Synthetic Biology Crash Course DAY ONE
Pre-Assessment 1:00-1:10
Who We Are
Course Schedule Day One -Overview of Key Biology Concepts -Overview of Lab Protocols Day Two -Lab Activities: Creating a BioBrick Day Three -Modelling Workshop -Ethics Workshop
Day One Schedule 1:00-1:15 - Introduction and Pre-Assessment 1:15-1:45 - General Biology Refresher 1:45-2:15 - Introduction to Synthetic Biology 2:15-2:30 - Micropipetting Exercise
What Is Synthetic Biology? “...The design and construction of new biological entities such as enzymes, genetic circuits, and cells or the redesign of existing biological systems.” Synberc (Synthetic Biology Engineering Research Center)
DNA and Genes: The Basis of Synthetic Biology 1:15 – 1:45
DNA at Work Replication Transcription Translation
Gene Constructs
BioBrick Formation 1:45-2:15
Isolating a Gene Polymerase Chain ReactionPolymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Restriction Enzyme Digest
Gel Electrophoresis
Ligation Reaction
Transformation Reaction
Activity: Micropipetting 2:15-2:30
Homework ●Read the following selections from the “vGEM Protocol Handbook” ○ Restriction Enzyme Digest ○ Gel Electrophoresis ○ Transformation and Plating ●Explore the iGEM Parts Registry: