Last Time We looked at Equality and Diversity How has your practice supported equality this week? List one way that discrimination might inadvertently occur in a childcare setting List one way that discrimination might occur deliberately in a childcare setting
Why does discrimination happen in some settings? Lack of education Poor practice Inadequate policies Poor funding Laziness Institutional bullying Lack of resources
Today Know how to access information, advice and support about diversity and inclusion
Our Objectives Describe how to challenge discriminatory practice Show how you would use and access a range of support to promote equality and inclusion Summarise how inclusive practice reduces the likelihood of discrimination Identify which policies promote inclusion and equality
Individuals should be... cared in a way that meets their needs given privacy protected from danger and harm Allowed access to information about themselves Able to communicate using preferred method/ language Personal choices taken into account respected given equally opportunities and treated fairly For each one describe how you promote this in your setting
Witnessing Discriminatory Practice You may witness discriminatory behaviour or notice that the practices or procedures of colleagues in your workplace discriminate against some families or children. It is always necessary to draw attention to discrimination and challenge it in a calm, constructive and clear way that will help all those involved to promote change. Turning a blind eye will allow it to continue and compromise own standards of practice.
Using the good guide to discrimination, list 5 ways that you could challenge discrimination
Where can you find information, advice and support? Parents and families College Tutor Children and Young people Colleagues Manager Professionals Internet Support groups Books and magazines EYFS
Where can you find information, advice and support? For each one listed explain how they can support you and give you information and advice (handout)
When should you seek information, advice and support? It is impossible to produce a definitive list of all the situations that you might encounter, but it’s important to be well prepared by reflecting on own knowledge
Reflect on your knowledge and understanding of issues relating to: Cultural and religious needs of children and families Identify issues concerning ethnicity and race Ways of including children and families with ESL Forms of disability and the impact on inclusion and equality Health and illness of children and families Ways of challenging incidents and discriminative practice How to deal with bullying Ways to help children learn about discrimination Strategies for supporting those who have experienced discrimination
Skills Builder Please answer the skills builder on page 46 of the text book
Putting into practice- case Study pg 46
How can you promote equality and inclusion? List 6 ways to promote equality and inclusion, ensure you give detailed examples and explanations.
Policy Summary Sheets SENCO Equal Opportunities
Considering everything we have looked at today, explain how practices that support inclusion reduce the likelihood of discrimination.
What do you know and what do you need to find out? Answer the end of unit test on page 64
How are we doing... Describe how to challenge discriminatory practice Show how you would use and access a range of support to promote equality and inclusion Summarise how inclusive practice reduces the likelihood of discrimination Identify which policies promote inclusion and equality
Homework Complete section 2 of the assignment Functional skills
Next Time Communication in the work setting