Central YMCA Qualifications (CYQ) CYQ Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Standardisation Training Day
Aim To introduce centre staff to the methods of best practice in delivery and assessment of the Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Outcomes: Overview of the structure of QCF Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Identify the mandatory units and optional pairings Discuss, formative, ongoing summative and final summative assessment Identify Malpractice, Maladministration and invigilation procedures Identify teaching and learning resources Identify roles of the tutor, assessor and internal quality assurance
Timetable 10.00 – 10.30 Introduction & aims of the day 10.30 – 11.30 Review mandatory units: syllabus & assessment requirements 11.30 – 11.45 Break 11.45 – 12.15 Optional units (syllabus review) 12.30 – 13.00 Optional units (assessment specification) 13.00 – 13.30 Lunch 13.30 – 14.30 Workshop/review: managing summative assessment requirements 14.30 – 15.00 Review learning resources/general updates/website 15.00 – 15.30 Questions, summary & evaluation NB: Delegates to sign the confidentiality agreement in their packs
Overview of the Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Four Mandatory Units: Anatomy & Physiology Health, Safety & Welfare in a Fitness Environment Principles of Exercise, Fitness & Health Know How to Support Clients Who Take Part in Exercise Plus Optional Pairing planning and instructing in the context of: Gym-Based Exercise Exercise to Music Water-Based Exercise Exercise and Physical Activity for Children Overview of L2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Explain the structure of level 2 shared units showing the Certificate in Fitness Instructing Explain mandatory units and optional pairings – also mention mandatory units has separate syllabus Explain Kids has separate training day (N.B L2 Kids does not allow progression to L3 PT) Give an overview of the content of each unit Identify the assessment specification for each unit
Gym-Based Exercise Unit reference number Unit title Level GLH Credit Unit title Level GLH Credit Mandatory units H/600/9013 Anatomy and physiology for exercise 2 41 6 T/600/9016 Health, safety and welfare in a fitness environment 16 A/600/9017 Principles of exercise, fitness and health 48 4 M/600/9015 Know how to support clients who take part in exercise and physical activity 13 F/600/9018 Planning gym-based exercise 23 A/600/9020 Instructing gym-based exercise 37 Totals 178 GLH 24 credits Gym-based Exercise Refer to handout of this as PP may be too small to clearly view on presentation Review GLH & credits of individual units & overall GLH and credits
Exercise to Music Unit reference number Unit title Level GLH Credit Unit title Level GLH Credit H/600/9013 Anatomy and physiology for exercise 2 41 6 T/600/9016 Health, safety and welfare in a fitness environment 16 A/600/9017 Principles of exercise, fitness and health 48 4 M/600/9015 Know how to support clients who take part in exercise and physical activity 13 F/600/9021 Planning group exercise to music sessions 24 J/600/9022 Instructing group exercise to music 37 Totals 179 GLH 24 credits Exercise to Music Refer to handout of this as PP may be too small to clearly view on presentation Review GLH & credits of individual units & overall GLH and credits
Assessment Specification Mandatory Units Content and Assessment Specification
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Mandatory Units H600/9013 – Level 2 Anatomy and Physiology for Exercise T600/9016 – Level 2 Health, Safety and Welfare in a Fitness Environment A600/9017 – Level 2 Principles of Exercise, Fitness and Health M600/9015 – Level 2 Know How to Support Clients who Take Part in Exercise and Physical Activity Before we look at each mandatory unit in more detail lets re-cap the 4 mandatory units – these are: H600/9013- Level 2 Anatomy and Physiology for Exercise T600/9016 - Level 2 Health, Safety and Welfare in a Fitness Environment A600/9017 – Level 2 Principles of Exercise, Fitness and Health M600/9015 – Level 2 Know How to Support Clients who Take Part in Exercise and Physical Activity
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Mandatory Units H600/9013 – Level 2 Anatomy and Physiology for Exercise Content: Structure and function of the skeleton Muscles and muscle actions Circulatory and respiratory systems Energy systems Nervous system H600/9013 - L2 Anatomy and Physiology for Exercise Content The aim of this unit is to cover basic anatomy and physiology and includes: The structure and function of the skeleton Muscles and muscle actions Circulatory and respiratory systems Energy systems And the nervous system It also covers a brief overview of the musculoskeletal system and its implications for special populations – these are: young people aged 14 – 16 Antenatal and postnatal women Older people aged 50+ And disabled people *NB: none of the learning outcomes have changed in the new syllabus which is now available – tidied up and checked for continuity against the other resources (PP, SOW, e-learning etc)
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Mandatory Units H600/9013 – Level 2 Anatomy and Physiology for Exercise Assessment specification: Multiple choice theory paper 40 questions a minimum of 28 (70%) is required to pass The allocated time to complete this is 60 minutes Additional information: Mock theory papers are available from CYQ website www.cyq.org.uk or requested from cyq.qualifications@ymca.co.uk eAssessment is also available on request Assessment specification The assessment for this unit is an externally set multiple choice theory paper. The time allocation for the theory paper is 60 minutes and comprises of 40 questions. Learners must achieve a minimum of 28 marks – 70% - to pass. The theory paper can be taken via paper based or eAssessment. Ordering theory papers Paper-based theory papers are ordered by completing a theory paper request form and emailing it to theorypapers@cyq.org.uk or by completing a web-based request via the approved centre area at www.cyq.org.uk Please note that a minimum of 5 working days’ notice is required for theory paper requests.
