Your Community Awaits-Connections that Matter
What gives your life meaning?
John O'Brien shares about social roles in a process he calls “SSR: Supporting Social Roles”: Social Roles name the parts people play in the social settings and relationships that make up their lives. Social roles identify the different ways that people relate to one another, belong to each other, count on each other, and are responsible to each other. They point to the ways a person can contribute and make a difference in other people’s lives.
Create an approach to strengthen community connections by developing meaningful, inclusive, and socially valued roles. Centered around individuals connecting with their community Based on individuals preferences, hobbies, and interests Explores hopes, dreams and desires Connects individuals with their community in order to promote a meaningful day Research and expand roles within your community Connect with others who share similar interests
Young people transitioning out of school People living with families looking for connections outside of their families People who are working part-time jobs looking for fulfillment in the rest of their day People transitioning from AFH/CBRF settings to Community Living People who have had significant life changes that have led to changes in current relationships
In order to create meaningful connections, we want to get to know who you are, identify what you want from your day, and explore your community with you, never losing sight of your gifts and capacities. The goal of Meaningful Day is to help you develop a personal network, and by doing so increase your confidence, enhance your quality of life and add to your meaningful life experiences.
Exploration of 8 areas: Home and Neighborhood Family and Friends Work Learning Community Association Sports and Leisure Creative Expression Spiritual and Religious
12 Personal Experience Outcomes Writing up outcomes with individuals Writing up “My Story” with the individuals Support Journals Circle of Supports
Who are agents? Hiring Process How are individuals connected with agents? Personal Profiles Opportunities to meet agents Agents Roles
Supports offered are specific to the resources within your community, and can include volunteering, educational opportunities, clubs and social events, special interest groups, hobbies and much more!
Sarah Hines-Meaningful Day Individual
With my LSS Marshfield YMCA
@ Rose Bowl with my LSS agent
Firehouse: Open Paint
Vacation Bible School
Three Oaks Nursing Home