SHREK A BIG, GREEN, UGLY, SMELLY OGRE lives in his swamp alone
DONKEY Likes talking, dancing, humming, singing! Can do anything for his friend except shut up!!
Princess Fiona A beautiful, smart, tough princess who is being kept in a castle guarded by a dragon. She has a deep, dark SECRET......
Lord Farquaad Four-foot-tall, cunning, power-hungry Ruler of Duloc Hates Shrek
To be or not to be
If you were Shrek, would you tell Princess Fiona that you loved her? Why? A. Yes B. No
If you were Fiona, would you tell Shrek your secret of being ugly at night? A. Yes B. No
If you were donkey, would you leave Shrek? A. Yes B. No
If you were Princess Fiona, would you choose to marry Shrek and become an ugly ogre or choose to live with Lord Farquaad so that you can keep your pretty face? A. Marry Shrek B. Marry Lord Farquaad