CYQ Theory Paper Invigilation Procedures Role and Responsibilities of the Invigilator The role of the invigilator is to facilitate the administration of CYQ theory papers. The invigilator must not read or share the content of CYQ intellectual property CYQ operational staff and External Quality Assurers cannot discuss the content of CYQ theory papers with CYQ centre staff Feedback from learners regarding the content of CYQ theory papers can be sent to – cyq.qualifications@ymca.co.uk Tutor Emphasise each point
CYQ Theory Paper Invigilation Procedures Role and Responsibilities of the Invigilator Starting, Invigilating and Ending the Assessment Late arrival of learners Misconduct Emergencies Theory paper administration process Procedures for online assessment invigilation Invigilation guidelines are in the delegates pack Tutor to refer to Role and Responsibilities of the Invigilator Policy and discuss Refer to online policy also in delegate pack – identify any points not covered in invigilation policy
CYQ Theory Paper Invigilation Procedures External Assessment Procedure Reasonable Assessment Adjustment Ordering theory papers Ratio – 1 invigilator – 30 learners Desk specification Responsibilities of the learners Security and storage – theory papers stored securely and destroyed following assessment – answer sheets not to be taken home Tutor to discuss the external assessment procedure policy and highlight the above headings
CYQ Theory Paper Invigilation Procedures Roles and responsibilities of invigilator External Assessment procedure Procedures for online assessment Tutor highlight the links
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Mandatory Units T600/9016 – Health, Safety and Welfare in a Fitness Environment Content: Emergency procedures Health and Safety Risk assessment Safeguard children and vulnerable adults T600/9016 - Health, Safety and Welfare in a Fitness Environment Content The aim of this unit is to provide the learner with the knowledge and understanding that instructors need to maintain health, safety and welfare in a variety of fitness environments and covers: Emergency procedures Health & Safety and risk assessment And also includes the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults This unit is intended for use across a number of disciplines and therefore its teaching should be as generic as possible considering the relevance of the learning outcomes in a variety of disciplines and settings such as gym – group exercise – water based exercise and children’s exercise
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Mandatory Units T600/9016 – Health, Safety and Welfare in a Fitness Environment Assessment Specification: Completion of the Health, Safety and Welfare in a Fitness Environment Worksheet 100% is required to pass The worksheet can be completed by the learner as part of a course or summative assessment It must be the learner’s sole work therefore group completion of this worksheet is not permitted It may be completed on a continuous basis It can be marked by the course tutor or independent assessor Assessment specification Completion of a worksheet Can be completed as part of course work during the teaching session or as homework It must be the learner’s sole work therefore group completion of this worksheet is not permitted It may be completed on a continuous basis It can be marked by the course tutor or independent assessor
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Mandatory Units A600/9017 – Principles of Exercise, Fitness and Health Content: Components of Fitness Effects of exercise on the body Principles and variable of an exercise programme Safety guidelines for special populations Health benefits of physical activity A600/9017 - Principles of Exercise, Fitness and Health Content This unit covers the knowledge an instructor needs to programme safe and effective exercise for a range of clients, the health benefits of physical activity and the importance of healthy eating. The components of fitness The effects of exercise on the body Principles and variables of an exercise programme Safety guidelines for special populations And health benefits of physical activity
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Mandatory Units A600/9017 – Principles of Exercise, Fitness and Health Assessment specification: Multiple choice theory paper 40 questions a minimum of 28 (70%) is required to pass The allocated time to complete this is 60 minutes Additional information: Mock theory papers are available from CYQ website www.cyq.org.uk or requested from cyq.theroypapers@ymca.co.uk eAssessment is also available on request Assessment specification The assessment for unit 3 is an externally set multiple choice theory paper. The time allocation for the theory paper is 60 minutes and comprises of 40 questions. Learners must achieve a minimum of 28 marks – 70% - to pass. The theory paper can be taken via paper based or eAssessment.
