Time slot booking for the global transport industry
The most powerful change introducing collaborative time slot booking is one of the most powerful and most feasible changes you can implement in your supply chain Soft impacts Hard impacts no uncertainty no detention charges improved site-carrier relations savings in labor cost better customer experience less administration
No more queues no more waiting no more demurrage fees full visibility on bookings no miscommunication no peak times less overtime better workload planning improved operations timely deliveries higher return on investment
Keep it simple Sign up Access schedule Book a slot Get full visibility Sign up Create schedule Manage bookings Get full visibility Sites: Bookers/ Carriers:
A unique choice completely free for site accounts (typically warehouses, ports, manufacturing sites) 1 EUR per day for booker/carrier accounts (unlimited bookings on all schedules) affiliate program lean company structure viral spread
You will love about it ease and speed of setup different user and access types completely flexible schedules custom timestamps custom booking fields forward access no double bookings unbeatable pricing
Get in touch See you soon on FreeTimeSlot!FreeTimeSlot Questions, suggestions? FreeTimeSlot Ltd., 207 Regent Street, W1B 3HH London, United Kingdom --- Time slot booking ---