Kupu Taurangi Hauora o Aotearoa
Health and Disability Consumer Representative Training MODULE ONE The New Zealand health and disability context
Welcome and introductions Who you are Where you’re from What you want to get out of the training today
Inequities Research Clinical trials Leadership Co-design Peer support Your experience Roles & responsibilities Meetings The NZ health and disability environment Defining consumers Quality improvement Consumer engagement 1. Health and disability context 2. Experience base 3. Evidence base 4. Partnership
Health and disability context NZ health & disability environment Defining consumers Quality improvement Consumer engagement Health and disability context Experience base Evidence base Partnership
Goals for the day To understand the New Zealand health and disability environment and the various stakeholders. To understand how working in partnership can help improve the quality of services. To understand and critique the different definitions associated with being a health and disability consumer. To understand how consumer engagement is positioned in the health and disability environment.
ACC The health & disability environment Minister of Health PHARMAC Ministry of Health Ministerial Advisory Groups National Health Boards Health Workforce NZ District Health Boards Committees – hospital, disability advisory & community & public Office for Disability Issues Drug companies Medicines NZ Government health agencies Lobby groups NGOs Consumers Medsafe Office of the Health & Disability Commissioner Health Quality & Safety Commission
Minister of Health Health and Disability Commissioner’s Office Office for Disability Issues Ministry of Health Health Quality and Safety Commission DHBs PHARMAC NGO providers Primary health organisations ACC Minister for Disability Issues
Health Quality & Safety Commission Established under the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2010, the Commission’s purpose is to work with health professionals and consumers across health and disability support services to improve the quality and safety of care.
Health Quality & Safety Commission The Commission adds value to health, quality and safety in NZ by measuring and identifying what needs to improve and providing expertise and advice to support improvement and spread good practice. It promotes and supports clinical leadership and governance as an integral component of ensuring high-quality, safe health and support of engagement of consumers as partners in the health care system. (Health Quality & Safety Commission Statement of Intent 2013 16)
Engaging with consumers The Commission works in partnership with consumers to improve quality across the health and disability sector to increase safety. It supports consumer participation and decision- making about health and disability support services at every level including governance, planning, policy, setting priorities and highlighting quality issues.
Office for Disability Issues The Office for Disability Issues: Promotes and monitors implementation of the NZ Disability Strategy and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Provides guides and toolkits promoting inclusive practice. Undertakes research and provides statistics on New Zealanders with disabilities. Reports to the Minister for Disability Issues.
Office for Disability Issues The Office of Disability Issues strategy Towards an inclusive and non-disabling New Zealand ” is underpinned by a vision of a fully inclusive society. “A society that highly values our lives and continually enhances our full participation.” (Office for Disability Issues, 2013, p11)
Supporting Māori and Pacific Peoples Disability Support Services The national Pacific Disability Action Plan, Faiva Ora, is creating awareness about disabilities in the Pacific community, and provides support service guides in six Pacific languages (Ministry of Health 2010). The Ministry of Health is implementing actions for the Māori Disability Action Plan 2012 2017, Whaia Te Ao Marama.
The New Zealand Triple Aim The Health Quality & Safety Commission works towards the New Zealand Triple Aim for quality and safety improvement and outcomes
Quality service Quality is a system – and all parts of the system are needed to deliver safe, quality service.
Quality tools Quality tools help people understand and improve processes. There are seven basic tools of quality improvement to help people and organisations generate ideas; analyse, develop and evaluate processes; and collect data. One useful tool is the PDSA quality cycle tool.
Plan, Do, Study, Act There are four stages to the PDSA cycle: Plan – the change to be tested or implemented Do – carry out the test or change Study – data before and after the change and reflect on what was learned Act – plan the next change cycle or full implementation (
Plan, Do, Study, Act
Defining consumer Experienced- based consumers People who receive or have received health treatment and care Applies to patient, client, service user, resident or disability consumer Representative/ Advisor consumers Experienced-based consumers who also represent health and disability groups or networks Usually nominated by these network groups Draw on their expertise and support Carers People who provide support and/or care to a consumer (excludes those employed in care services) Sometimes speak on behalf of consumers if they cannot do that themselves Family/Whānau /Aiga Usually identified by consumers as people who they want to be engaged with their ongoing treatment, care and support Have insights related to the experience, treatment and care the consumer receives
What is consumer engagement? ‘Consumer engagement is a process where people seeking health and disability services are empowered to participate in decisions around the treatment, services and care they receive.’ (Dr Chris Walsh, Senior Advisor, HQSC, 2014)
Consumer engagement ‘Consumer engagement is acknowledged as an important part of challenging the current and future workforce to view health care from the perspective of the consumer.’ (Patient Stories Why, Who, how, Hutt Valley DHB, nd)
Health Quality & Safety Commission ‘Engagement of consumers with decisions about their own health care improves outcomes, enhances the experience of care and reduces costs.’ Dr Janice Wilson Chief Executive Health Quality & Safety Commission (Annual Report 2012 13)
Consumers making a difference Give examples of how health and disability consumers have made a difference to changing policy, services or treatment.
The health and disability environment in New Zealand is complex and there are many different stakeholders. The more you understand this environment and the better informed you are, the more confident you will feel to engage with these stakeholders. Consumers and clinicians working in partnership can help improve the quality of services. You will gain much from keeping connected with consumer groups to provide support and keep you updated with what happens in the New Zealand context. Summary
Questions? Comments? Evaluation