FIEO KERALA CHAPTER \ MR Meeting (10 th and 11 th November 2014)
D ISTRICTS IN THE STATE WITH SECTOR SPECIFIC IMPORTANCE AND EVENTS ORGANISED & TO BE ORGANISED * Cochin * Kollam * Palakkad * Kannur * Trivandrum * Thrissur * Calicut * Alleppey * Kottayam -- Spices - Organised Many sessions -- Cashews- Scheduled in November -- Engineering- Organized One session -- Textiles - To be Organized -- IT- Organised sessions -- Handicrafts- Organised sessions -- Foot wears/ IT- Organised sessions -- Coir- To be organised --- Rubber- Organised sessions
Revenue collection:- Heads (April October 2014) Projected Growth (November – March 2014) Membership collected ,84,884 24,39,749 (Excl.of S.T) 26,00,000 Certificate of Origin , (Excl.of S.T) 50,000 Number of Domestic Events Revenue from Domestic Events 3,77,4004,00,700 1,70,694 3,00,000 Expenditure on Domestic Events 7,89,6615,91,897 1,79,472 Number of Overseas Events --- Revenue from Overseas activity --- Expenditure on Overseas activity ---
MEMBERSHIP GROWTH New Members Admitted :- FY ( ) - 53 Members FY ( ) - 47 Members 2014 April- October - 48 Members Projection (2014 October Members To March 2015)
S TRATEGY FOR GETTING MEMBERSHIP Many events were organized at different parts of the state jointly with Trade Bodies, Chambers of Commerce, District Industries centre under the industries department etc… regular follow ups with the concerned exporters by timely informing them regarding various events of FIEO and also the benefits of becoming FIEO member will be our focus to bring more members to our roll. We are also referring the Data Base of Exporters including status holders provided by Jt.DGFT on regular intervals to follow up from the list by intimating the exporters regarding FIEO and various services offered.
PARTICIPATION IN DOMESTIC ACTIVITIES We are planning to organise many sessions with District Industries Centers, Chambers of Commerce and other Trade Organisations for promotion of Industrial growth and export from the State to make the EXIM Community informed about various services offered by FIEO and our role in International Trade. We wish to organise all the events with the support of leading Banks and other reputed organisations. Annual event calendar has been formulated and the same has been send to all Banks for getting Financial assistance to organise the sessions.
I NTERNATIONAL EVENT COORDINATION - REQUEST The major items of Export from the State are Cashew, Spices, Rubber and Sea food. We would request for providing us an opportunity to associate with the overseas events with a main focus on the above mentioned products Exports from the state.
CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN INCOME Rs 2, Rs 32, (April - October. 2014) - Rs 41,034.00
Representation of FIEO Kerala Chapter Permanent Trade Facilitation Committee of Customs Trade Facilitation and Grievance redressal Committee of JDGFT Kochi. Trade Facilitation Committee of Cochin Port Airport Consultative Committee, Cochin International Airport Ltd
EVENTS CONDUCTED DURING APRIL TO OCTOBER 2014 Interactive session on procedures related to Certificate of Origin (FIEO in association with Export Inspection Agency (EIA) ( ) Customs Valuation of Imported Goods" at Kochi, jointly with FIEO and Western Union ( ) COIR DARSHAN- 2014, at Allepey. (FIEO associated with COIR BOARD)- 25 th May to 27 th May 2014 The 2 nd Coastal Shipping & IWT Business Summit held at Kochi on 29 th August 2014.
EVENTS CONDUCTED DURING APRIL TO OCTOBER 2014 One Day Training Programme at Kottayam on 25 th August 2014,jointly with DIC Kotta yam. FIEO Kerala Chapter was Part of the session organized at Kochi in connection with the “Make In India” Campaign,jointly organiosed by Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce, Government of India, and FICCI, Which was held on 25 th September FIEO Kerala Chapter was an official invitee for the session : Launch of Composite Promotion for Spices” organized by Spices Board of India at Kochi on 26 th September Smt Nirmala Sitharaman, Hon’ble Minister of State for Commerce & Industry,Government of India was the Chief Guest.
