PATH/ERP System Training These slides cover: What is PATH How to log into Intranet and access PATH/ERP
What is PATH? PATH is a system that allows us to rapidly create applications It stores data that we can use for reports PATH is housed on the Hawaii CC’s Intranet, which is a set of web pages that only Hawaii CC employees can access. 2
How to get to Intranet 3 We recommend you use Firefox Go to the Hawaii CC home page at Click on the Faculty and Staff link (the link in the yellow box).
How to get to Intranet Once on the Faculty and Staff page, scroll down until you see a section title “Intranet”. Click on the link titled “Intranet Login” 4
Just checking you’re on the PATH! 5 You can also type into your web browser. You should now see something like the above picture.
How to Log Into Intranet Click on the continue button in the blue highlighted area on the left. Enter your UH user name and password. 6
IMPORTANT INFORMATION 7 The highlighted box is where important information such as tutorials and worksheets are listed. Click on the links to view the resources.
Access ERP If you succeeded in logging into PATH, there will be a green success message. You are now on the Intranet Main Page. Links to training material and helpful documents will be listed here. Click on the tab titled Enterprise Report & Planning System, highlighted in yellow on the image 8
ERP Home Page You should now see a page similar to the image above. This page displays some basic information about the college such as the college mission and Institutional Learning Outcomes. 9
Next Steps If you need a more detailed explanation of how to navigate and use PATH, consult the PATH tutorial slides. If you need help entering assessments, consult the assessment tutorial slides. 10
Thank you for using PATH! If you still require assistance with PATH, please contact Daniel Fernandez at or by calling Tyler Yoshiyama at or by calling 11