Gateways Community Stakeholder Convening Friday, October 10, 2014 Chabot Space and Science Center.


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Presentation transcript:

Gateways Community Stakeholder Convening Friday, October 10, 2014 Chabot Space and Science Center

Welcome Alex Zwissler, Executive Director and CEO, Chabot Space and Science Center  Call to Action  Join an Action Group  Align to Regional Work  Become an advocate for STEM education  Become a part of our communications network

Welcome Leroy M. Morishita, President California State University East Bay  Goals of Gateways East Bay STEM Network  Build a network that connects employers, educators, policymakers, funders and businesses to leverage STEM assets and develop new capacity to innovate, scale and sustain effective STEM teaching and learning through collaboration and resource sharing.  Increase interest and competencies among all K-16 students in STEM disciplines, with an emphasis on critical thinking, hands-on learning, problem-based approaches and the use of information technologies  Ensure all students are college and career-ready and increase the number of students pursuing STEM-related degrees and careers

Policy Opportunities  Opportunities in the State Legislature  Hon. Susan Bonilla, CA Assembly District 14

Policy Opportunities  Opportunities in Congress & White House  Hon. Barbara Lee, US Congressional District District 13

Gateways Network Overview  History  Cradle to Career Approach  Major Areas of Focus  Impact and Outcomes  Leroy M. Morishita, President California State University East Bay  Dr. Stephanie Couch, Director Gateways East Bay STEM Network

Entering with Early Math Students Opportunities for Learning Early STEM Learning: Teachers and Parents Professional Learning Communities: Students Aspiring to be Teachers, Formal, and Informal Educators STEM Teaching Pathways: High School & College Students Aspiring to be Teachers Calculus College Ready STEM in OST: Providers and Students STEM College/Career Pathways: HS Programs, pathway to 2/4 year college Leadership & Accountability: District Leadership, County Offices, Higher Education Leadership Enabling Infrastructure for STEM Education Math Math & Science Take Algebra I STEM Interested Graduated with 2/4 year degree Employed in a STEM Field Gateways Roadmap to Success: Critical Transitions and Benchmarks, Cradle to Career Key transition years Graduate Birth1yo2yo3yo4yoK1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th 13 th 14 th 15 th 16 th Career

Major Area of Focus  Early STEM Learning  STEM in Out-of-School Time  STEM College and Career Pathways  STEM Professional Learning

Impact and Outcomes  Long-Term Indicators and Key Benchmarks along the Gateways East Bay STEM Network Student Roadmap for Success  Be Prepared for School  Succeed Academically  Enroll in Post-Secondary Education  Graduate from Post-Secondary Education  Enter a Productive Career

Impact and Outcomes  Emerging Network Behaviors and System Impacts  Case 1: Coordinated Grant Applications  Case 2: Advocacy for Network as a Hub for Collaboration and Joint Work  Case 3: Investment in the Network as a Hub for Focused Action  Case 4: Members’ Engagement of Staff in Policy/Advocacy Efforts  Case 5: Actions by Members to Take Up Leadership Roles in the Organization  Unanticipated Outcomes

Opportunities for Involvement  Career Impact Project  Career Days  Year-Round Offerings

Major Areas of Focus and Work Underway  Action Group Facilitator reports  Early STEM Learning  STEM in Out-of-School Time  STEM Professional Learning  STEM College and Career Pathways

Early STEM Learning Action Group  Ruth Fernandez, Manager, Contra Costa County Local Planning Council for Child Care and Development  Julie Nicholson, Director, Leadership Program in Early Education, Mills College  Debbie Supple, Director, Region 4, California Preschool Instruction Network

Early STEM Learning Action Group  Strategies for Action  Discover what research based STEM focused approaches, strategies and messages are working in Early Childhood Education (ECE) and community based settings and share them more broadly  Provide training and resources (through partners) to ECE providers and other community members  Implement a messaging campaign about early numeracy and mathematics for parents/public.

