Policies and Initiatives: the Philippine Experience Prepared by: Ms. Nelia R. De Jesus Chief, Technical Cooperation Division National Council on Disability Affairs Republic of the Philippines PRESENTED BY: BEATRICE G. QUIMSON Department of Science and Technology Information and Communications Technology Office
IT Policies and Initiatives: the Philippine Experience Government Information System : IT as a premier tool to ‘’BEAT THE ODDS’’, but not ‘’inclusive’’ 2003 – “Manila Design Recommendations and Declaration towards Accessible ICT”, became the cornerstone of CRPD Article training of 200 webmasters creating the Philippine Web Accessibility Group (PWAG), commissioned as an online advocacy group Joint NCDA-NCC Memo Circular requiring government agencies’ web accessibility, using set standards
“Nothing about us, without us” spurred leaders with disabilities as the conscience bloc, towards more ICT Policy breakthroughs: A(ward), R(ecognize) A(ccessible) W(ebsites)-ARAW (sun) incentivizing implementors UN-ESCAP’s Citation as among Asia Pacific Region’s best practices “APCD-NCDA Video “From Why to How:Accessible ICT in the Philippines”, 2008 NCDA Board Resolutions 11, 12, 13, respectively a.) adopting DAISY as standards for education/training materials for persons with disabilities, b) enjoins government agencies’ hiring of qualified PWD encoders’; and c) urging compliance of same on web accessibility
P.D, 709. attached NCDA to the Office of the President, and appointed the National Computer Center to lead the SubCommittee on ICT Inclusion of disability in the “Philippine Digital Strategy” ( ) Inclusion of ‘’Accessible Website Award in the prestigious Presidential Apolinario Mabini Awards (2011) Amendment of R.A on intellectual property rights, allowing printing,reproduction /distribution of copyrighted materials exclusive for persons with visual/print disabilities (2012) Marking of “IT Month” with an ‘’IT Job and Skills Fair’’, job match, shows ICT as empowering tool and work excellence of persons with disabilities using ICT (2012-present)
Challenges and Next Steps : SMART Advocacy Dynamic ‘’Push and Pull’’ strategies Amendment of Magna Carta to include Accessible ICT Maximize IT to boost education,work, tourism opportunities & disaster control
Technology 4 Economic Development (Tech4ED) By: Beatrice G. Quimson, eSociety – ICT Office
The ASEAN ICT Masterplan 2015 seeks to achieve: “INCLUSIVE Involving all the stakeholders in ASEAN – government, citizens, and businesses, developed and developing, rural and urban, young and old, as well as those with and without disabilities ”
FOUNDATION SUSTAINABLE MODEL A “Franchise Model” for Maintenance & Expansion DELIVERY CHANNEL Single Shared Portal for all Government e- Programs w Monitoring, Feedback and Analytics Engines INFRASTRUCTUREINFRASTRUCTURE TVWS to Connect the Last mile PILLARS GROWTH Empower Entrepreneur SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION Economic Evolution OPPORTUNITY Enable Employment SERVICE Innovate Education Harnessing ICT to Empower and Transform Society Creating an INCLUSIVE, Integrated, & Equitable Countryside Harnessing ICT to Empower and Transform Society Creating an INCLUSIVE, Integrated, & Equitable Countryside Creating the eFILIPINO
eGovServeeEduSkills eAssist mAgrimMarketplaceeAssess The Tech4ED Services
Enabling Women, PWD, OFW, Seniors, Indigenous People, Teachers & Career Shifters with Special Content e-ASSISTe-ASSIST OBJECTIVES *.Provide opportunities for digital inclusion to marginalized communities *Help teachers learn teaching strategies using technology to develop 21 st Century Skills *Develop competencies relevant to a particular Industry for higher grade jobs (Career Shifters) *Enable SMEs to use internet as a tool for expansion *Educate OFWs and their families on how to save, invest, and spend money wisely. COMPONENTS Business Life Long Learners Financial Literacy ICT Literacy