Planning Workshop Mechanics
Workshop Mechanics There will be two groups: Region 7(Cebu, Bohol and Negros Oriental) and National level (National offices and 6 other replication provinces) Region 7 Group will be moderated by Miriam and Nanda National Level Group will be moderated by Vickie and Rita OP templates will be provided for national and provincial action planning.
Workshop Mechanics Powerpoint presentation template will be provided for action plans of Region 7 and national level. Action planning workshop from 09:30 to 12:30H Reminder to participants: take note of the ProGED Café outputs As discussion is ongoing, key activities per LOI per time frame (Sept to Dec 2014, Jan to Jun 2015 and July to December 2015) will be captured in the pinboard
Region 7 Group Step 1: Bohol and Cebu to present output of pre-MRM meeting and Negros Oriental to present draft plan prepared during the pilot GED training.
Region 7 Group Step 2: Group to discuss on regional strategies – What activities shall each province focus on to achieve targets for ProGED commission indicators (like Cebu and Bohol to lessen sensitization activities and instead focus more on firm level follow up and monitoring and matchmaking activities linking MSMEs with green service providers and or green technology suppliers) – How can the pilot areas support Negros Oriental (like Cebu and Bohol to support Neg Oriental in their matchmaking events and also greening the framework conditions of the the province?)
Region 7 Group Step 3: Each province to prepare provincial action plan based on regional agreements. This will be led by the PDs. The DTI provincial office staff assigned to do real time documentation will use template for provincial plans. Step 4: DTI regional office staff assigned for real time documentation will transfer outputs to the Regional powerpoint presentation template reflecting commission indicators, output statement, process indicators targets and key activities common to all provinces and activities unique to a province. Provincial level targets are to be consolidated and activities to be summarized based on the three provincial plans.
National Level Group Step 1: Director Jerry Clavesillas will present collated provincial targets (per LOI) of the 6 replication sites drafted during the pilot GED training.
National Level Group Step 2: Group to discuss national strategies. – What activities should the replication sites focus on per LOI? (like GED sensitization through SMERA; matchmaking through green exhibits; green financing forum; greening the value chain(industry cluster) workshops; sensitization of SMEDCs or sectoral associations, etc.) – What activities can the national office support? (like integration of green elements in DTI national programs and projects like greening the SSF guideline; PTTC supporting provinces by including green topics in SMERA; greening the industry roadmaps )
National Level Group Step 3: The 6 provinces and the DTI National offices shall prepare their action plans based on agreements in the previous step. Provincial action planning to be led by the RDs/PDs and national level planning will be led by Dir Clavesillas. Excel templates shall be provided. Step 4: National level and provincial targets and ey activities will be summarized and transferred to a Powerpoint template for use in the presentation.
Presentation of Outputs RD Aster Caberte to present Region 7 Outputs Director Jerry Clavesillas to present National Level Outputs Presentation to start at 2 pm Presentors will be given 30 minutes (from 1:30 to 2 pm) to prepare the outputs to be presented
Teams Moderating Team – Raquel – Agnes – Vickie Documenting Team – Elpe – Doore – Franz – Benjamin – Janto PreparationTeam -Elpe -Raquel -Rita -Miriam -Cherie Logistics Team -Cherie -Jasmin -Othmar -Dante -Denden
Materials Required: Same set of materials for the 2 groups LCD projector Laptop for presentation 3 pinboards Templates – Provincial OP template/National OP Template – Reporting template for National – Reporting template for Regional Note: inform participant to bring 1 laptop per province