Early STEM Learning Action Group  Recent Activities  Early Math Matters Conference  Shared current research  Facilitated conversations about implications for practice  Dissemination  Effective Uses of Technology in Early Education Settings Meeting  Development of tools to support integration of technology into ECE settings

Early STEM Learning Action Group  Future Activities  3-Part Early Mathematics Workshop Series  Number Sense, Geometry, Measurement

Early STEM Learning Action Group  Comments and Questions?

STEM in Out-of-School Time Action Group  Jackie Shonerd, Coordinator, Region 4 Afterschool Programs, Alameda County Office of Education

STEM in Out-of-School Time (OST) Action Group  Strategies for Action  Advancements in STEM teaching/learning will be attained when a wide range of stakeholders work together to achieve a collective impact.  The work to advance STEM in OST must build on what is currently known about best practices.  Prior studies have demonstrated the potential for raising student achievement through high quality OST programming. By extension, offering students access to high quality OST programs is also a ‘best practice’.

STEM in OST Action Group  Recent Activities  Power of Discovery: STEM 2 Initiative  Recruited over 125 K-12 Afterschool Programs in 7 Bay Area Counties implementing STEM activities (Year 1)  Offered focused Technical Assistance including video- conference linked workshop series (Year 1)  Support Programs in Completing Readiness and Needs Assessments and Program Planning (ongoing)

STEM in OST Action Group  Recent (Year 2) Activities in Power of Discovery STEM 2 Initiative  Provided professional development workshops focused on quality improvement aligned with CCSS and NGSS  Convened 4 Community of Practice meetings  Promoted and provided training and certification in the Harvard PEAR Center Dimensions of Success (DoS) STEM Observation tool.

STEM in OST Action Group  Future Activities  Regional Community of Practice focused on:  Common vision of quality using the Dimensions of Success (DoS) Framework  Developing STEM sustainability plans  Continue to identify new partners and disseminate quality resources and training opportunities

STEM in OST Action Group  Comments and Questions?

STEM Professional Learning Action Group  Hilary Dito, STEAM Coordinator, Contra Costa County Office of Education

STEM Professional Learning Action Group  Strategy for Action  Conceptualize, develop and implement a new professional development program for teachers across the region that supports STEM instruction aligned with the Common Core standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics, the Next Generation Science Standards, and the new assessments.

STEM Professional Learning Action Group  Recent Activities  4 th Annual STEAM Colloquium  Collaboration between Alameda County Office of Education, Contra Costa County Office of Education and Gateways  Reached capacity in 2014 – 300 attendees

STEM Professional Learning Action Group  Future Activities  Professional Development Coordination for Diablo Gateways to Innovation, Career Pathways Trust Grant working with 10 districts, 4 community colleges and 2 Regional Occupation Programs across three counties  Tentative plans to launch Professional Learning Community to focus on technology integration to support implementation of Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards  Regional Work through Curriculum and Instruction Steering Committee of the California County Superintendents Association led by County Offices to roll out Next Generation Science Standards

STEM Professional Learning Action Group  5 th Annual STEAM Colloquium  Friday, January 30 th  San Ramon Marriot

STEM Professional Learning Action Group  Comments and Questions?

STEM College and Career Pathways Action Group  Julie Sinai, Director, North/East Bay Region, College and Career Consortium

STEM College and Career Pathways Action Group  Draft Strategy for Action  Conceptualize, develop and implement a system of supports for interesting, engaging and preparing students from diverse backgrounds to pursue and thrive in STEM college and career pathways

STEM College and Career Pathways Action Group  Recent Activities  California Career Pathways Trust Grants  80/880 Corridor - Peralta Community College District  680 Corridor – Contra Costa County Office of Education  SB 1070 – North/East Bay Consortium

STEM College and Career Pathways Action Group  Comments and Questions?

Assessing Impact  Regional Data System and STEM Dashboard  Ken Sorey, Project Director, Cal-PASS Plus

Statewide Movement  The Statewide STEM Movement  Chris Roe, CEO, California STEM Learning Network

Getting Involved  Join an Action Group  Align to Regional Work  Become an advocate for STEM education  Become a part of our Communications Network