NB: Schools will need to customise before use The following slides are available as a sample presentation to parents. Please modify or delete as required to suit your school community or audience. A number of these slides will require school specific information prior to use. In the notes view, more detailed information is provided to assist you in the preparation of your school specific presentation. Visit the BYOx web site for support materials and planning documents.BYOx web site
BYOx Sample school parent presentation
Topics Why consider BYOx? How will BYOx work at this school? Student and parent responsibilities.
Why consider BYOx?
What is BYOx? BYOx describes a digital device ownership model where students or staff use their privately owned devices to access the network and information systems in an educational setting.
The ‘x’ in BYOx refers to: the device the software the applications the connectivity or carriage service.
Why BYOx? Information anytime and anywhere. Maximising opportunity for success in school and beyond.
A BYOx program promotes: skills for 21st century responsible digital citizenship staff and students investigating, creating and communicating using information communication technologies (ICTs) operating with ICTs effectively and efficiently engagement in learning.
Specific benefits may include: personalised learning improved collaboration greater choice and independence for students increased enthusiasm for lifelong learning seamless integration of technology between home and school 24/7 access to learning increased access to online instructional materials using technology as a part of every day life.
How will BYOx work at this school?
School vision School name has as its vision ….insert school or eLearning vision) (insert link to this information on school website)
School name BYOx program Provide a brief outline of 1-to-1 program including your pedagogical approach.
Normalisation of ICT at school name Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity…
Equity Comment 1 Comment …
How are the devices used in the classroom? Curriculum driven
Device selection model Outline your device selection model
Device connectivity Wireless access provided? Technical support provided? Device registration?
Technical solution Outline your technical solution
Security: Access to the internet on the school’s network user authentication required (user name and password) ‘Galactic’ filtering allows filters to be applied at a very specific level. Schools are able to match appropriate web content to different year levels and users. school level access restrictions apply.
Student and parent responsibilities
Security: Access to the internet when not on the school’s network sole responsibility of parent/family. school filters do not apply when not on the school’s network. home access is determined by the parent/family.
Device use Parents and students: read and sign the BYOx charter endorse the acceptable use agreement.
Device security, theft and damage Parents and students are responsible for device security, care and maintenance so need to consider factors such as: virus protection is mandatory for connection to the school’s network protective bag/case storage when not in use accidental damage insurance theft and loss insurance.
Warranty accidents happen warranty period? replacement device? battery life? who is responsible? workplace health and safety? Battery charging
Are students more distracted by having their own devices in school? Conditions of use in the classroom Classroom management practices
Inappropriate device use consequences restrictions to use of device and school network access Responsible Behaviour Plan.
What if a student does not have a personally owned BYOx device? What school access will be available? Will a take-home option be available?
Community engagement information evenings school website / online resources parent forums timelines for implementation.
Q & A