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Mandatory Units M600/9015 – Know How to Support Clients Who take Part in Exercise and Physical Activity Content: Developing effective working relationships Addressing barriers to exercise with clients Exercise adherence Providing customer service M600/9015 - Know How to Support Clients Who take Part in Exercise and Physical Activity Content Developing effective working relationships Addressing barriers to exercise with clients Exercise adherence And providing customer service
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Mandatory Units M600/9015 – Know How to Support Clients Who Take Part in Exercise and Physical Activity Assessment Specification: Know How to Support Clients Who Take Part in Exercise and Physical Activity Worksheet 100% is required to pass The worksheet can be completed by the learner as part of a course or summative assessment It must be the learner’s sole work therefore group completion of this worksheet is not permitted It may be completed on a continuous basis It can be marked by the course tutor or independent assessor Assessment Worksheet: Can be completed as part of course work during the teaching session or as homework It must be the learner’s sole work therefore group completion of this worksheet is not permitted And it may be completed on a continuous basis
Assessment Specification Optional Pairings Gym-Based Exercise & Exercise to Music Content and Assessment Specification
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Optional Pairings Gym-Based Exercise: F/600/9018 – Planning Gym-Based Exercise A/600/9020 – Instructing Gym-Based Exercise Exercise to Music: F/600/9021 – Planning Group Exercise to Music Sessions J/600/9022 – Instructing Group Exercise to Music Sessions Optional pairings Gym-Based Exercise: F/600/9018 – Planning Gym-Based Exercise A/600/9020 – Instructing Gym-Based Exercise Exercise to Music: F/600/9021 – Planning Group Exercise to Music Sessions J/600/9022 – Instructing Group Exercise to Music Sessions
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Optional Pairings Assessment overview for gym-based exercise Assessment Element 5: Planning worksheet Assessment Element 6: Plan a gym-based exercise session Assessment Element 7: Instructing worksheet Assessment Element 8: Practical delivery of specific gym-based exercises Assessment Element 9: Practical delivery of a gym-based exercise session Assessment overview for gym-based exercise Assessment Element 5: Planning worksheet Assessment Element 6: Plan a gym-based exercise session Assessment Element 7: Worksheet Assessment Element 8: Practical delivery of specific gym-based exercises Assessment Element 9: Practical delivery of a gym- based exercise session
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Optional Pairings Assessment overview for exercise to music based exercise Assessment Element 5: Planning worksheet Assessment Element 6: Plan a group ETM exercise session Assessment Element 7: Instructing worksheet Assessment Element 8: Observation of practical teaching Assessment overview for exercise to music based exercise Assessment Element 5: Planning worksheet Assessment Element 6: Plan a group ETM exercise session Assessment Element 7: Instructing worksheet Assessment Element 8: Observation of practical teaching
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Optional Parings F/600/9018 – Planning Gym-Based Exercise Content: Collecting and using client information to plan gym-based exercise programme Client screening and informed consent Client goal setting and evaluation Gym equipment and designated exercises Safe and effective gym session planning F/600/9018 - Planning gym based exercise The aim of this unit is to cover the skills and knowledge required to plan and prepare a gym based programme and includes: Information gathering, informed consent and screening Gym equipment and designated exercises Client goal setting and evaluation And safe and effective gym session planning
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Optional Parings Assessment Specification 5 Planning worksheet Assessment Specification 6 Gym programme overview – covering aims, objectives, screening, health and safety considerations F/600/9018 – Planning Gym-Based Exercise The assessment requirements for this unit are clearly identified in Assessment Element 5 & 6 of the Syllabus and the Learner Assessment element 5 – planning worksheet can be completed on course on a continuous basis or as a summative assessment can be completed as a homework task group completion is not permitted may be marked by the course tutor or independent assessor Assessment element 6 – planning gym-based exercise gym programme card overview – PARQ, informed consent gym programme card detailing the exercises, timing, intensity and alternative/adaptations must include warm up and cool-down 3 types of CV 4 resistance machine lifts 4 free weight lifts – 1 exercise to be a bench lift to show spotting/lifting passing techniques 3 body weight exercises
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Optional Parings F/600/9018 – Planning Gym-Based Exercise Assessment Specification 6 continued Gym Programme card detailing the exercises, timings, intensity and alternatives/adaptations. It must include: - Warm up component - CV component - 4 resistance machine exercises - 4 free weight exercises - 3 body weight exercises - Cool down component It must include: 3 types of CV equipment 1 free weight exercise to be a bench lifts to show spotting/lifting techniques The learner must produce a gym programme card that is appropriate to the specified goals, needs and potential of the participant. For example if the participant is a beginner an induction type session would be appropriate. If not, the session should reflect the skills and capabilities of the participant. The gym programme should include a safe and effective: Warm up component CV component 4 resistance machine exercises 4 Free weight exercises 3 body weight exercises And a cool down component The fixed machine and free weight exercises are to reflect an all over body approach and should be selected from the table of designated exercises. It should also specify in relation to the participants needs: The number of sets The number of repetitions The amount of resistance And the rest time between sets The programme card must include 3 of the 6 designated cardiovascular machines, and as with the resistance exercises should specify the timings, speed, level, bpm etc. You could also review the ‘gym programme card marking scheme’ available in the syllabus or the learner assessment record. Assessors should ensure that this document is fully completed with the learner name, assessor name, date, a clear result and any assessor feedback.
