WHAT IS A LEARNING GOAL? A learning goal is the specific curriculum expectation re-phrased in student friendly langua ge.
TIPS FOR USING LEARNING GOALS EFFECTIVELY Start small Separate the learning goal from the activity instructions Tell students why they are learning it Use child-friendly language Ensure that student understand the language used Make it visible in the classroom- ensure that it is displayed throughout the learning Allow time for discussion with students
SUCCESS CRITERIA Success criteria are `I can’ statements that specifically outline what students need to do in order to achieve their learning goal. “Success criteria summarize the key steps or ingredients the students need in order to fulfill the learning intention (learning goal)- the main things to do, include or focus on.” (Shirley Clarke, Ireland District School Board)
SUCCESS CRITERIA ARE: Are linked to the learning goal Are specific to an activity Are discussed and agreed upon prior to undertaking the activity Provide a scaffold and focus for students while engaged in an activity Are used as the basis for feedback and peer/self assessment
WHY ARE SUCCESS CRITERIA IMPORTANT ? Improve understanding Empower students Encourage independent learning Enable accurate feedback Enable students to be accountable for their learning
EXAMPLE OF A LEARNING GOAL Learning Goal (WALT) (We Are Learning Today) ** Write a scary or mystery story Success Criteria WILF (What I am Looking For) * set the scene for the opening paragraph * build up tension/suspense *Use spooky adjectives and powerful verbs *End with a cliffhanger
SUCCESS CRITERIA LEARNING GOALS The ‘What’ and `Why’ WALT SUCCESS CRITERIA How to recognize success? WILF Youtube video(s): Words in Action: Success Criteria Creating Success Criteria in Math
EFFECTIVE SUCCESS CRITERIA ACTIVITY: WRITE A GHOST STORY I WILL BE SUCCESSFUL IF: people enjoy reading my story; and it frightens them I WILL BE SUCCESSFUL IF: set the scene in the opening paragraph; build up tension/suspense; Use spooky adjectives and powerful verbs; and end with a cliffhanger.
ADDITIONAL EXAMPLES: TO UNDERSTAND THE WAYS IN WHICH TO PRESENT AN ARGUMEN T Remember to.. Include opening and closing statements give reasons for and against use evidence to support TO UNDERSTAND HOW TO CALCULATE THE PASSING TIME IN 5 MINUTE INTERVALS Remember to.. Count from the minute hand Stop where the minute hand finishes Count in fives
SUMMARY To take more responsibility for their own learning, students need to know: What they are going to learn; How they will recognize when they have succeeded; and Why they should learn it in the first place (real life connections ).
SUCCESS CRITERIA FOR MULTIPLICATION (GRADE 3) 1. Tools: arrays, groups, numberlines, ratios/ tables 2. Strategies: doubling, halving, repeated addition, fact families, friendly timetables. 3. Multiplication Sentence 4. Explanation in words (thinking)
RESOURCES: Growing Success Document