Science… What is Science? CONPTT What is this? Use the slides to fill in the blanks on the note sheet *
CONPTT Six characteristics that apply to scientific concepts:
Consistent Several scientists can repeat an experiment and get the same result. No contradiction.
Observable The results can be observed and explained using the five senses. Tools may help extend the senses (ex.: telescope, infrared cameras, microscopes)
Natural A natural cause must be used to explain why or how the event happens. Supernatural causes fall outside the realm of science.
Predictability The natural cause can be used to make accurate predictions. Predictions can be tested to determine if it is true or false.
Testability It must be testable through the process of science. This uses controlled experimentation.
Tentativeness Science does not have all the answers or solutions. Scientific theories can be changed and corrected. Theories can even be proven wrong. Nothing is ever completely proven in science
Chupacabra Is it “scientific”? Read the article about the “chupacabra”. Write an explanation telling if you think it IS or IS NOT a scientific topic. Use at least 4 sentences and refer to CONPTT.
What is Science? “Science” meets all six criteria Limited to natural world- use scientific processes Offers explanations for events-subject to revision(tentative) Not able to answer all the questions in the universe, nor solve all the problems *
Emerging Science • “Emerging science” may not meet 1 or 2 criteria; It may lack technology or knowledge.
False Science Pseudoscience-non science, sometimes portrayed as a legitimate science. Example-astrology. “pseudo” Greek term meaning False *
Non-Science Does not meet the criteria of CONPTT. Topics may be very logical. Example-philosophy, personal opinions, ethics. *
Answer the questions on paper in a yes or no format. Look at the following 25 questions and determine if they can be answered scientifically or not. Answer the questions on paper in a yes or no format. *
#1 What causes earthquakes? *
#2 Can ghosts say “BOO”? *
#3 What makes fossils? *
#4 What makes food spoil? *
#5 What is love? *
#6 What causes day and night? *
#7 How do new species form? *
#8 What causes the earth’s seasons? *
#9 How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? *
#10 What makes people sick? *
#11 Does a soul leave the body of a person who dies? *
#12 What causes salt to form crystals? *
#13 Does crossing your fingers protect you from evil? *
# 14 What causes sunsets? *
#15 What causes eclipses? *
#16 What is sex? (gender) *
#17 Is music beautiful? *
#18 What causes the sky to be blue? *
#19 What causes things to fall? *
#20 Does breaking a mirror cause bad luck? *