PETER Paragraphs How to analyse text.
How to analyse text Forget PEE… Think PETER!
Point Evidence Technique Effect Response
Point – what do you know? In Of Mice and Men Steinbeck portrays Curley’s wife as being very interested in men. Evidence – Candy says “She got the eye” Technique – Steinbeck uses dialogue between two characters to create an impression of Curley’s Wife Effect – The reader has no reason not to believe Candy’s assessment of Curley’s wife and so believe that she is a woman of easy virtue Response – I feel that although Curley’s wife does seem interested in the other Men, it is because she is lonely not because she wants to sleep with them.
A third of teenagers admit drug taking by JANE HUNTER, Evening Standard There has been a 'significant increase' in the number of teenagers taking cocaine and ecstasy, a major new study has revealed. Cocaine use in older teenagers has risen since 1994 from one per cent to five per cent, and the number using ecstasy has risen from four per cent to seven per cent. The findings come as new Department of Health research also reveals that a quarter of 11 to 15-year- olds admit to drinking alcohol every week. The study, based on interviews with 10,000 pupils across England and Wales, shows that the amount drunk by youngsters aged 11 to 15 has doubled in a decade to more than five pints of lager a week. But overall, figures show slightly fewer teenagers are drinking, smoking and taking drugs than previous studies revealed.
Using PETER 1. How does the article represent teenagers? P – The article represents teenagers negatively, as people who take drugs and drink alcohol . E – It says “there has been a 'significant increase' “ in drug use in teenagers. T – The article uses the adjective ‘significant’ to emphasise how important the increase is. E – This makes the reader think that the increase in teenagers taking drugs is huge, and makes them worry that all teenagers might be taking drugs. R – While I think that some teenagers do take drugs, I don’t think that all of them do. This article seems to make out that all teenagers