C N H | K E Y C L U B Presented by: | Updated by: CNH District Treasurer California-Nevada-Hawaii District July 2014 CNH Vouching Darin Ngo, Treasurer
Training Topic: Vouching CNH Key Club District CNH | Snacks for your DCM Ink, Toner, Paper Copying Expenses Office Supplies Computer software for Key Club Work Certificates/Awards Mileage (14 cents per mile) Necessities you need to run a meeting or a training conference What To Vouch For Transportation to Division/District Events (DCM, Fall Rally, DCON) Use of facilities for events Postage Computer hardware (CDs for clubs) Banquet necessities Necessities that you spend for Key Club
CNH | Training Topic: Vouching CNH Key Club District You volunteer your time to serve the division membership, so money should not be coming out of your pocket. Spend it ALL! Use your budget to provide for the members you serve Why Vouch?
Training Topic: Vouching CNH Key Club District CNH | Where is the Form?
Training Topic: Vouching CNH Key Club District CNH | 1.Scan a digital file of your receipts 2.Fill out a Voucher Form 3.Mail your voucher form and copies of your receipts to CNH Key Club Voucher Request Craig Wallace Maginnis, Knechtell & McIntyre, LLP 300 W. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA *If your receipt(s) include any items that you don’t wish to vouch for, specify so in your message *It is preferable that you keep KC receipts separate from personal receipts
Training Topic: Vouching CNH Key Club District CNH | Let’s look at the voucher.
Training Topic: Vouching CNH Key Club District CNH | Once sent… me, Mr. Roberson, your RA, and Mr. Hennings with your division number, date voucher sent, and amount vouched To: cc: Subject:D##, Date, Amount Ex: D99N 08/03/13 $30.53
Training Topic: Vouching CNH Key Club District CNH |
Training Topic: Vouching CNH Key Club District CNH | −Take advantage of District Office Printing! −Submit your vouchers within a 3-month period from your receipts −Keep all your receipts! −Have your electronic vouchers accessible −Start vouching as soon as possible! Vouching Tips
Training Topic: Vouching CNH Key Club District CNH | −Official vouching policy can be found verbatim from the CNH Policy Manual →cnhkeyclub.org →Manuals, Forms, & Guides →Key Club Policy Manual →Section 153 (Financial) on Page 24-25
Training Topic: Vouching CNH Key Club District CNH | Congratulations to the following board members who have vouched: District Tech Editor – Ashely Chen District Secretary – Cecilia Li D04E LTG – Serena Ly D22H LTG – Johnny Zhu D22M LTG – Kristen Yagi D34N LTG – Mary Kim Delemos D36E LTG – Joshua Nuesca D47 LTG – Hidy Kuang
Training Topic: Vouching CNH Key Club District CNH | QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, CONCERNS? Further Questions: please contact: Darin Ngo