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Presentation transcript:

Instructional Design Arif Altun

Why ID? Designing effective instructional materials is one way of improving the quality of educational opportunities. The common concern of instructional designers is the facilitation of successful learning experiences from which learners can demonstrate their newly acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes. UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

What is an ISD ? Instructional design refers to the systematic process of translating principles of learning and instruction into plans or specifications for instructional materials or activities. UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

Who is an instructional designer ? Instructional designers use established learning theories and principles as problem solving procedures (models) to guide them in making decisions about their designs. (Smith and Ragan, 1999) UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

Metaphors used for ISD Instructional design can be regarded as both a science and an art: a science because it is rooted in learning theories which in turn draw their principles from psychology, sociology, philosophy and education; and, an art because the designing of instructional materials is a highly creative process. UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

Intitial Questions sought answers Goals: What are the goals of the instruction? (Where are we going?) Instructional strategy: What is the instructional strategy and the instructional medium? (How will we get there?) Evaluation: How will we evaluate and revise the instructional materials for future improvement? (How will we know when we have arrived?) (Smith and Ragan, 1999) UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

Common Features of ID Models Improving learning and instruction by following a systematic approach Improving management of instructional design and development procedures by monitoring and controlling the functions of the systematic approach • Improving evaluation processes (including learner performance) Testing or building learning or instructional theory by means of theory-based design within a systematic instructional model UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

Basic Elements of ID Determining the needs of the learners and examining the learning context and environment Determining the outcomes of the learning program or course and formulating the learning objectives Developing appropriate and meaningful assessment criteria and procedures Establishing the most effective approach(es) to delivering the instruction UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

Basic Elements of ID 5. Testing and evaluating the effectiveness of the instructional system (both the instruction itself and the performance of the learner) Implementing, adjusting and maintaining the instructional system UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

Quality Assurance Model in ISD UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

Analysis Collect all relevant information and then try to make sense of a variety of deficiencies, contradictions, inconsistencies and ambiguities Report on Goals Target Population Type of Training Alternatives UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

Goals What instructional goal is driving this training? What is the skill gap? What competencies (knowledge, skills, or attitudes) will this program deliver? What factor or evaluation will be used to measure the level of goal achievement? UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

Target Population Who will be trained? What is the estimated class size? How many students in each class will there be and how long will this training last? What are the knowledge and skill prerequisites, if any? UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

Type of Training What types of media do we need? What instruments do we need to deliver this training? UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

Alternatives What will happen if we do not deliver the training ? What are the restrictions or limitations for delivering this program? What other methods may be used to reach the goal (include limitations and advantages) ? UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

Design: Instructional Strategy In a design process, instructional strategies determine the approach an instructor may take to achieve learning objectives. Organizational Strategies Delivery Strategies Management Strategies Questioning Strategies

Components of Instructional Strategies Organizational Strategies Delivery Strategies Management Strategies Macro strategies Scope and sequence structures Micro strategies Expanded instructional events Media selection Grouping strategies Scheduling Acqusition of resources

Expanded instructional events Introduction Body Conclusion Assessment Activate Attention Establish instructional purpose Arouse interest and motivation Preview lesson Recall prior knowledge Process information Focus attention Employ learning startegies Practice Evaluate feedback Summarize and review Transfer knowledge Remotivate and close Assess performance Evaluate feedback and remediate

Questioning strategies Application Questions Analytical Questions Synthesis Questions Interpretive Questions Evaluative Questions Application Questions: These questions ask learners to apply essential knowledge to new settings and contexts. For example: How could you apply these information search principles to your research? How could you demonstrate the use of this concept? How would you illustrate this process in action? What can we generalize from these facts? Analytical Questions: These questions ask learners to dissect key information and analyze essential concepts themes, and processes. For example: How are these search engines alike and different? What is an analogy that might represent this situation? How would you classify these information sources? What are the major elements that comprise this sequence of events? What are the major causes of this situation? Synthesis Questions: These questions require learners to formulate a holistic summary of key ideas, make inferences, or create new scenarios. For example: What would you define information literacy? What do you infer from such and such statements? Based upon these facts, what predictions would you make? Interpretive Questions: These are open-ended questions that require learners to formulate opinions in response to ideas presented in a print or non-print (e.g., art work, audio-visual) medium. Learners must support their opinions with direct evidence. Evaluative Questions: These questions require learners to formulate and justify judgments and criticisms based upon clearly-articulated evaluative criteria. For example: Why did you decide to choose that course of action? How would you rank these choices? How would you verify that conclusion?

Models of ISD An ISD model is a human construct to help us better understand real world systems. Therefore, instructional designers propose models to guide us develop and implement more effective instructional procedures in a specified span of time.

