Why change from PDAS? PDAS 1997 INTENDED to be a professional development system Became system focused more on compliance with rules Education has evolved, so evaluation needs to follow T-TESS seeks to create open, collaborative environment with focus on instructional and professional improvement
Rationale for T-TESS Formalize what highly effective teachers do Collaborative& supportive cultures Develop habits of self-assessment, reflection, and adjustment Formalize what highly effective teachers do
Timeline 2014-15 60 pilot districts Feedback and data collection 2015-16 Pilot extended to 200 districts Refinement 2016-17 Statewide rollout
T-TESS Pilot Schools 2015 - 16 Birdville HS Shannon HS North Richland MS Richland MS North Ridge ES Mullendore ES Spicer ES Birdville ES Foster Village ES Walker Creek ES Richland ES Hardeman ES Watauga ES
Goal-Setting and Professional Development Process What is T-TESS? Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System Goal-Setting and Professional Development Process 10% Student Growth -Student Learning Objectives -Value-add scores -Portfolios -District Pre and Post tests 20% Observation Descriptive Rubrics for Each Domain 70%
Three Keys of Evaluation Ongoing Relationships Formative and Timely
T-TESS Domains
Practice = Performance
Teacher Self-Assessment and Goal-Setting Process
Post-Conference Plan
Feedback from Pilot Districts Pilot Lessons Learned Clear, consistent message of support and growth The rubric is central Questioning skills - conferencing It takes time, but time spent is worth it
Alignment to BISD Vision Planning Collaboration Student Engagement Rigor & Relevance Embracing Change Process Improvement Growth PDAS or T-TESS?
A B C D Discussion & Decision Pilot schools 2015-16, add remaining schools for 2016-17 Pilot schools 2015-16 and then decide how to move forward No pilot 2015-16, all schools begin 2016-17 Continue using PDAS with no support from TEA A B C D