The Eastern Area of The Links, Inc. and The American Cancer Society Partnership Overview
American Cancer Society Mission Statement: The American Cancer Society is the nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service.
Three Pillars of Engagement Health Equity Ambassador Advocacy - ACS CAN Making Strides Against Breast Cancer (MSABC)
Eastern Area of The Links, Inc. Partnership Opportunity Health Equity
Health Equity Ambassador Volunteer Overview Health Equity Ambassadors educate and mobilize the community
Health Equity Ambassador Volunteer Assessment Assess interest, readiness, and capacity To what extent are you interested in health equity? Prevention and early detection? Do you enjoy educating individuals? Do you have experience in health education? Are you willing to commit to approximately four (4) hours of online training? How many hours per month are you available to provide outreach and education?
Health Equity Opportunities Volunteer Resources Web-based trainings Collaborative Action Planning Technical Assistance Cancer education materials Cobranded promotional ads and fliers
Health Equity Opportunities Metrics Process Outputs Outcomes Number of: Volunteers recruited Volunteers trained Activities completed Volunteer hours Volunteers retained Number of individuals reached through education Number of risk appropriate individuals screened
Eastern Area of The Links, Inc. Partnership Opportunity ACS CAN Working Together to Make Cancer a Top Public Policy Priority
What Is ACS CAN? The American Cancer Society Cancer Action NetworkSM (ACS CAN) is a nationwide grassroots movement that Ensures that more than 14 million Americans alive today with a history of cancer have a voice in public policy matters that impact the fight against the disease Unites and empowers cancer patients, survivors, caregivers, and their loved ones, giving them the training and tools they need to be heard in the halls of government With more than 1,000,000 advocates, ACS CAN is a powerful force behind legislative victories and policy successes that help save lives.
4/17/2017 -Take a look at this slide that depicts the American Cancer Society’s mission priorities. -What we want you to take away here is that ACS mission priorities drive the work of ACS CAN’s . -ACS CAN is focused on these 7 areas and working towards policy change that will impact them. - I am sure you are familiar with many of these priorities. ACS CAN has activity around each of these areas that are directly improving peoples lives in your community.
Working Together We Can EDUCATE communities on cancer issues. ENGAGE in policy efforts to fight cancer. MOBILIZE to win cancer-related public policy improvements.
EDUCATE on Cancer Issues Tele-town halls with ACS CAN leadership to learn about the Affordable Care Act and other issues Access to vast array of policy expertise and materials
ENGAGE On Policy Efforts Membership in ACS CAN and on Volunteer ACT! Teams to become involved locally Help With Legislative Fly-ins, participation in ACS CAN state lobby days, and other local and national events.
MOBILIZE To Win ACT! Teams win real improvements in the communities Links live and work.
The Eastern Area of The Links, Inc The Eastern Area of The Links, Inc. Partnership Opportunity Making Strides Against Breast Cancer
What is Making Strides? The Society's premier event to raise awareness & dollars to end the fight against breast cancer A non-competitive 3 to 5 mile walk Highlights the tangible work the Society does in the community Opportunity to honor and fight for people affected by breast cancer
In 2014, nearly 300 events will take place nationwide.
How Donations Save Lives Since 1993, more than 9 million walkers across the country have raised more than $528 million through Making Strides events to help fight breast cancer. In 2012 alone, nearly 1.1 million participants across the country raised $68 million to help fight breast cancer. Your donations help the American Cancer Society help people stay well, get well, find cures, and fight back! Did you know, ACS has played a role in nearly every major breast cancer research breakthrough in recent history, including establishing mammography as the standard for breast cancer screening, discovering lifesaving treatments, and better understanding factors that can reduce the risk.
Questions, Feedback, Discussion
ACS Staff Partners For more information please contact: Tawanna Thomas Johnson – or Fredda Bryan –