V4 Expert Group V4 Expert Group Partnership Agreement and programmes 2014-2020 Czech Republic 16 – 17 June 2014 Budapest.


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Presentation transcript:

V4 Expert Group V4 Expert Group Partnership Agreement and programmes Czech Republic 16 – 17 June 2014 Budapest

National Development Priorities ↔ Funding priorities (according to the EC) Increasing the competitiveness of the economy Development of the core infrastructure Improving the quality and efficiency of public administration Promoting social inclusion, fight against poverty and the health care system Integrated regional development Innovation-friendly business environment Developing infrastructure for growth and competitiveness Human capital driven growth and improved labour market participation Environment friendly and resource efficient economy Modern and professional administration

Main principles of the preparation The principle of strategic focus and interconnection: Support of priorities fulfilling the development strategies. The principle of effective market support: Not to disturb the market; support of sectors with a markets failure, etc. The principle of support for quality projects: Support of projects that measurably meet the objectives. The principle of easier preparation and implementation: Simplified administration for applicants and beneficiaries, simplification of rules.

Intervention logic of the ESIF programming – strategic and programme levels

CZ Partnership Agreement - analytical and strategic part Problem areas Funding priorities

CZ Partnership Agreement – latest progress 12 March 2014EC´s comments to the February version of the PA 19 March 2014Last meeting within the informal dialogue with the EC 9 April 2014Approval of the PA by Czech government 17 April 2014Formal submission of PA through the SFC2014 system 13 May 2014 Reaction to the EC´s comments (from March 2014) sent to the EC OngoingNegotiations on the open issues

Programming period ERDF+ESF+CFEAFRDEMFF Rural Development Programme OP Fisheries Investment for growth and jobs goal OP Enterprises and innovations for competitiveness OP Research, Development and Education OP Transport OP Environment OP Employment Integrated regional operational programme OP Prague – the growth pole of the Czech Republic OP Technical assistance European territorial cooperation goal OP CZE - Poland OP Free state of Saxony - CZE OP Free state of Bavaria - CZE OP Austria - CZE OP Slovakia - CZE OP Transnational Cooperation OP Interregional Cooperation

ProgrammeAllocated FundsThematic objectives OP Enterprises and innovations for competitiveness ERDFTO 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 OP Research, Development and Education ERDF, ESFTO 1, 9, 10 OP TransportERDF, CFTO 7 OP EnvironmentERDF, CFTO 4, 5, 6 OP EmploymentESFTO 8, 9, 11 IROPERDFTO 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 OP Prague – the growth pole of the Czech Republic ERDF, ESFTO 1, 4, 9, 10 Rural Development ProgrammeEAFRDTO 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 OP FisheriesEMFFTO 3, 6, 8 Thematic focus of the programmes

Submission to the Czech Government → end of June, beginning of July 2014 Submission to the EC within 3 months from the formal submission of the PA → 17 July 2014 −Exceptions: Programme under EMFF ETC programmes (deadline for the submission until 22 September) Steps to be taken before the formal submission to the EC: − Inter-ministerial consultation procedure − SEA assessment for relevant programmes − Ex–ante evaluation − Approval by the Czech Government Preparation of programmes

Single Methodological Environment Operational programmes set up Implementation and administrative system Legislative framework Preconditions for efficient implementation

„Negative priorities“- intervention areas negotiated with the EC (inland waterways, health infrastructure, IRS) Interpretation of the Art. 70 of the general regulation and relating transfer of financial resources between different types of regions Ex-ante conditionalities Territorial dimension and integrated approaches Synergies and coordination mechanisms between the ESIF programmes and national / EU instruments Open questions and challenges

Partnership Agreement June 2014 – official EC´s observations to the PA expected July 2014 – planned meeting within the formal dialogue between the Czech Authorities and the EC End of July 2014 – reaction to the EC´s comments and revised version of the PA Programmes June/July 2014 – submission to the Czech Government July 2014 – submission to the EC (with exception of EMFF programme and ETC) Ongoing – criteria for the start of implementation to be prepared Next steps in the 2014–2020 preparation

Thank you for you attention.