Presentation to Aontas Community Education Network By Nora Fahy Roscommon Women’s Network Community Project 24 th March 2015
Structures responsible for delivery of Community Education locally SOLAS : is the new Further Education and Training Authority in Ireland. It is responsible for funding, planning and co-ordinating training and further education programmes. ETB: Education and Training Board. ETBs are statutory authorities which have responsibility for education and training, youth work and a range of other statutory functions. ETBs manage and operate second-level schools, further education colleges, multi- faith community national schools and a range of adult and further education centres delivering education and training programmes. LCDC : Local Community Development Committee. To develop, coordinate, and implement a coherent and integrated approach to local and community development. This includes lifelong learning under the SICAP programme. SICAP : Social Inclusion Activation Programme: SICAP aims to tackle poverty and social exclusion through local engagement and partnership between disadvantaged individuals, community organisations and public sector agencies. LCDC’s will manage SICAP at a local level. RWN/LWL : Accredited & Non Accredited courses
New Local Authority Committees / Programmes LCDC: Local Community Development Committee. Section 36 of the Local Government Reform Act 2014 provides for the establishment of LCDCs in all local authority administrative areas “for the purposes of developing, coordinating and implementing a coherent and integrated approach to local and community development ”. LECP: Local Economic & Community Plan: A single 6 year LECP Plan will be prepared by the LCDC for approval by the Local Authority SPC: Strategic Policy Committee: The purpose of Strategic Policy Committees is to formulate, develop, monitor and review policies which relate to the functions of the Local Authority and to advise accordingly. The council remains the decision maker, the SPC acts in an advisory capacity on Economic development, Environment, Transport and Housing Policy. PPN: Public Participation Network: : Every local authority will have its own PPN and this PPN replaces the Community Forum. It will be the main link through which the Local Authority connects with Community and Voluntary, Social Inclusion and Environmental organisations. SICAP : Social Inclusion Activation Programme: SICAP aims to tackle poverty and social exclusion through local engagement and partnership between disadvantaged individuals, community organisations and public sector agencies. Local Community Development Committees will manage SICAP at a local level. Leader Programme : EU Rural Development Programme, designed to aid the development of sustainable rural communities.
Who is responsible for areas that impact on community education? SOLAS ETB Local Authorities / LCDC NCCWN & other independent Community projects
How to have a voice ETB’s : Aontas Learner Representatives, Staff reps & Public reps PPN: The link through which the local authority connects with the community, voluntary and environmental sectors. LCDC: Community & Voluntary / Social Inclusion Reps nominated via the PPN / public representative SPC: Local nomination process via the PPN onto one of 4 SPC’s – Economic, Environment, Transport, Housing LECP: SPC for Economic Development will oversee the development of the Economic Elements of the Plan, LCDC will develop the community elements of the plan SICAP: Goal 2 = life-long learning opportunities through the use of community development approaches.
How will SICAP effect the provision of community education programmes? SICAP Goal 2 To support individuals from target groups experiencing education disadvantage to participate in lifelong learning SICAP’s work is underpinned by: 1. Community Development approaches and principles. 2. Collaboration with stakeholders on unemployment and socially exclusion. 3. The promotion of equality and the prioritisation of disadvantaged communities.
WHAT THE SICAP PROGRAMME PROMISES : GOAL 2 - OUTCOMES 1. Increased participation in education and training. 2. Positive change in participants’ learning aspirations and/or personal development. 3. Greater participation in accredited and unaccredited education / training. 5. Reduced numbers of people that leave school early. 6. Improved supports for those who have left school early. 7. Improved design and delivery of education and training which takes into account the needs of the target group(s).
Public Participation Network
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