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Presentation transcript:

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INSTRUCTIONS SECTION 1-THE GRAND STAFF Lesson 1- The Staff, Lines & SpacesThe Staff, Lines & Spaces Lesson 2 - Treble Clef and StaffTreble Clef and Staff Lesson 3 - Bass Clef and StaffBass Clef and Staff Lesson 4 - The Grand StaffThe Grand Staff SECTION 2: RHYTHM NOTATION Lesson 1 - Note Values and Rest ValuesNote Values and Rest Values Lesson 2- Dotted NotesDotted Notes Lesson 3 - Measures, Bar Lines and Double Bar LinesMeasures, Bar Lines and Lesson 4 - Common Time SignaturesCommon Time Signatures SECTION 3 - TIES, SLURS, & REPEATS Lesson 1- Ties & SlursTies & Slurs Lesson 2 - Repeat Sign, 1st & 2nd Endings,Repeat Sign, 1st & 2nd Endings, D.C., D.S., Coda, & Fine SECTION 4 - OTHER SCORE MARKINGS Lesson 1 - Tempo MarkingsTempo Markings Lesson 2 - Dynamic MarkingsDynamic Markings Lesson 3 - Common ArticulationsCommon Articulations Lesson 4 - Sharps, Flats, & NaturalsSharps, Flats, & Naturals (Used with permission from

(Used with permission from INSTRUCTIONS This unit will help you learn basic music symbols, elements, and terms. Run the slide show and follow the links. There are four common types of links. Instruction: Videos, illustrations, and examples of key concepts. Practice: Interactive activities, videos that can be paused while you are asked to answer questions or test your knowledge, or games that require you to answer questions about music topics. Self Check: Quiz style games. You may be asked to print out the score page or the score certificate for each of these quizzes or games and give them your teacher in order to track your progress through the unit. Review: Music instructions sites that can be read for review. These are not required, but may be helpful if you find that you are having trouble with certain sections. You are responsible for all of the information in this unit. View the videos and complete the activities as many times as you need to in order to gain the understanding necessary to use the information. If you have questions about any topic or section after you have viewed all resources and completed the activities or if you have trouble with any of the links, please ask your teacher for help

Lesson 1: The Music Staff (Used with permission from Objective You should be able to identify how many lines are in a music staff & proper note placement on the lines and spaces. Instruction/Practice Watch the following video to 4:50: The Music Staff: Getting Ready to Read Music (pianoguyluke)

Lesson 2: Treble Clef & Staff (Used with permission from Objective You should be able to identify the treble clef sign and be proficient at naming notes in the treble clef. Instruction Watch the following video: Music Theory-Treble Clef (The Music Theory Guy) Practice Complete the following activities: Note Trainer (8 Notes) Go to Settings and enable treble clef only. Click Settings again to begin naming correct notes)Note Trainer (8 Notes) Treble Clef Note Story (Music Tech Teacher) Self Check Play the following games: Travel through Treble Space (Music Tech Teacher) Treble Clef Leger Line Warrior (Music Tech Teacher)

Lesson 3: Bass Clef & Staff Objective Be able to identify the bass clef sign and be proficient at naming notes in the bass clef. Instruction Watch this video: Music theory-Bass Clef (The Music Theory Guy)Music theory-Bass Clef (The Music Theory Guy) Practice Complete these two activities: Note Trainer (8 Notes) Note Trainer (8 Notes) Click Settings and enable bass clef only. Click Settings again to begin. Bass Clef Sports Blaster (Music Tech Teacher) Self Check Play these games: Bass Clef Word Warrior (Music Tech Teacher) Bass Clef Leger Lines (Music Tech Teacher) (Used with permission from

Lesson 4: The Grand Staff (Used with permission from Objective You should be able to identify middle C and the relationship between the treble and bass clefs as they form the grand staff. Instruction Watch : The Importance of Middle C (themusictheoryguy) Review-Section 1 If needed, you can review the information in Section 1 by reading the following lesson: The Staff, Clefs, and Leger Lines (8 Notes)

Lesson 1: Note and Rest Values (Used with permission from Objective You should be able to identify whole, half, quarter, eighth and sixteenth notes and rests, as well as the number of beats each receives in common time. Instruction Watch : WHOLE, HALF & QUARTER NOTE VALUES: Music Notation Rhythm part 1 (The Piano Chord Book)Music Notation Rhythm part 1 (The Piano Chord Book) EIGHTH & SIXTEENTH NOTE VALUES: Music Notation Rhythm part 2 (The Piano Chord Book)Music Notation Rhythm part 2 (The Piano Chord Book) REST VALUES: Music Notation Rhythm part 3 (The Piano Chord Book)Music Notation Rhythm part 3 (The Piano Chord Book) Self Check Play the following game. Rhythm Math-Fling the Teacher (Music Tech Teacher)

