Strengthening the links 3 – April 2015 This event set out to share learning and experience across the sectors about workforce challenges and opportunities. It was designed in response to feedback from the second event. Integration update Frances Conlan gave a policy update. The goal of integration is to improve services for people who use them. Current priorities are: effective strategic commissioning; measuring improvement through effective performance indicators; new ways of working across national and local government to deliver shared priorities. Les Morgan and Rhoda Reid from Covey Befriending, talked about how they use values to inform all decision making including recruitment decisions and appraisals. They led an exercise to discuss the values that are shared across the sectors which identified common themes. They concluded that the real challenge is having the leadership to live the values we already have. Key messages Jacqui Reid from the Alliance said that the 3 rd sector workforce will need to develop technical skills, learn new jargon and build confidence to ensure it has a seat at the table. She emphasised that this sector is key to making decisions about investment at locality level. Ranald Mair from Scottish Care highlighted that more home care services are provided by the independent and 3 rd sectors than local authorities and that the trajectory for care at home is outsourcing. He highlighted: recruitment and retention challenges in the independent sector; the need for up-skilling to deliver new care pathways; and that national workforce planning should include the needs of the care sector. Susan Manion from Scottish Borders said that strategic commissioning is about tackling big issues such as reducing hospital admissions for people with dementia and creating new service delivery models. She emphasised: the need for a robust workforce across all sectors; that GPs are key to locality planning and making integration work; and that collaborative leadership and management will be required. Perspectives on workforce matters This is a new era across Scottish Government, IJBs and all sectors. We are committed to improving performance in service delivery. Challenges are around relationships not structures. Equity is needed across sectors with parity of esteem. Joined up care is about the people. Workforce is key to the success of integration but it is complex. Leadership – we are the change we’re looking for. Focus on leadership and values
Strengthening the links 3 – April 2015 A personal leadership perspective Workshop: Staff engagement Workshop: Strategic workforce & OD plans Workshop: Workforce planning & development More info / links Support is available from the Joint Improvement Team (JIT). Improvement tools are on the website, there are events and road-shows planned, and a JIT lead is attached to every partnership. Diane Strachan, the new workforce lead for health and social care integration was introduced. Diane can be contacted by phone or A personal leadership perspective was given by Professor Elizabeth Ireland. She emphasised the need for really strong relationships between the sectors, the need for unequal service provision in order to tackle health inequalities, and to find ways to have difficult conversations. Chris Carron & Serena Barnatt David Rowland & Jo Gibson Heather Ford & Fiona MacKenzie Commonality of approach between NHS/LA/IJBs would be good Need for trust and openness Need to build on progress – there has been some. Inclusion of services users Need for parity of esteem Innovation and evaluation. Communication and common language are key issues Day job carries on – this is the reality Need for co-production. Diary date: Strengthening the links 4 is on 29 October 2015