Integrated Mathematics Info for Parents Ojai Unified School District school year and beyond Board approved, March, 2014
Goal of the Common Core State Standards To create students who are college and career ready
College and Career Ready Students Demonstrate independence Build strong content knowledge Respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose and discipline Comprehend and critique Utilize evidence Use technology and digital media strategically and capably Understand other perspectives and cultures
Examples of other districts adopting Integrated Math… Ventura Unified Oxnard Union Moorpark Unified Santa Barbara School District Santa Ynez Union High School District Fillmore Unified Monterey County Shasta County Kings County Most of Fresno County and more…
Why the change in Ojai? Building of connections between "different" math subjects. Proven success of integrated approach internationally Common Core State Standards Smarter Balanced Assessments – new testing for California
The Three Shifts in Mathematics Focus: Strongly where the standards focus Coherence: Think across grades and link to major topics within grades Rigor: Require conceptual understanding, fluency, and application Source:, VCOE
What is Integrated Math? Curriculum that combines several mathematic topics Algebra Geometry Statistics Same math content taught and assessed in new ways
Course Pathways *Source: 8
Graduation, College Info Graduation requirements remain the same 2 years of mathematics are currently required OUSD school board will review need to transition to a 3 year requirement given state testing of 11 th graders. Colleges accept Integrated Math pathway for college entrance prerequisites
U.S. Performance Indicators The United States ranked 25 th out of 34 top performing countries in Math and 17 th in Science (2012, Programme for International Student Assessment of Educational Progress) Current performance of U.S. students is not strong enough to keep up with changing economy 42% of 4 th graders and 36% of 8 th graders scored proficient or advanced in mathematics on the National Assessment of Educational Progress, the Nation’s Report Card Approximately 40% of UC/CSU students enroll in remedial classes in mathematics. Although performance on math CST’s have been increasing, they are not adequately preparing our students for success in career or college preparation
Students as Problem Solvers Accountable for individual computation and precision Approach solving problems with open mind Collaborative as appropriate
Sample problem from Smarter Balanced Assessments… Integrated approach lends itself best to the types of problems on the Smarter Balanced Assessments This type of problem solving is aligned with real life use of mathematics.
The goal for math students… Common Core State Standards require all high school students to develop an integrated understanding of… algebra, geometry, and data analysis problem solving and reasoning reading, writing and speaking
Support available Ask teacher Before or after class, snack, lunch By appointment Tutor support – trained student tutors In classes After school Mondays and Wednesdays 2:45 – 3:45 Evening schedule pending
Past vs. Current System Past Students learned rules to solve math problems Current Students use math to solve real world problems
Thank You! Questions? Fill out card with your address and question Visit Integrated Math webpage for NHS Attend Back to School Night on Sept. 8