EVENTS CONDUCTED DURING APRIL TO OCTOBER 2014 FIEO in association with Dun and Brad Street, Federal Bank and Times Group organised an SME Connect Series at Kochi on 10 th October FIEO jointly with BUSINESS STANDARD organized a CEO Knowledge Forum -Panel Discussion on “ Exports from Kerala – Issues & Prospects “ at Kochi on 17 th October 2014.
EVENTS ORGANISED AND PROPOSED DURING NOVEMBER 2014 TO MARCH FIEO in association with M/s Religare Securities Limited and Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry :- seminar on Currency Risk Management at Kochi on 3 rd November 2014 Analysis Cum Awareness Session on the proposed Foreign Trade Policy ( ) at Kochi tentatively on 18 th November 2014 or 19 th November The session is jointly to be organized by FIEO and IDBI Bank. Analysis Cum Awareness Session on the proposed Foreign Trade Policy ( ) at Kollam (Quilon) tentatively on 26 th November 2014 or 27 th November The session is jointly to be organized by FIEO and IDBI Bank
UPCOMING EVENTS FROM NOVEMBER TO MARCH 2014 Foot Wear Expo at Calicut jointly to be organized by Confederation of Indian Footwear Industries and Kerala State Small Industries Association, Kozhikode at Kozhikode, Kerala on 25th and 26 th November Short Term Management Diploma Programme jointly with IMU and FIEO at Kochi Likely to be announced during the last week of December 2014 workshop on Foreign Trade Policy and various incentive schemes jointly with Federation of Indian Coir Exporters Association at Alleppey, Kerala
UPCOMING EVENTS FROM NOVEMBER TO MARCH 2014 Short Term Management Diploma Programme jointly with IMU and FIEO at Kochi Likely to be announced during the last week of December 2014 workshop on Foreign Trade Policy and various incentive schemes jointly with Coir Board at Alleppey, Kerala during December 2014 Joint Meetings with Export Members of Commodity Boards and EPC’s at Kochi
UPCOMING EVENTS FROM NOVEMBER TO MARCH 2014 Seminar on Strategic Export Management at Kochi during January Workshop on how to tap the untapped markets at Calicut during February Kerala Business to Business Meet for SME’S,During Feb- 26 to 28, FIEO Jointly with Department of Industries, Government of Kerala during February
UPCOMING EVENTS FROM NOVEMBER TO MARCH 2014 Air Cargo Exports Procedures – With Cochin International Airport Ltd, Kochi during March. Foreign Language Programme- Arabic at Kochi.
ACTION PLAN To Contact the members to collect arrears of subscription. Frequent Meetings with Port, Customs, JDGFT, Trade Bodies, Industries Departments, Local Authorities,RBI etc...on matters of common interest and to discuss the unresolved issues. To start new Membership drives in all the districts of the State:- To Arrange meetings with Exporters and Importers Associations in Calicut, Cochin, Kasarakode, Malappuram and Trivandrum under the Kerala State jurisdiction.
Organise Monthly meetings with Commodity Boards to review the Growth of exports under various sectors. Follow-ups with foreign Embassies to get the details of Dignitaries visiting from their side to Kerala, to explore possibilities for more and more B2B ’ s. Tie-ups with leading banks to support FIEO events on annual basis.(Discussing with Federal Bank,Canara Bank and IDBI Bank) Boost up Certificate Origin issuance and Legalization support to Export Community ACTION PLAN
To start Short Term Management Programme On Export Management, Documentation and Procedures etc To conduct events for the Export Community jointly with Industry Bodies, Trade associations, Exim Forums, JDGFT and all the events will be on sponsorship support by leading Banks or related organisations. Coordinating with the State Industries Ministry for getting a piece of land for constructing new premise for FIEO-KeralaChapter. ACTION PLAN
Thank you, FIEO Kerala Chapter,