Bellringer Got to the back of item #1 and create a Circle Map with “Textbook Rules” written in the center. Work with your shoulder partner to write down 4 things students must do/not do when using the textbook.
Cornell Notes: Great Awakening, Enlightenment, and French and Indian War (P.58-60) Fold What was the Great Awakening? Name Period Date Movements in the early 1700s affected life in the American colonies Ministers began holding religious revivals where people came together to hear sermons Great Awakening-a religious movement that swept through the colonies in the 1730s and 1740s-changing colonial religion Jonathan Edwards gave sermons stating sinners need to ask forgiveness or be punished in Hell forever All different kinds of people took part in the Great Awakening and ideas were spread between the colonies It promoted ideas that affected politics equality and democracy Change Headings into Questions in this column This section is for your notes where you will write at least 1 bullet point of information per paragraph of text to help answer your question
What was the Enlightenment? In the 1600s European scientists began to study nature and the universe which began the Scientific Revolution, changing what people thought about the world Enlightenment-movement in the 1700s which spread the idea that reason and logic could improve society Affected the way people thought government should work Social contract between government and citizens Natural rights- equality and liberty Enlightenment ideas affected colonial leaders What led to the French and Indian War? Growing tensions between colonists and the Wampanoag King Philip’s (Metacomet) War Fought between the colonists and the Native Americans In the end 600 colonists and 3,000 NA, including Metacomet, lost their lives Now it’s YOUR turn!! Change the heading “Native American Allies” to a question for the left column and note the two paragraphs below the heading. Remember, you must have at least 1 bullet point per paragraph! Who were the Native Americans Allies with? Some allied with the colonist The NA got weapons and tools from the colonists in exchange for furs which could be sold for a lot of money in Europe French allied with Algonquian and Huron Colonists allied with the Iroquois League: Made up of 6 groups
Fold When you fill up the front of your paper go to the back and fold the paper on what is now the left side of the paper You will now finish the remainder of your notes on your own. HOMEWORK: Complete Cornell Notes to the end of Page 60. Draw a line after you’ve completed your last bullet point Summary:Write the word “Summary” Here This is were you will write your paragraph. Make sure to start with a topic sentence like “These notes focused on the Great Awakening, the Enlightenment, and the French and Indian War.”