
Syntax PROC FREQ; BY variables; EXACT statistic – options ; OUTPUT output-options; TABLES requests ; TEST options; WEIGHT variable ; RUN; 3SHRUG November 28, 2014
Just How Simple is it? Proc freq; Run; Proc freq data=mydata1; Tables _all_; or Tables _CHAR_; Run; 4SHRUG November 28, 2014
Options PROC FREQ; NLEVELS – Number of variable levels new back in version 9 ORDER= – DATA|FORMATTED|FREQ|INTERNAL 6SHRUG November 28, 2014
Formatting Options TABLES variables / options ; 1-way, 2-way to n–way tables MISSPRINT, MISSING CROSSLIST, LIST, NOCOL, NOCUM, NOROW, NOFREQ, CUMCOL 8SHRUG November 28, 2014
Example Proc freq data=mydata1; Tables sex*health/nocum norow nopercent; Run; Proc freq data=mydata1; Tables sex*health/crosslist; Run; 9SHRUG November 28, 2014
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Proc freq data=mydata1; tables region*sex*health/nocum norow nopercent; run; Proc sort data=mydata1; by region; run; Proc freq data=mydata1; by region; tables sex*health/nocum norow nopercent; run; 13SHRUG November 28, 2014
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Statistical Computations 16SHRUG November 28, 2014
Statistical Computations Proc freq data=mydata1; Where racer ne 3 ;/*excludes where race=other*/ Tables sex*racer/chisq agree measures nowarn; Run; 17SHRUG November 28, 2014
Statistical Computations 18SHRUG November 28, 2014
19SHRUG November 28, 2014
EXACT Alternative to asymptotic p-values (sparse, skewed or heavily tied data) Computed using network algorithms Monte Carlo estimation also available POINT – exact probability that test statistic equals the observed value 20SHRUG November 28, 2014
New in SAS 9.3 Exact conditional Confidence Limits for Risk Difference and Relative Risk Maxlevels 21SHRUG November 28, 2014
New in SAS 9.4 MIDP - mid-p-values for exact tests only half of probability of observed sample is included in tail Score confidence limits for Odds ratio and Relative Risk Supports Baher, exact mid-p, likelihood ratio and logit binomial confidence limits 22SHRUG November 28, 2014
Kara Thompson Research Methods Unit, Department of Medicine, Dalhousie University SHRUG November 28,