Unit 9 The Winter Blues
Page 165 What causes her depression? Make the thing happen They don’t affect the way she feels. To change someone or something She couldn’t reach the phone. Take
Vocabulary page She feels very emotional. Feeling It is a bright sunny day. shining She often checked her temperature. Hot or cold She checked her blood pressure. She had many symptoms of the depression. signs She went to see a psychiatrist. Doctor / psychology Depression is a common problem. not strange She chooses the right treatment. cure Once a week, she has psychotherapy. Kind of treatment She has a breathing problem. Inhaling air
Answer key page k 8.b 2. e 9. j 3. g 10. h 4. d 11. f 5.a 12.c 6.l 13.i 7.m
Answer key page His forehead feels hot. 2. It is probably dead babies often cry 4. He thinks that talking will help I feel very tired. 6. I think I need to put on my sunglasses. 7. I think I am depressed. 8. He should eat less salt and try to relax more. 9. I think that he should talk to a psychiatrist. 10. Her husband, who is taller that she is 11. I would try hot baths, rest, and relaxing. 12. They named him John. I3. I guess I need to stop eating chocolate.
Blood pressure- cause- emotional- breathing- reached- bright- symptoms- treatment- common- temperature- light- psychotherapy- Psychiatrist
Answer key page blood pressure –emotional- cause 2. temperature- common- temperature- Treatment 3. psychotherapy- psychiatrist 4. bright- symptoms- treatment 5. breathing- reached
1. Use ‘should ‘to give advice or say that something is a good idea. You should go to the doctor. 2.Use ‘shouldn’t ‘to give advice or say that something isn’t a good idea. You shouldn’t drive quickly. 3. Always use the base form of the verb with should and shouldn’t. Should eat- should come- should read- should go Grammar Should- Shouldn’t
Answer key page shouldn’t look 2. shouldn’t take 3. shouldn’t see 4. should sleep, shouldn’t stay out 5. should exercise, shouldn’t eat 6. should talk