RE-ENGAGING OUR YOUTH Presented By Selena Barajas-Ledesma, MSW Pupil Services Administrator, City Partnership Program Los Angeles Unified School District
Disconnected Youth: A NATIONAL PROBLEM 1.2 million students did not graduate from high school in 2011 lost lifetime earnings for that class alone total $154 billion Estimated 6.7 Million disconnected youth
DROPOUTS City of Los Angeles by the Numbers 3 100,000 Youth between the ages of are Out of School & Out of Work (1 in 5) 13,794 Homeless Youth 8,278 Youth in Foster Care 6,950 students from the Class of 2013 dropped out of school
LAUSD AND CHRONIC ABSENCE Los Angeles Unified School District 4 580,601 19,646 Chronically absent high school students in school year LAUSD Enrollment
IT TAKES A VILLAGE System Alignment Based on a Common Goal 5
POLICIES & PARTNERSHIPS (Real Skin in the Game) 7 LA Compact - Policy priority to serve OSY youth Random assignment evaluation - Workforce Innovation Fund LA Unified School District Co-Investment to place counselors in each YouthSource Center (PSA Counselors) 2012 launch of WIA dropout recovery system
THE ROLE OF THE PSA COUNSELOR 8 Assist with Outreach and recruitment of OSY youth Educational assessment of each youth - reviews grades, behavior, and school enrollment Identify and asses barriers to academic achievement. Identify personal and academic goals Assess socio-economic needs and provide appropriate referrals Develop individual academic plan Communicate and coordinate service plan with WIA Career Coach Ongoing counseling during participation
Construction Healthcare CAREER PATHWAYS IN (Implementing a Job Driven System TEGL 3-14) 10 Automotive Technology
CREATING BRIDGES FROM SECONDARY TO POST-SECONDARY EDUCATION Contextualized Basic Skills Combined with Sector Based Work Experience
TRUANCY DIVERSION PROGRAM 13 Identify root causes Engage parents & students in an off-campus environment Educate parents/students on law, options, benefits of school attendance Educational & psychological assessments YouthSource Services
STUDENT RECOVERY DAY 14 Targets schools with highest dropout and absenteeism rates Education, Workforce and Human Services - 1,000 volunteers 1,243 dropouts recovered in one day Annual door-to-door home visits in an effort to provide youth and their families with a myriad of services
SHARE best practices CROSS TRAINING ASSESS the needs of the population RE-ASSESS the training needs of your staff LEARN each other’s strengths IDENTIFY experts within your collaborative ENGAGE outside experts
ACCOMPLISHMENTS 16 26,448 Young adults used the YouthSource Centers 5,770 Young adults enrolled in the YouthSource System 1,646 High School Dropouts were Re-engaged and Re-enrolled in School 10,514 received an educational assessment
17 BOYLE HEIGHTS TECHNOLOGY YOUTH SOURCE CENTER Programs for youth on probation On-Site Credit Recovery & GED prep courses Youth Enrichment programs Community Referrals as needed Truancy Diversion Program Youth Training Academy (YTA: Ages 13-19) WIA/LARCA Programs- Targeting out of work out of school youth (16-24)
EXPANSION 19 Family Source Program Prevention Model Goal-Increase family resources and academic achievement Serve younger youth Arrest Diversion Program Intervention for youth that have committed Minor infractions Alternative to citation/arrest Eliminate School to Prison Pipeline
MORE SUPPORT FOR HIGH RISK YOUTH 20 Camp Returnee/Probation Youth Program Opportunity Youth Incentive Fund
29 YouthSource and Family Source Centers aimed at serving students and families throughout the City of Los Angeles