New Age Digital Tools Designed for Healthcare Business
Running a business won’t be complicated when we do basic things really well
Basic things like
MedWise does basic things really well A ttract patients with digital B randing C ustomer relations with D ata Intelligence E ngage patients & F lourish
A ttract Patients with Digital B randing Branding is your perception in your patient’s head. Consumer-driven healthcare demands you to be compelling.
MedWise is a revolutionary digital platform for healthcare business It’s a suite of branding and CRM tools, designed from groundup for your healthcare business.
Right Digital Tools for Patient Attraction A website that talks to patients, answers their questions. Pay per click ads that bring more and more patients to you. Effective SEO and online Reputation makes sure you won’t lose patients to competition. Presence on Social Media to get maximum engagement. Display ads across the web and Mobile networks for visual branding. Geotargeting for international patients. Reach International patients using Search Engine Marketing.
C RM with D ata Insights for Smart Decisions CRM keeps all the information related to your patients and your business in one cloud-based location. It helps you track your patients, measure your performance.
Data Driven Intelligence for Patient Centric Approach CRM gives you power to make better business decisions with data-driven approach. Keeping track of your patients and referrals Patients get targetted communication like appointment / checkup reminders. Give patients a platform to post their issues and feedbacks which can be tracked and assigned. Get Intelligent Reports on the patient source, engagement and ROI on campaigns conducted. Seamless integration with your existing Hospital Management System.
E ngage with your patients, & F lourish Time is different than it was 20 years ago. You just can’t grow only with traditional one-way communication.
Just the Right tools to keep your patients Engaged and Delighted MedWise provides social media marketing for communication. Mobile apps for patient-engagement, Video Chat Platform for patients.
Mobile App Features Your Branded app for your hospital on Google and Apple playstore. Patient can book appointment from app. Patient can do video conference from app. Medicine reminders can be sent to the patients phone. Reminders for routine checkups can be sent on app notifications. Emergency Calling button on the APP Send promotional event invites via app Patient can check the hospital details, Directions, OPD Schedule etc
Doctor Anywhere Doctor anywhere is a video conferencing tool that enables the patients to have a face to face video consulting with the doctor from mobile or computer. Booking engine to manage the schedules Payment gateway integration for online payment for appointments Crisp Video streaming live chat from anywhere Options to send reports to the doctors for review.
Get MedWise Get more patients. Get more referrals. Earn more profits. Grow.
MedWise by Abacus Desk | |