Models of ISD ADDIE: Core elements of ISD Dick and Carey Model Smith and Ragan Model Keller’s ARCS Model for motivation Reigeluth’s Elaboration Theory 4C/ID Model UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

ADDIE The ADDIE model is the generic process traditionally used by instructional designers and training developers. The five phases—Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation—represent a dynamic, flexible guideline for building effective training and performance support tools .

Iterative Process of ADDIE Molenda, M. (2003).

Dick and Carey Model UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

Smith and Ragan Model Source: Smith & Ragan, 1999 UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

Keller's ARCS Model for Motivation Attention: Gaining and keeping the learner's attention. Keller's strategies for attention include sensory stimuli (as discussed previously), inquiry arousal (thought provoking questions), and variability (variance in exercises and use of media). Relevance: The training program should answer the critical question, "What's in it for me?" Benefits should be clearly stated. Confidence: The confidence aspect of the ARCS model is required so that students feel that they should put a good faith effort into the program. If they think they are incapable of achieving the objectives or that it will take too much time or effort, their motivation will decrease. In technology-based training programs, students should be given estimates of the time required to complete lessons or a measure of their progress through the program. Satisfaction: Learners must obtain some type of satisfaction or reward from the learning experience. This can be in the form of entertainment or a sense of achievement. Other forms of external rewards would include praise from a supervisor, a raise, or a promotion. Ultimately, though, the best way for learners to achieve satisfaction is for them to find their new skills immediately useful and beneficial on their job. Attention The first and single most important aspect of the ARCS model is gaining and keeping the learner's attention, which coincides with the first step in Gagne's model. Keller's strategies for attention include sensory stimuli (as discussed previously), inquiry arousal (thought provoking questions), and variability (variance in exercises and use of media). Relevance Attention and motivation will not be maintained, however, unless the learner believes the training is relevant. Put simply, the training program should answer the critical question, "What's in it for me?" Benefits should be clearly stated. For a sales training program, the benefit might be to help representatives increase their sales and personal commissions. For a safety training program, the benefit might be to reduce the number of workers getting hurt. For a software training program, the benefit to users could be to make them more productive or reduce their frustration with an application. A healthcare program might have the benefit that it can teach doctors how to treat certain patients. Confidence The confidence aspect of the ARCS model is required so that students feel that they should put a good faith effort into the program. If they think they are incapable of achieving the objectives or that it will take too much time or effort, their motivation will decrease. In technology-based training programs, students should be given estimates of the time required to complete lessons or a measure of their progress through the program. Satisfaction Finally, learners must obtain some type of satisfaction or reward from the learning experience. This can be in the form of entertainment or a sense of achievement. A self-assessment game, for example, might end with an animation sequence acknowledging the player's high score. A passing grade on a post-test might be rewarded with a completion certificate. Other forms of external rewards would include praise from a supervisor, a raise, or a promotion. Ultimately, though, the best way for learners to achieve satisfaction is for them to find their new skills immediately useful and beneficial on their job.

Reigeluth’s Elaboration Theory Step 1. Decompose the content into Concepts, Principles and Procedures Step 2. Sequence them according to their level of difficulty at macro level Step 3. Sequence them according to their level of difficulty at micro level Step 4. Provide comprehensive summaries Step 5. Provide opportunities for students to integrate new information with their schema (i.e., use analogies, mnemonics, diagrams, or concept maps). Step 6. Use encouragement verbs to motivate students’ efforts.

4C/ID Model 4C/ID is an instructional design model by van Merriënboer and others. "4C" means "four components", "ID" means "Instructional Design". It also can be found in Merril's first principles of instruction. 4C/ID is what I call a "main-stream" Instructional Design Model that addresses the issue of how to teach complex skills, i.e. solid know-how that can be applied to real problem problems. According to Martin Ryder, the The 4C-ID instructional model is characterized by four components: (1) Learning Tasks, (2) Supportive Information, (3) Procedural Information and (4) Part-Task Practice. The task are ordered by task difficulty and each task offers at the beginning a lot of scaffolding which is reduced as the learner progresses.

References Keller, J. (1987). An application of the ARCS model of motivational design. In C.M.Reigeluth (Ed.), Instructional theories in action: Lessons illustrating selected theories and models. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Kemp, J; G. Morrison & S. M. Ross. (1996). Desinging effective instruction. Prentice Hall. New Jersey Merrill, D. (2002). First Principles of Instruction, ETR&D, 50(3), pp. 43-59 Molenda, M. (2003). In search of the elusive addie model. Performance improvement, 42(5), 34. Reigeluth, C.M. (1999). The elaboration theory: Guidance for scope and sequence decisions. In C.M. Reigeluth (Ed.), Instructional-Design Theories and Models: A New Paradigm of Instructional Theory. (Volume II). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc. Smith, P.L. & Ragan, T. J. (1999). Instructional Design. 2nd edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Merrill. van Merriënboer, J.J.G (1997). Training complex cognitive skills: A four component instructional design model for technical training. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications