Industry as a Partner to Achieve Maritime Infrastructure Protection (MIP) and Freedom of Navigation (FON) 28 October 2014 Mr. Thomas Jones Vice President, Northrop Grumman Approved for Public Release, A , 17 Sep 2014
Arabian Gulf Overview Arabian Gulf and maritime approaches are critical to the world economy and security Region exceeds 250,000 km² –Population exceeds 47 Million –5 of 6 capitals are within minutes of the Gulf 36 key ports and harbors >1,000 miles of buried Port Sea Bed infrastructure Arabian Gulf airports will be handling up to 250 Million passengers a year by 2020 and Dubai will become the world's busiest airport by oil platforms in the gulf Average 15 Tankers per day through the Strait of Hormuz, 35% of world’s oil traffic 2
Threats to both FON and MIP Rogue State Invasion Attacks on Oil Platforms to disrupt the economy Bottom and moored mines in channels and ports Terrorism & individual attacks on selected infrastructure Use of Small Boats to harass shipping Swimmers Piracy Mini-subs 3
Continual Undersea Surveillance is Key to Addressing FON Threat A combination of Sonar with Electro-Optic sensors to map and survey channels and approaches –The sonar provides long range detect and classify capability –The laser provides the ability to ID suspicious targets –Operationally proven technology and systems 4
Unmanned Vehicles can Support Countering Both the FON and MIP Threats Persistent Surveillance & Situational Awareness Unmanned Systems Interoperability –UAV to USV Mission Support –Over The Horizon Data Link Streaming Innovative solutions that are reliable, affordable, and cost-effective From single system mission level behavior through multi-level to joint missions Personnel removed from the danger area Around the clock surveillance 5
GCC & Industry Collaboration & Cooperation Cooperation among friends is vital to survival –“Kalila and Dimna” The threats are real – standing together to meet our common threats is the most economic approach to maintaining our sovereignty –Working together will reduce the likelihood of any “neighborhood surprises” Industry is prepared, and committed, to partnering to deliver credible and affordable solutions to mitigate the FON and MIP threats –Increased Regional Situational Awareness –Enables reliable wide area Command and Control –Leverages Regional commercial infrastructure Mission Sharing reduces cost and Strengthens Capabilities –Military: Mine Warfare, Harbor Control, Surveillance, Interdiction –Commercial: Agriculture, Pipeline monitoring & repair, Power line management, Traffic management 6
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