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Optional Parings F/600/9018 – Planning Gym-Based Exercise Additional information The programme card must include 3 types of CV equipment & 1 free weight exercise & a bench lift to show spotting/lifting techniques All planned exercises should reflect current good practice The client should be an apparently healthy individual aged 16 or over The client can be a course peer or an external client Additional information The programme card must include 3 types of CV equipment & 1 free weight exercise & a bench lift to show spotting /lifting techniques All planned exercises should reflect current good practice in all components The client should be an apparently healthy individual aged 15 or over The client can be a course peer or an external client
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Optional Parings F/600/9021 – Planning Group Exercise to Music Sessions Content: Collecting and using client information to plan a group exercise to music session Client screening & informed consent Identifying a range of equipment used in an ETM session Appropriate use of music and legal requirements Safe and effective ETM planning Planning Group Exercise to Music Sessions Content The aim of this unit is to cover the skills and knowledge required to plan and prepare a group exercise to music session and includes: Collecting and using client information to plan a group exercise to music session Client screening & informed consent Identifying a range of equipment used in an ETM session Appropriate use of music & legal requirements Safe and effective ETM planning
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Optional Parings F/600/9021 – Planning Group Exercise to Music Sessions Assessment Specification – Assessment Element 5 Planning worksheet The assessment requirements for this unit are clearly identified in Assessment Element 5 of the Syllabus and the Learner Assessment Record Assessment element 5 – planning worksheet can be completed on course on a continuous basis or as a summative assessment can be completed as a homework task group completion is not permitted may be marked by the course tutor or independent assessor
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Optional Parings F/600/9021 – Planning Group Exercise to Music Sessions Assessment specification – Assessment element 6 Session overview Session plans covering: - Warm up (mobility, pulse raiser, stretching) - Main component (CV curve i.e. build up, main, build down) - MSE - Cool-down (maintenance and developmental stretching) It must include: A minimum of one choreography method (see syllabus) Detail the music breakdown, exercises, teaching points and progressions, regressions and adaptations Assessment element 6 Session overview Details about the participant group H & S PARQ Informed consent Session plans covering a complete ETM session – 45 – 60 minuets detailing the music breakdown, exercises teaching points and progressions, regressions and adaptations Warm up - mobility pulse raiser, stretching Main CV workout using aerobic curve - pulse raiser, main workout, build-down MSE Cool-down - maintenance and developmental stretches across the whole session a minimum of 1 of the following choreography methods: add on 32 count phrase verse chorus layering You could also review the ‘Class plan marking scheme’ available in the syllabus or the learner assessment record. Assessors should ensure that this document is fully completed with the learner name, assessor name, date, a clear result and any assessor feedback.
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Optional Parings F/600/9021 – Planning Group Exercise to Music Sessions Additional information The learner should plan for an apparently healthy group of individuals aged 16 or over The session needs to be planned to meet the needs of a mixed ability group The learner must plan a safe and effective exercise to music session lasting 45-60 minutes Additional information The learner should plan for an apparently healthy group of individuals aged 16 or over The session needs to be planned to meet the needs of a mixed ability group The learner must plan a safe and effective exercise to music session lasting 45-60 minutes
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Optional Parings A/600/9020 – Instructing Gym-Based Exercise Content: Safe and effective gym equipment use and prescription Exercise progressions and adaptations Safe and effective session structure and management Preparing self, client and equipment Monitoring exercise intensity Instructing and teaching skills Evaluation and feedback Behaviour management Instructing Gym Based Exercise Content This unit covers the skills and knowledge a fitness instructor needs to instruct and supervise gym based exercise and includes: Safe and effective gym equipment use and prescription Exercise progressions and adaptations Safe and effective session structure and management Preparing self, client & equipment Monitoring exercise intensity Instructing and teaching skills Evaluation and feedback Behaviour management
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Optional Parings A/600/9020 – Instructing Gym-Based Exercise On-Course Assessment – Assessment element 7 Worksheet Can be completed on course on a continuous basis or as a summative assessment Can be completed as a homework task Group completion is not permitted May be marked by the course tutor or independent assessor Assessment element 7 Worksheet can be completed on course on a continuous basis or as a summative assessment can be completed as a homework task group completion is not permitted may be marked by the course tutor or independent assessor A centre may assess the following during the course: 2 free weight exercises chosen by the assessor 2 resistance machines again assessors choice 3 body weight exercises 1 CV machine And safe lifting and passing of weights and spotting The exercises can be assessed in any order and at different points in time. Review assessment element 1 in the syllabus or learner assessment record
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Optional Parings On-Course Assessment – Assessment element 8 Practical delivery of specific gym-based exercises A centre may assess the following during the course: 2 free weight exercises (assessor choice) 2 resistance machines (assessor choice) 3 body weight exercises 1 CV machine Safe lifting and passing of weights and spotting Formal summative assessment Learners should only be put forward for this assessment when the tutor deems that they are ready A/600/9020 – Instructing Gym-Based Exercise Assessment element 7 - Worksheet can be completed on course on a continuous basis or as a summative assessment can be completed as a homework task group completion is not permitted may be marked by the course tutor or independent assessor Assessment element 8 – Practical delivery of specific gym-based exercises *This is a formal summative assessment – the learner should only be put forward for this assessment when the tutor deems they are ready 2 free weight exercises chosen by the assessor 2 resistance machines again assessors choice 3 body weight exercises 1 CV machine can be covered across a number of planned assessments can use a peer as their client re-assessment – centers' can re-assess until learners are competent
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Optional Parings A/600/9020 – Instructing Gym-Based Exercise On-Course Assessment – Assessment element 8 Practical delivery of specific gym-based exercises Additional information: This assessment can be assessed across a number of planned assessments The exercises can be taught using a peer from the course This assessment can be carried out by the course tutor (must be a qualified assessor i.e. A1 or equivalent) This assessment element must be passed before moving on to the final summative assessment If a learner refers an individual exercise they can be re-assessed again until a pass in all exercises is achieved Assessment element 8 – Practical delivery of specific gym-based exercises *This is a formal summative assessment – the learner should only be put forward for this assessment when the tutor deems they are ready 2 free weight exercises chosen by the assessor 2 resistance machines again assessors choice 3 body weight exercises 1 CV machine can be covered across a number of planned assessments can use a peer as their client re-assessment – centers' can re-assess until learners are competent
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Optional Parings A/600/9020 – Instructing Gym-Based Exercise Final Summative Assessment – Assessment element 9 Practical delivery of a gym-based session Must be conducted as one complete session The learner must be observed preparing the client Appropriate warm-up and cool-down CV curve (CV build up, CV main, CV build down) 2 resistance machine lifts – 1 AC and one learner choice 2 free weight lifts – 1 AC and one learner choice Ending the session and evaluation AC choice lifts should be chosen from the list of designated lifts to ensure that a range of techniques is covered Assessment element 9 – Practical delivery of a gym-based exercise session must be conducted as one complete session appropriate warm-up & cool-down CV curve 2 resistance machine lifts – 1 AC and one learners choice 2 free weight lifts – 1 AC and one learners choice 2 Rs = re-assessment of the component/s referred – this can be on the same day after assessor feedback and guidance 3 Rs or more = whole assessment again on a different occasion ending the session – learners are observed evaluation – completion of the evaluation form
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Optional Parings A/600/9020 – Instructing Gym-Based Exercise Additional information: 2 Rs = re-assessed on the components/criteria they relate to 3 or more Rs = re-assessed on the whole session Safe lifting and passing must be demonstrated throughout The chosen lifts must be different from those already assessed The learner must be observed ending the session The learner must complete a self evaluation (personal reflection) of their performance at final summative assessment via completion of the Session Evaluation form The learner will be observed supporting the client throughout the session Additional information: 2 Rs = re-assessed on the components they relate to – this can be on the same day under certain circumstances. The learner should receive sufficient guidance from the assessor 3 or more Rs = re-assessed on the whole session – this must be on a separate occasion
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Optional Parings A/600/9020 – Instructing Gym-Based Exercise Additional information: The observed session should meet the needs of the client. If the client is a beginner then an induction session would be appropriate. If not, the session should reflect the level and skill of the participant Once competence or otherwise has been decided the assessor can move the learner on to the next exercise or component Now for some FAQ’s related to the final summative assessment: How long should the session be? The learner must plan a 45 to 60 minute session and a minimum of 30 minutes should be observed covering all components Can the assessor move the learner on? Yes – once competence or otherwise has been decided the assessor can move the learner on to the next exercise or component
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Optional Parings J/600/9022 – Instructing Group Exercise to Music Content: How to provide safe and effective group exercise to music sessions Session structure Preparing self, equipment and participants for group exercise to music Group instructing and teaching skills covering demonstration, communication, voice projection, working with music and cueing Building up and breaking down choreography Exercise progressions and adaptations Monitoring and improving participants performance Evaluation and feedback Instructing Group Exercise to Music Sessions Content This unit covers the skills and knowledge a fitness instructor needs to instruct and supervise group exercise to music for apparently healthy adults and includes: How to provide safe and effective group exercise to music sessions Session structure Preparing self, equipment and participants for group exercise to music Group instructing and teaching skills covering demonstration, communication, voice projection, working with music and cueing Building up and breaking down choreography Exercise progressions and adaptations Monitoring and improving participants performance And Evaluation and feedback
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Optional Parings F/600/9021 – Instructing Group Exercise to Music Assessment specification – Assessment element 7 Instructing worksheet Can be completed on course on a continuous basis or as a summative assessment Can be completed as a homework task Group completion is not permitted May be marked by the course tutor or independent assessor Instructing Group Exercise to Music – Assessment element 7 Instructing worksheet Can be completed on course on a continuous basis or as a summative assessment Can be completed as a homework task Group completion is not permitted May be marked by the course tutor or independent assessor
