Professional Development Information & Approval Process January – June 2015
Short Term Targets 1.Maximize teacher and administrator presence at school sites 2.Eliminate or minimize PD activities that are out of state or require extra travel days 3.Redirect ALL possible PD activities to breaks, weekends and after school Cap on the number of subs used per day by each ESC February = 70 subs per day March = 60 subs per day April and May = 50 subs per day Includes conference attendance and PDs Offered by Central
PD Criteria to Determine Priority Mandatory or required PDs take precedence Alignment to Four Criteria Points 1.Ties to school site plan 2.Direct application to the classroom 3.Support our key district priorities 4.Includes onsite learning and development Rescheduled contracts due to moratorium
Steps to Prioritize PD Activities 1.Review PD plan and reschedule as many as possible to after school, weekends or breaks 2.Use criteria to prioritize events that cannot be rescheduled to after school and weekends 3.Request approval for the use of subs by filling out the “PD Information and Approval form” found at
4. See the number of already approved subs by ESC at
When do I need to fill out the “Professional Development Information and Approval Form”? One form will be completed for each day of any PD event requiring a substitute. Ideally you should complete the PD approval form 30 days in advance but at least 2 weeks prior to the requested PD event.
What if it is a PD provided by the ESC or Central office? Who fills out the form? If the PD is mandatory, the approval form will be filled out by the point person facilitating the event at the ESC or Central office. If the PD is voluntary, the approval form must be filled out by the school site requesting to attend.
How and when will I know if the PD event is approved or denied? The Superintendent or his/her designee will oversee and monitor the PD substitute requests and have the ability to grant approval. Once a determination has been made as to whether the PD approval request is approved or denied, you will receive an to the addresses provided. An approval response will be given no later than 9 days prior to the event.
If the PD event is denied, what is the process for applying for an exemption? If the PD request is denied, the principal may respond to the from the ESC Superintendent or designee requesting an exemption. There is no need for the principal to re-enter the PD information given. The ESC Superintendent or designee will create an exemption form with the PD information previously submitted and forward the request to Dr. Ruth Perez, Deputy Superintendent, Office of Instruction, copying the principal. Dr. Ruth Perez will “reply ALL” and either grant or deny the exemption.