Community Elements of LECP LCDC meeting 3 rd Nov 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Community Elements of LECP LCDC meeting 3 rd Nov 2014

LECP & Local Gov Reform Better Alignment of the work of Local Development Companies (LDCs) with the Local Authorities. LDCs and Local Authorities are obliged to develop and implement evidence-based strategies using public participation and consultation. Sharing existing Data. The LECP will provide the framework within which many operational and other plan will be required to be placed.

Social, Economic & Physical interests in local communities tackling poverty, disadvantage and social exclusion through support for basic services and other poverty reduction initiatives, supporting training and up-skilling, creating and sustaining employment and self- employment opportunities, and investing in local economic development the provision of small-scale infrastructure and community facilities and investment in physical regeneration and environmental improvements, investing in the capacity of local communities to enhance their well-being and improve the economic future and quality of life of their inhabitants, supporting social enterprise, social capital, volunteering and active citizenship developing integrated, bottom-up, evidenced-based approaches to local service planning and delivery, identifying the needs and priorities of local communities and to enhance their wellbeing by developing sustainable solutions to address those needs and priorities, accessing and co-ordinating multiple funding sources from the public, private and community and voluntary sectors to stimulate local development and sustainability, and promoting, supporting and facilitating community involvement in policy development and decision-making processes related to the planning, development and delivery of services.

Population Data Analysis Population: Louth population growth exceeds the national average by 2.3%--Growing population Natural Increase/Decrease is positive in Louth in 2013 compared to a national negative. Average age profile in Louth is 35. Louth is the 7 th lowest on the state. Drogheda has grown by 56% over last 20 yr period, Dundalk 26% over 20 yrs, Ardee 37% over same period. Drogheda has the largest pop of 65. Significant Growth in the rural areas of Tullyallen 246%, Clogherhead 167%, Dromiskin 152%, Termonfeckin, 145% & Collon 143% Baltray only area which saw a decrease in pop of -24% over the last 20yr period. Urban Pop = 63%, Rural Pop = 37%. Louth is the 3 rd largest urban area outside the cities and Dublin Local authority areas. No crucial population density issues as experienced in other cities. 38.1% of pop is not in the working age group classification while 61.9% is. Roughly for every potential 6 tax payers you have 4 dependents.

Questions arising from Population Trends What does the LECP need to capture to address issues arising from: Drogheda having the largest < 11 population Dundalk having the largest > 65 population The % increase in rural areas where population increase has exceeded 100%

Ethnic and Cultural Background State average of people born in Ireland = 83.1%. Louth average of people born in Louth = 81.5%. This is mainly due to 9.0% of people declaring the UK as their place of birth. – 10.2% of those who said they were born in the UK come from Dundalk compared to 4.8% in Drogheda. Drogheda has less “white Irish” at 78.7% compared to the County at 85.7% and Dundalk at 81.7%. Dundalk has 441 members of Traveller families compared to Drogheda 157.

Questions arising from Ethnic and Cultural Trends What qualitative and quantitative research/information has the LPP carried out on ethnicity and displaced people in Louth? What qualitative and quantitative information has LCC & TIG obtained on Traveller issues and priorities in Louth? What other information is available?

Family and Household Size 70% of children in Louth are in families of 4 or more. 40% of children are in families of 5 or more. Dundalk has 30.8% of families with lone mothers, Drogheda 25.5%, State = 22.3%. 26.1% of households are occupied by 1 person families = 9.9% of pop Drogheda has significantly more apartments than Dundalk. Dundalk contains more houses/bungalows. Drogheda has a newer housing stock than Dundalk Between 1991 and 2006 Drogheda built 52.9% of its current housing stock with Dundalk building 43.1%. Dundalk and Drogheda are below the national average with regard to houses that have no central heating. Louth has seen a decline on the proportion of local authority housing from 10.7% to 8.9% comparing nationally 9.8% to 7.9%. 14% of dwellings in Louth were unoccupied in Louth compared to nationally 17%.

Questions arising from Family and Household Trends What is the link with Lone Parents and Poverty?

Employment/Unemployment 2011 CSO Census: 46.9% of people at work in Louth, nationally = 50.1% Louth unemployment rate = 24% compared to 19% nationally. 29% of pop over 15 is not in the labour force. 23% of 44,232 people working travel outside the county to work Male unemployment = 27.7% in Louth, nationally 22.3%. Female unemployment = 19.0% (More men than women unemployed) Urban areas more affected by unemployment

Employment/Unemployment Live Register: Decline in unemployment—reduction of claims to DSP. Louth = -12.6% state = -11.7% 36% of those on Live Register were women, nationally 39%. Ardee (-21%) shows the greatest reduction in DSP claims followed by Drogheda (-14.1%) and then Dundalk (-6.8%). The reduction of 25. Socio-economic workshop 1 st Sept Intergenerational unemployment—children of parents how would never have worked needs to be addressed. Targeted job creation in disadvantaged areas.

Unemployment Trends Category Male unemploymentFell from 18.4% to 8.8%Rose to 22.3% Female unemploymentFell from 14.1% to 8.1%Rose to 15.0% During the growth period unemployment rates in Louth fell at a faster rate than the state albeit, it from a higher starting point. Current unemployment rates in Louth remain several % points above the national average. Unemployment rates higher in: Dundalk Urban No 1 = 40.1% male & 23.7% female Dundalk Urban No 2 = 38.7% male & 31.7% female Castletown (Pt) = 36.9% male & 23.8% female Ardee Urban = 35.7% male & 23.2% female Dundalk Rural = 33.4% male & 24.8% female

Questions arising from Employment/Unemployment trends What is the current unemployment rate in Louth? Where are the stats on underemployment? What are the lessons learned in Louth from previous unemployment interventions? How can intergenerational unemployment be addressed? What can be captured in the LECP to address unemployment to at best meet the local needs and at least meet the national average. What do we want to achieve in terms of employment. What targets are we aiming for? (National target = 69-71% of year olds to be employed)

Education Louth has a significant early school leaving stat at 35.6%, nationally = 29.9%. 9.6% leave school before % of adults with primary school education only in Louth Several rural EDs have considerable numbers of the adult pop having primary school ed only. 1.8% of Louth pop have no formal education, nationally = 1.4% Louth falls below the national average in ordinary, higher degree attainment and Post grad courses. There are low levels of 3 rd level of ed in Dundalk Urban 1 & 2 ED. Socio Economic Workshop 1 st Sept-- Implement early years initiatives to increase educational attainment from present levels to national average Address early school leaving

Questions arising from Education How do we address education issues through the LCDC. (Limited as pre-school, primary schools, secondary schools outside ETB and DkIT are not represented on LCDC) Whilst there is a significant drop in those who have completed primary school education only (41.6% in 1991 to 18.7% in 2011 how can the LCDC affect improvements in this area? How do we increase third level entry in Louth? What is the Children’s Services Committee doing in their education subgroup? Is there overlap? Where does the CSC fit into the LECP?

Health 86% of approx population regard their health as “very good” or “good”. Slightly more reported “fair” in Dundalk and Drogheda than the State. 9% & 9.1% compared to 8% nationally. 19.1% of men and 23.1% of women provide unpaid care hours in excess of 43 hrs/week. Socio Economic Workshop 1 st Sept Address Health inequalities in different geographical areas. Address the drug epidemic Create health and education information portal What can be learned from the Healthy Cities programme? Increased emphasis on Health Promotion

Questions arising from Health What stats are available for Louth with regard to drugs? What are the health related problems that contribute to poverty and disadvantage? Define Health inequalities. What health related actions need to be considered in the LECP which will reflect a changing society—people living longer What is the national vision for health in the community and how can the Louth LCDC assist in progressing that vision. What can communities do to improve their health and wellbeing. Where does Age Friendly Counties, Healthy Cities and Child Friendly Cities fit into the LECP? Is there a role for “responsibilisation”. What message can the LCDC produce to advance that idea.

Deprivation Areas Overall the border region is the most deprived region in Ireland. Louth is the 3 rd most affluent county in the border region. Deprivation score for Louth = Louth is the 9 th most disadvantage county in Ireland. The most disadvantaged areas are located in Dundalk with Dundalk Urban No.1 & Dundlak No. 2 (= & respectively). These are the only EDs in Louth which fall into the “disadvantaged” category. The most affluent is Haggardstown = 5.7. Differences in social classes reflect educational attainment. 48.8% professionals in Haggardstown, 11.7% professionals in Dundalk Urban No 2. Age dependency = 34.3% for Louth marginally above national average.. Lone parents = 24.3% slightly above national average of 21.6%.

Questions arising from Disadvantage What are the lessons learned from the RAPID programmes? What is the relationship between lack of education attainment and disadvantaged areas? Can the LCDC improve this relationship? What do we need to learn from disadvantaged areas which will affect change in deprivation scores. Do we need to do a longitudinal study on a sample population to learn this? What is the relationship between lone parents and children going into care. (Report week of 28 Th Oct) How can the LCDC address the predicted increase in age dependency? (Increased numbers of 65)

Citizen Engagement Socio-economic workshop 1 st Sept 2014 Ensure that all agencies have a point of contact where the citizen can get relevant information Good community development principles Bottom up strategic development Make the rural sector visible LCC provides strong, effective Local Government and governance as a lead. Aim to strengthen local and community role Foster and develop social capital Put a face on community within local government One stop connectivity for all community engagement/information