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Optional Parings J/600/9022 – Instructing Group Exercise to Music Assessment specification – Assessment element 8 Observation of practical teaching Learners deliver their planned session – warm-up, CV, MSE & cool-down (including developmental stretching) Centres can advise learners to bring a participant with them on assessment day A minimum of six participants is required The assessor should observe at least 30 minutes of the planned session Assessment element 8 – Observation of practical teaching Learners deliver their planned session Centres can advise learners to bring a participant with them on assessment day A minimum of 6 participants is required The assessor should observe at least 30 minuets of the planned session
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Optional Parings J/600/9022 – Instructing Group Exercise to Music Assessment specification – Assessment element 8 Observation of practical teaching Learners are observed ending the session Complete a self evaluation (personal reflection) of their performance at final summative assessment via completion of the Session Evaluation form As part of the final summative assessment the learner must also complete a written self evaluation and action plan that accurately reflects the session taught and takes into account verbal feedback obtained from the participant. A minimum of 15 minutes must be allowed for the learner to gather and record feedback for the evaluation The evaluation may be conducted verbally but should still be recorded using the session evaluation form
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Optional Parings J/600/9022 – Instructing Group Exercise to Music Additional information: The learner must demonstrate their ability to: work to the beat and phrase of the music work to continuous play music work to verse/chorus What experience and fitness level should the group be? The participants are required to be a mixed ability group of apparently healthy individuals aged 16 or over. Are there any specific assessment requirements relating to the music? Yes, the learner must demonstrate their ability to: Work consistently to the beat and phrase of the music Work to continuous play music And work to verse/chorus
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Optional Pairings – Gym Assessment overview for Gym-Based Exercise: The learner is assessed in TOTAL on safe and effective planning, instructing and evaluation of: Planning written worksheet – PARQ, informed consent, goal setting gym programme card session overview Instructing written task practical delivery of gym-based exercises practical delivery of a gym-based session evaluation
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing Optional Pairings – ETM Assessment overview for Exercise to Music: The learner is assessed in TOTAL on safe and effective planning, instructing and evaluation of: Planning written worksheet session overview – PARQ and informed consent session plans to cover the complete session Instructing worksheet Instructing observation of practical teaching written evaluation The 4 elements assess a learner in total on safe and effective planning, instructing and evaluation The planning and direct observation must include: A session overview, PARQ, a programme card and a self evaluation An appropriate warm up 3 CV machines (1 should be used for a CV component 4 free weight exercises 4 resistance machines 3 body weight exercises And a cool down component which must include at least one developmental stretch
Methods of Assessment Formative – ongoing feedback on learners progress which must take place prior to ongoing assessment. There must be some written evidence that this has taken place Ongoing summative of specific gym-based exercises – a formal summative assessment counts towards the final assessment result. Learner should only undertake this assessment when the tutor deems them competent Final summative of a gym-based session – to create the overall assessment decision Include definitions of each Describe how 3 types of assessment are used Formative – ongoing feedback on learners progress balanced approach using positive and constructive feedback to promote development of skills and knowledge – should be used across course and recorded for EV to review Ongoing summative – learner completes part of assessment on the course that will count towards final result – e.g body weight exercises on Gym can be assessed on the course - centre decide when learner resits if not passed (NB: Continuous approach is optional) Tutor needs A1 to assess Summative – Final assessment to create overall result
Flexible Assessment CYQ will allow some flexibility in its assessment strategies to meet the needs of approved centres and learners Where this is desired, centres must seek approval from CYQ for adjustments to an existing, published assessment strategy in advance of carrying out assessment Questions should be addressed to cyq.qualifications@ymca.co.uk (see CYQ Flexible Assessment Policy) Flexible Assessment Policy CYQ endeavours to create fit-for-purpose assessment strategies that meet our approved centres’ needs by: employing technical contributors who have relevant subject/sector expertise gathering business intelligence and centre feedback working in collaboration with other bodies that develop units and qualifications holding qualification review group (QRG) meetings to seek centres’ views on proposed and existing assessment strategies CYQ will allow some flexibility in its assessment strategies to meet the needs of approved centres and learners. Where this is desired, centres must seek approval from CYQ for ‘adjustments’ to an existing, published assessment strategy in advance of carry out assessment. CYQ is required, through its conditions of recognition as an awarding organisation, to ensure that the levels of demand of assessments and assessment tasks for a qualification are consistent: across all options available to learners, including those where adjustments have been proposed by centres with previous assessments for the same qualification Flexibility may be allowed in the following: The order of elements within an assessment strategy The types of evidence that can be accepted for an assessment element The methods of assessment, in accordance with the CYQ Reasonable Adjustments Policy Adjustments to assessment strategies must demonstrate that: all assessment criteria are met (as outlined in bold in the CYQ syllabus) any additional information specified by the Sector Skills Council is met the level of demand for the learner is consistent with the CYQ strategy Centres may not alter the demands on learners by proposing adjustments to assessment strategies that would not meet, or would go beyond, the standard defined by the assessment criteria. Where CYQ has approved adjustments to assessments and later concludes that there is an inconsistency between the level of demand of this assessment and other options available that is likely to prejudice a group of learners, CYQ will make a ‘reasonable alteration’ to the criteria against which learners’ performance will be judged for this assessment so as to prevent that prejudice from occurring.
Logical Assessment Structure Summative assessment process Briefing Observation Questioning – if required – cannot be used to infer practical competence Result Action Plan Flexible Assessment Policy CYQ endeavours to create fit-for-purpose assessment strategies that meet our approved centres’ needs by: employing technical contributors who have relevant subject/sector expertise gathering business intelligence and centre feedback working in collaboration with other bodies that develop units and qualifications holding qualification review group (QRG) meetings to seek centres’ views on proposed and existing assessment strategies CYQ will allow some flexibility in its assessment strategies to meet the needs of approved centres and learners. Where this is desired, centres must seek approval from CYQ for ‘adjustments’ to an existing, published assessment strategy in advance of carry out assessment. CYQ is required, through its conditions of recognition as an awarding organisation, to ensure that the levels of demand of assessments and assessment tasks for a qualification are consistent: across all options available to learners, including those where adjustments have been proposed by centres with previous assessments for the same qualification Flexibility may be allowed in the following: The order of elements within an assessment strategy The types of evidence that can be accepted for an assessment element The methods of assessment, in accordance with the CYQ Reasonable Adjustments Policy Adjustments to assessment strategies must demonstrate that: all assessment criteria are met (as outlined in bold in the CYQ syllabus) any additional information specified by the Sector Skills Council is met the level of demand for the learner is consistent with the CYQ strategy Centres may not alter the demands on learners by proposing adjustments to assessment strategies that would not meet, or would go beyond, the standard defined by the assessment criteria. Where CYQ has approved adjustments to assessments and later concludes that there is an inconsistency between the level of demand of this assessment and other options available that is likely to prejudice a group of learners, CYQ will make a ‘reasonable alteration’ to the criteria against which learners’ performance will be judged for this assessment so as to prevent that prejudice from occurring.
Malpractice/Maladministration Any deliberate activity neglect, default or other practice that compromises assessment, the integrity of the qualification, certification or the reputation/credibility of the awarding organisation Maladministration Any activity, neglect, default or other practice that results in the centre not complying with specified requirements of delivery of the units and qualifications Refer to policy for examples of centre and learner malpractice and maladministration Tutor to highlight the definitions – and discuss – give examples if necessary
Resources Mandatory Units Mandatory Units Syllabus Mandatory Units Learner Assessment Record (LAR) – fillable LAR available Learner Manual Scheme of work Power Point presentations CYQ eLearning and eAssessment IQA Guidance Pack The resources that are available for the Mandatory units are: The mandatory units syllabus The mandatory units learner assessment record A learner manual Schemes of Work Power point presentations And CYQ eLearning All resources can be ordered via the CYQ website www.cyq.org.uk Although the majority are available as free downloads again accessed via the website
Resources Gym-Based Exercise Gym-Based Exercise Syllabus Gym-Based Exercise Learner Assessment Record (LAR) – fillable LAR available Gym-Based Exercise Manual Scheme of work Power Point presentations CYQ eLearning IQA Guidance Pack The resources that are available for the Gym-Based Exercise are: Gym-based exercise syllabus Gym-based exercise learner assessment record A learner manual Schemes of Work Power point presentations And CYQ eLearning IQA Guidance pack All resources can be ordered via the CYQ website www.cyq.org.uk Although the majority are available as free downloads again accessed via the website
Resources Exercise to Music Exercise to Music Syllabus Exercise to Music Learner Assessment Record (LAR) – fillable LAR available Exercise to Music Manual IQA Guidance Pack The resources that are available for the Gym-Based Exercise are: Exercise to Music syllabus Exercise to Music learner assessment record Exercise to Music manual IQA Guidance pack All resources can be ordered via the CYQ website www.cyq.org.uk Although the majority are available as free downloads again accessed via the website
Staff Responsibilities Tutor The role of the tutor is to plan, deliver and evaluate an effective programme of learning to accommodate the needs of all learners registered – they should hold or be working towards a recognised teaching qualification Any tutors carrying out the ongoing assessments should hold a relevant assessment qualification Now to clarify staff responsibilities: The role of the tutor is to plan, deliver and evaluate an effective programme of learning to accommodate the needs of the learners registered. They should hold or be working towards a recognised teaching qualification The tutor may complete the on-course assessments provided they hold or are working towards a recognised assessing qualification.
Staff Responsibilities Assessor The role of the assessor is to make an informed judgement about the range of evidence a learner may produce to demonstrate their competence to meet the assessment criteria Assessors must have a L3 Award or Certificate in Assessing Vocational or Work-Based Achievement (QCF); SQA equivalent; A1, D32/33 NB: Tutors working towards an assessing award will be required to have decisions countersigned by a qualified assessor Final summative assessment conducted by independent assessor The role of the assessor is to make an informed judgement about the range of evidence a learner may produce to demonstrate their competence to meet the assessment criteria. Assessors should hold or be working towards a recognised assessing qualification. Unqualified assessor decisions should be countersigned by a qualified assessor
Staff Responsibilities Assessor Please refer to the Role of the Assessor document on the CYQ website This document contains a Model of Assessment; the stages of assessment, what happens at each stage and the relevant paperwork at each stage The role of the assessor is to make an informed judgement about the range of evidence a learner may produce to demonstrate their competence to meet the assessment criteria. Assessors should hold or be working towards a recognised assessing qualification. Unqualified assessor decisions should be countersigned by a qualified assessor
Staff Responsibilities Internal Quality Assurer (IQA) The role of the IQA is to make informed judgements regarding the practice of and decisions made by the assessment team, to maintain standards and to provide guidance and support to assessors IQAs must have a L4 Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice (QCF); SQA equivalent; V1, D34 The role of the internal quality assurer is to make informed judgements regarding the practice of and decisions made by the assessment team, to maintain standards and to provide guidance and support to assessors. They should hold or be working towards a recognised IQA qualification
Staff Responsibilities Internal Quality Assurer Produce a sampling plan at the beginning of each course which clearly identifies what and when sampling will take place The IQA plan must cover: - all units of the qualification - all learners - all tutors and assessors Please refer to the Role of the IQA document on the CYQ website. This document contains a Model of Assessment; the stages of assessment, what happens at each stage and the relevant paperwork at each stage The role of the internal quality assurer is to make informed judgements regarding the practice of and decisions made by the assessment team, to maintain standards and to provide guidance and support to assessors. They should hold or be working towards a recognised IQA qualification
Staff Responsibilities Internal Quality Assurer IQA paperwork is available on the CYQ website - IQA plan - IQA sampling reports for desk based The role of the internal quality assurer is to make informed judgements regarding the practice of and decisions made by the assessment team, to maintain standards and to provide guidance and support to assessors. They should hold or be working towards a recognised IQA qualification
eLearning – Level 2 Mandatory Units Content covers: Anatomy & Physiology Health, Safety & Welfare in a Fitness Environment Principles of Exercise, Fitness & Health Know How to Support Clients Who Take Part in Exercise
eLearning – Level 2 Gym-Based Exercise Content covers: Introductions to bodyweight exercises, free weight exercises, CV and resistance machines Warm up, cool down and session structure Planning, instruction and reflection CV and resistance training guidelines Modifications, alternatives and progressions
eLearning – Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology Content covers: The heart and circulatory system The musculoskeletal system Posture and core stability The nervous system The endocrine system Energy systems
1 2 eLearning Packages Content only Centres with an existing virtual learning platform can simply purchase content for an annual fee 1 2 Hosted Basic Pay per learner with no contract, support or set up fees
eAssessment Benefits Instant access to learners' results Removes time and cost burden of printing and returning answer sheets Available for all CYQ theory assessments
Information channels Website www.cyq.org.uk eNews updates Sent monthly Twitter www.twitter.com/cyqnews
Website Visit www.cyq.org.uk for: Full qualification details Centre guidance including: fees policies and procedures FAQs Training days calendar Assessor/IQA course schedule
Summary Any further questions? You will now receive an email with an evaluation form and CPD certificate request form. Please complete these and return to CYQ (an address will be provided on the form) Thank you for your participation and feedback