Lesson 1: Note and Rest Values (cont.) (Used with permission from Check Understanding/Ear Training Games Listen To The Rhythm (Music Tech Teacher) Rhythm Sound Match (Music Tech Teacher Review-section 2 lesson 1 If needed, you can review the information in Section 2 Lesson 1 by reading the following slides: Note Duration (8 Notes) Rest Duration (8 Notes)

Lesson 2: Dotted Notes : (Used with permission from Objective You should be able to identify notes, including dotted half and quarter notes, as well as the number of each receives in common time. Instruction Watch the following videos: Reading Music- Dotted Notes(daveconservatoire) Practice/Self Check Play the following games: Rhythmic Term Scramble (Music Tech Teacher) Add It Up Rhythms (Music Tech Teacher) Rhythm Billionaire (Music Tech Teacher)

Lesson 3: Measures, Bar Lines, & Double Bar Lines (Used with permission from Objective You should be able to identify bar lines, double bar lines, and measures in music and be able to place the correct type and number of notes in a measure in common time. Instruction Watch the following video: Bars and Measures Explained (lyungling88) Practice/Self Check Play the following games. Find the Correct Measure (Music Tech Teacher) Fill In the Measure (Music Tech Teacher) How's Your Timing? (Music Tech Teacher)

Lesson 4: Common Time Signatures (Used with permission from Objective You should know the correct placement of the time signature on a staff, be able to explain the meaning of both numbers in a time signature, and identify how many and which type of notes and/or rests will fill a measure in common time signatures. Instruction Watch the following video: Simple and Compound Time Signatures (SpeedyMusicReading) Self Check Play the following game: Going Nuts over Time Signatures (Music Tech Teacher) Review-section 2 lesson 4 If needed, you can review the information in Section 2, Lesson 3 & 4 by reading through the following slides at 8notes.com: Measures and Time Signatures

Lesson 1: Ties & Slurs (Used with permission from Objective You should be able to identify the difference between ties and slurs, and understand the function of each. Instruction Watch the following video: Slurs and Ties Explained (The Music Theory Guy) Practice Watch the following video: Slurs, Ties, and Dotted Notes (SonicFitCom) Self Check Play the following games. Ties & Slurs Game (Music Tech Teacher) Review-section 3 lesson 1 If needed you can review the information in Section 3, Lessons 1, by reading through the slides at 8notes.com on : Dots & Ties

Lesson 2: Repeat Sign, 1st & 2nd Endings, D.C., D.S., Coda, & Fine (Used with permission from Objective You should be able to identify the various repeat and related signs and understand their use in a score. Instruction Watch the following video: Repeats Part 1: Repeat Bar & Multiple Endings (Somerset Academy of Music) Repeats Part 2: Italian Phrases (Somerset Academy of Music) Applications Watch the following video from 3:08 to 13:10: Repeat Signs used in Music Charts(creativeguitarstudio) Review-Section 3, Lesson 2 If needed you can review the information in Section 3, Lesson 2, by reading through slides 5 and 6 at About.com Musical Symbols of Piano Music: Part Two: Musical Repeat Signs

Lesson 1: Tempo Markings (Used with permission from Objective You should be able to identify tempo markings in music, know their Italian names, and describe their function. Instruction Watch the following video: Music Theory - Tempo markings (Showme App) Examples/Practice Watch the following video: How to Read Tempo Markings in Sheet Music (expertvilliage) Self Check Play the following games. Tempo Word Search (Music Tech Teacher) Tempo Walk (Music Tech Teacher)

Lesson 2: Dynamic Markings (Used with permission from Objective You should be able to identify dynamic markings in music, know their Italian names, and describe their function. Instruction Watch the following video: Symbols and Definitions: Dynamics (Jennifer Castro) Examples/Practice Watch the following video: Dynamic Dynamics! (Susana Quinteros) Self Check Take the following quiz: Travis Choir Dynamics Quiz (ProProfs Quiz Maker) Review –Section 4, Lesson 2 If needed you can review the information in Section 4, Lesson 2, by reading through the following slides at treblis.com: Dynamic Marks, and the first three icons here.

Lesson 3: Common Articulations Lesson 4: Sharps, Flats, & Naturals (Used with permission from Objective You should be able to identify sharp, flat, and natural signs in music and describe their function. Instruction Sharps, Flats and Naturals (Anne Crosby Gaudet) Objective You should be able to identify common articulation markings in music, know their Italian names, and describe their function. Instruction Watch the following video: Musical Articulations (Club Academia) Articulation in Music (Craig Ward)

Lessons 1-4 Review (Used with permission from Self Check Music Definitions Match Game (Music Tech Teacher) Music Term/Expression Match (Music Tech Teacher) Music Term Hangman (Music Tech Teacher) Note: To review music terms click "Music Terms" button at the bottom of this game.

This box for assessment instruction or other information for completing unit. (Used with permission from