New Paradigms in Economic Diplomacy and the Role of CRs in Supporting Business A Didar Singh Secretary General, FICCI
Changes in Global Economy Evolving Economic Landscape: –U.S, Japan, China, EU 21 st Century: Asia’s Century –India as a strong pivot Committed Political Leadership Strong Focus on Economic Diplomacy Wide Global Endorsement
India’s Evolving Global Economic Partnership Current Government –Focus on Internal reforms and deliverables –Securing Global Confidence US + Japan + China= 100 billion USD Commitment
Trends to Watch Overlap of Multilateral and Bilateral partnerships –RCEP, FTAs, ASEAN Developments in TTIP, TTP
Economic Diplomacy: Exciting Times
Paradigm Shift in Focus of Foreign Policy Renewed focus on economic diplomacy worldwide Best Practices across Australia, UK, France, Germany, Denmark … I.Common factor: Team Approach II.Corollary: Importance of business associations as powerful groupings of industry
Economic Diplomacy: Multiple Stakeholders No longer a linear process Industry Associations, Media, Civil Society, Think Tanks : Proactive Role FICCI – Heightened Engagement across the board –Presenting India, not just Indian Industry
Re- defining the Approach for Indian Commercial Representatives
Key Strategic Considerations Security: Energy, Resources, Food Multilateral, Regional, Bilateral Perspectives Energy Diplomacy Understanding India’s Comparative Advantage
The Exciting New Role of CRs Multilateral Negotiations: Team Approach Changing Trade and Investment Focus Search for new markets Partners for Hi-Tech Innovative solutions for India’s sustainable development Conversion Rate of Investment and Partnerships
The Exciting New Role of CRs Leveraging Development Partnerships, MDB projects Differentiated Approach: Service to Industry, Internationalisation of SMEs Building a business case for migration Engage diaspora
Country Focus China: Market Access, trade deficit, investment Japan: Infrastructure, fundsU.S: Defence, NuclearRussia: Defence, Energy ASEAN, SAARC: Markets, Regional Security, Energy Africa: Resources, Food Security LAC: Energy, Food Security GCC: Sovereign Wealth Funds
Brand India Project India as a strong, credible partner “Friends of India” in host countries Leverage Soft Power Media : Traditional and New as tools Education as a link
Supporting the Cause
To be the thought leader for industry, its voice for policy change and its guardian for effective implementation We Influence We Analyze We Listen We Connect To carry forward our initiatives in support of rapid, inclusive and sustainable growth that encompasses health, education, livelihood, governance and skill development. To enhance the efficiency and global competitiveness of the Indian industry and to expand business opportunities both in domestic and foreign markets through a range of specialized services and global linkages. Our Vision Our Mission FICCI’s Contribution to India’s Economic Diplomacy
National and International Networks Expert Committees and Task Forces Forum of Parliamentarians Business Solutions & B2B forums Over 300 conferences and seminars every year National and International Networks Expert Committees and Task Forces Forum of Parliamentarians Business Solutions & B2B forums Over 300 conferences and seminars every year Our Connect
S. No.Name 1. Invest India 2.BISNET 3. Indian Council of Arbitration (ICA) 4. International Chamber of Commerce, India (ICC India) 5. Confederation of Indian Food Trade and Industry (CIFTI) 6. All India Organization of Employers (AIOE) 7. Forum of Parliamentarians (FOP) 8. FICCI Socio-Economic Development Foundation (FSEDF) 9. FICCI’s Ladies Organization (FLO) 10. Confederation of The Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises (CMSME) 11. Media & Entertainment Skills Council (MESC) 12. Capital Goods Skills Council (CGSC) 13. Food Industry Capacity And Skill Initiative (FICSI) 14. FICCI Aditya Birla Centre of Excellence FICCI’s Allied Organisations
FICCI Int’l Engaging Parliamentar ians Knowledge /Research Sector intensive Regional / Geographical Synergies CEOs Forum SMEs Track-two Diplomacy Multilateral grouping & Institutions/ Think Tanks Enabling Business: Cross Talk/ Networking Conferences Exhibitions Delegations B2Bs Indian Diaspora Media interactions 250 Counterpart Association s Embassies /Govts. Businesses Economic Diplomacy Business Case for Migration
19 FICCI Blog FICCI Knowledge Series Brand FICCI
Way Forward Diplomacy cannot be practised in isolation Symbiotic relationship with the host country Evolving Robust Partnerships with stakeholders
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